import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url' import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest' import { $fetch, createPage, setup } from '@nuxt/test-utils/e2e' import { isWindows } from 'std-env' import { join } from 'pathe' import { expectNoClientErrors } from './utils' const isWebpack = process.env.TEST_BUILDER === 'webpack' || process.env.TEST_BUILDER === 'rspack' const isDev = process.env.TEST_ENV === 'dev' const fixtureDir = fileURLToPath(new URL('./fixtures/runtime-compiler', import.meta.url)) await setup({ rootDir: fixtureDir, dev: isDev, server: true, browser: true, setupTimeout: (isWindows ? 360 : 120) * 1000, nuxtConfig: { builder: isWebpack ? 'webpack' : 'vite', buildDir: isDev ? join(fixtureDir, '.nuxt', 'test', Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 8)) : undefined, }, }) describe('test basic config', () => { it('expect render page without any error or logs', async () => { await expectNoClientErrors('/') }) it('test HelloWorld.vue', async () => { const html = await $fetch('/') const page = await createPage('/') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.() && !window.useNuxtApp?.().isHydrating) expect(html).toContain('
hello, Helloworld.vue here !
') expect(await page.locator('body').innerHTML()).toContain('
hello, Helloworld.vue here !
') await page.close() }) it('test Name.ts', async () => { const html = await $fetch('/') const page = await createPage('/') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.() && !window.useNuxtApp?.().isHydrating) expect(html).toContain('
I am the Name.ts component
') expect(await page.locator('body').innerHTML()).toContain('
I am the Name.ts component
') await page.close() }) it('test ShowTemplate.ts', async () => { const html = await $fetch('/') const page = await createPage('/') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.() && !window.useNuxtApp?.().isHydrating) expect(html).toContain('
Hello my name is : John, i am defined by ShowTemplate.vue and my template is retrieved from the API
') expect(await page.locator('body').innerHTML()).toContain('
Hello my name is : John, i am defined by ShowTemplate.vue and my template is retrieved from the API
') await page.close() }) it('test Interactive component.ts', async () => { const html = await $fetch('/') const page = await createPage('/') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.() && !window.useNuxtApp?.().isHydrating) expect(html).toContain('I am defined by Interactive in the setup of App.vue. My full component definition is retrieved from the api') expect(await page.locator('#interactive').innerHTML()).toContain('I am defined by Interactive in the setup of App.vue. My full component definition is retrieved from the api') const button = page.locator('#inc-interactive-count') await const count = page.locator('#interactive-count') expect(await count.innerHTML()).toBe('1') await page.close() }) })