import type { EventType } from '@parcel/watcher' import type { FSWatcher } from 'chokidar' import { watch as chokidarWatch } from 'chokidar' import { createIsIgnored, importModule, isIgnored, tryResolveModule, useNuxt } from '@nuxt/kit' import { debounce } from 'perfect-debounce' import { normalize, relative, resolve } from 'pathe' import type { Nuxt, NuxtBuilder } from 'nuxt/schema' import { logger } from '../utils' import { generateApp as _generateApp, createApp } from './app' import { checkForExternalConfigurationFiles } from './external-config-files' import { cleanupCaches, getVueHash } from './cache' export async function build (nuxt: Nuxt) { const app = createApp(nuxt) nuxt.apps.default = app const generateApp = debounce(() => _generateApp(nuxt, app), undefined, { leading: true }) await generateApp() if ( { watch(nuxt) nuxt.hook('builder:watch', async (event, relativePath) => { // Unset mainComponent and errorComponent if app or error component is changed if (event === 'add' || event === 'unlink') { const path = resolve(nuxt.options.srcDir, relativePath) for (const layer of nuxt.options._layers) { const relativePath = relative(layer.config.srcDir || layer.cwd, path) if (relativePath.match(/^app\./i)) { app.mainComponent = undefined break } if (relativePath.match(/^error\./i)) { app.errorComponent = undefined break } } } // Recompile app templates await generateApp() }) nuxt.hook('builder:generateApp', (options) => { // Bypass debounce if we are selectively invalidating templates if (options) { return _generateApp(nuxt, app, options) } return generateApp() }) } if (!nuxt.options._prepare && ! && nuxt.options.experimental.buildCache) { const { restoreCache, collectCache } = await getVueHash(nuxt) if (await restoreCache()) { await nuxt.callHook('build:done') return await nuxt.callHook('close', nuxt) } nuxt.hooks.hookOnce('nitro:build:before', () => collectCache()) nuxt.hooks.hookOnce('close', () => cleanupCaches(nuxt)) } await nuxt.callHook('build:before') if (nuxt.options._prepare) { nuxt.hook('prepare:types', () => nuxt.close()) return } if ( && !nuxt.options.test) { nuxt.hooks.hookOnce('build:done', () => { checkForExternalConfigurationFiles() .catch(e => logger.warn('Problem checking for external configuration files.', e)) }) } await bundle(nuxt) await nuxt.callHook('build:done') if (! { await nuxt.callHook('close', nuxt) } } const watchEvents: Record = { create: 'add', delete: 'unlink', update: 'change', } async function watch (nuxt: Nuxt) { if (nuxt.options.experimental.watcher === 'parcel') { const success = await createParcelWatcher() if (success) { return } } if (nuxt.options.experimental.watcher === 'chokidar') { return createWatcher() } return createGranularWatcher() } function createWatcher () { const nuxt = useNuxt() const isIgnored = createIsIgnored(nuxt) const watcher = chokidarWatch( => i.config.srcDir as string).filter(Boolean), { ...nuxt.options.watchers.chokidar, ignoreInitial: true, ignored: [isIgnored, /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/], }) const restartPaths = new Set() const srcDir = nuxt.options.srcDir.replace(/\/?$/, '/') for (const pattern of { if (typeof pattern !== 'string') { continue } const path = resolve(nuxt.options.srcDir, pattern) if (!path.startsWith(srcDir)) { restartPaths.add(path) } } watcher.add([...restartPaths]) watcher.on('all', (event, path) => { if (event === 'all' || event === 'ready' || event === 'error' || event === 'raw') { return } nuxt.callHook('builder:watch', event, normalize(path)) }) nuxt.hook('close', () => watcher?.close()) } function createGranularWatcher () { const nuxt = useNuxt() const isIgnored = createIsIgnored(nuxt) if (nuxt.options.debug && nuxt.options.debug.watchers) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.time('[nuxt] builder:chokidar:watch') } let pending = 0 const ignoredDirs = new Set([...nuxt.options.modulesDir, nuxt.options.buildDir]) const pathsToWatch = => layer.config.srcDir || layer.cwd).filter(d => d && !isIgnored(d)) for (const pattern of { if (typeof pattern !