import { Fragment, computed, createStaticVNode, createVNode, defineComponent, h, ref, watch } from 'vue' import { debounce } from 'perfect-debounce' import { hash } from 'ohash' import { appendResponseHeader } from 'h3' import { useHead } from '@unhead/vue' import type { NuxtIslandResponse } from '../../core/runtime/nitro/renderer' import { useNuxtApp } from '#app/nuxt' import { useRequestEvent } from '#app/composables/ssr' import { useAsyncData } from '#app/composables/asyncData' const pKey = '_islandPromises' export const createServerComponent = (name: string) => { return defineComponent({ name, inheritAttrs: false, setup (_props, { attrs }) { return () => h(NuxtServerComponent, { name, props: attrs }) } }) } const NuxtServerComponent = defineComponent({ name: 'NuxtServerComponent', props: { name: { type: String, required: true }, props: { type: Object, default: () => undefined }, context: { type: Object, default: () => ({}) } }, async setup (props) { const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() const key = ref(0) const hashId = computed(() => hash([, props.props, props.context])) const event = useRequestEvent() function _fetchComponent () { const url = `/__nuxt_island/${}:${hashId.value}` if (process.server && process.env.prerender) { // Hint to Nitro to prerender the island component appendResponseHeader(event, 'x-nitro-prerender', url) } // TODO: Validate response return $fetch(url, { params: { ...props.context, props: props.props ? JSON.stringify(props.props) : undefined } }) } const res = useAsyncData( `${}:${hashId.value}`, async () => { nuxtApp[pKey] = nuxtApp[pKey] || {} if (!nuxtApp[pKey][hashId.value]) { nuxtApp[pKey][hashId.value] = _fetchComponent().finally(() => { delete nuxtApp[pKey]![hashId.value] }) } const res: NuxtIslandResponse = await nuxtApp[pKey][hashId.value] return { html: res.html, head: { link:, style: } } }, { immediate: process.server || !nuxtApp.isHydrating, default: () => ({ html: '', head: { link: [], style: [] } }) } ) useHead(() =>!.head) if (process.client) { watch(props, debounce(async () => { await res.execute() key.value++ }, 100)) } await res return () => createVNode(Fragment, { key: key.value }, [createStaticVNode(!.html, 1)]) } })