== 'string') { continue } const path = resolve(nuxt.options.srcDir, pattern) if (pathsToWatch.some(w => path.startsWith(w.replace(/[^/]$/, '$&/')))) { continue } pathsToWatch.push(path) } for (const dir of pathsToWatch) { pending++ const watcher = chokidarWatch(dir, { ...nuxt.options.watchers.chokidar, ignoreInitial: false, depth: 0, ignored: [isIgnored, /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/] }) const watchers: Record = {} watcher.on('all', (event, path) => { if (event === 'all' || event === 'ready' || event === 'error' || event === 'raw') { return } path = normalize(path) if (!pending) { nuxt.callHook('builder:watch', event, path) } if (event === 'unlinkDir' && path in watchers) { watchers[path]?.close() delete watchers[path] } if (event === 'addDir' && path !== dir && !ignoredDirs.has(path) && !pathsToWatch.includes(path) && !(path in watchers) && !isIgnored(path)) { const pathWatcher = watchers[path] = chokidarWatch(path, { ...nuxt.options.watchers.chokidar, ignored: [isIgnored] }) pathWatcher.on('all', (event, p) => { if (event === 'all' || event === 'ready' || event === 'error' || event === 'raw') { return } nuxt.callHook('builder:watch', event, normalize(p)) }) nuxt.hook('close', () => pathWatcher?.close()) } }) watcher.on('ready', () => { pending-- if (nuxt.options.debug && nuxt.options.debug.watchers && !pending) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.timeEnd('[nuxt] builder:chokidar:watch') } }) nuxt.hook('close', () => watcher?.close()) } } async function createParcelWatcher () { const nuxt = useNuxt() if (nuxt.options.debug && nuxt.options.debug.watchers) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.time('[nuxt] builder:parcel:watch') } const watcherPath = await tryResolveModule('@parcel/watcher', [nuxt.options.rootDir, ...nuxt.options.modulesDir]) if (!watcherPath) { logger.warn('Falling back to `chokidar-granular` as `@parcel/watcher` cannot be resolved in your project.') return false } const { subscribe } = await importModule(watcherPath) for (const layer of nuxt.options._layers) { if (!layer.config.srcDir) { continue } const watcher = subscribe(layer.config.srcDir, (err, events) => { if (err) { return } for (const event of events) { if (isIgnored(event.path)) { continue } nuxt.callHook('builder:watch', watchEvents[event.type], normalize(event.path)) } }, { ignore: [ ...nuxt.options.ignore, 'node_modules', ], }) watcher.then((subscription) => { if (nuxt.options.debug && nuxt.options.debug.watchers) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.timeEnd('[nuxt] builder:parcel:watch') } nuxt.hook('close', () => subscription.unsubscribe()) }) } return true } async function bundle (nuxt: Nuxt) { try { const { bundle } = typeof nuxt.options.builder === 'string' ? await loadBuilder(nuxt, nuxt.options.builder) : nuxt.options.builder await bundle(nuxt) } catch (error: any) { await nuxt.callHook('build:error', error) if (error.toString().includes('Cannot find module \'@nuxt/webpack-builder\'')) { throw new Error('Could not load `@nuxt/webpack-builder`. You may need to add it to your project dependencies, following the steps in ``.') } throw error } } async function loadBuilder (nuxt: Nuxt, builder: string): Promise { const builderPath = await tryResolveModule(builder, [nuxt.options.rootDir, import.meta.url]) if (!builderPath) { throw new Error(`Loading \`${builder}\` builder failed. You can read more about the nuxt \`builder\` option at: \`\``) } return importModule(builderPath) }