import { resolve, normalize } from 'pathe' import * as vite from 'vite' import vuePlugin from '@vitejs/plugin-vue' import viteJsxPlugin from '@vitejs/plugin-vue-jsx' import { logger, resolveModule, isIgnored } from '@nuxt/kit' import fse from 'fs-extra' import { debounce } from 'perfect-debounce' import { joinURL, withoutLeadingSlash, withTrailingSlash } from 'ufo' import { ViteBuildContext, ViteOptions } from './vite' import { wpfs } from './utils/wpfs' import { cacheDirPlugin } from './plugins/cache-dir' import { prepareDevServerEntry } from './vite-node' import { isCSS } from './utils' import { bundleRequest } from './dev-bundler' import { writeManifest } from './manifest' export async function buildServer (ctx: ViteBuildContext) { const _resolve = id => resolveModule(id, { paths: ctx.nuxt.options.modulesDir }) const serverConfig: vite.InlineConfig = vite.mergeConfig(ctx.config, { base: ? joinURL(, : undefined, experimental: { renderBuiltUrl: (filename, { type, hostType }) => { if (hostType !== 'js') { // In CSS we only use relative paths until we craft a clever runtime CSS hack return { relative: true } } if (type === 'public') { return { runtime: `globalThis.__publicAssetsURL(${JSON.stringify(filename)})` } } if (type === 'asset') { const relativeFilename = filename.replace(withTrailingSlash(withoutLeadingSlash(, '') return { runtime: `globalThis.__buildAssetsURL(${JSON.stringify(relativeFilename)})` } } } }, define: { 'process.server': true, 'process.client': false, 'typeof window': '"undefined"', 'typeof document': '"undefined"', 'typeof navigator': '"undefined"', 'typeof location': '"undefined"', 'typeof XMLHttpRequest': '"undefined"' }, resolve: { alias: { '#build/plugins': resolve(ctx.nuxt.options.buildDir, 'plugins/server'), ...ctx.nuxt.options.experimental.externalVue || ? {} : { '@vue/reactivity': _resolve(`@vue/reactivity/dist/reactivity.cjs${ ? '' : '.prod'}.js`), '@vue/shared': _resolve(`@vue/shared/dist/shared.cjs${ ? '' : '.prod'}.js`), 'vue-router': _resolve(`vue-router/dist/vue-router.cjs${ ? '' : '.prod'}.js`), 'vue/server-renderer': _resolve('vue/server-renderer'), 'vue/compiler-sfc': _resolve('vue/compiler-sfc'), vue: _resolve(`vue/dist/vue.cjs${ ? '' : '.prod'}.js`) } } }, ssr: { external: ctx.nuxt.options.experimental.externalVue ? ['#internal/nitro', '#internal/nitro/utils', 'vue', 'vue-router'] : ['#internal/nitro', '#internal/nitro/utils'], noExternal: [, // TODO: Use externality for production (rollup) build /\/esm\/.*\.js$/, /\.(es|esm|esm-browser|esm-bundler).js$/, '/__vue-jsx', '#app', /(nuxt|nuxt3)\/(dist|src|app)/, /@nuxt\/nitro\/(dist|src)/ ] }, build: { outDir: resolve(ctx.nuxt.options.buildDir, 'dist/server'), ssr: ctx.nuxt.options.ssr ?? true, rollupOptions: { external: ['#internal/nitro', ...ctx.nuxt.options.experimental.externalVue ? ['vue', 'vue-router'] : []], output: { entryFileNames: 'server.mjs', preferConst: true, // TODO: inlineDynamicImports: false, format: 'module' }, onwarn (warning, rollupWarn) { if (!['UNUSED_EXTERNAL_IMPORT'].includes(warning.code)) { rollupWarn(warning) } } } }, server: { // preTransformRequests: false }, plugins: [ cacheDirPlugin(ctx.nuxt.options.rootDir, 'server'), vuePlugin(ctx.config.vue), viteJsxPlugin() ] } as ViteOptions) // Add type-checking if (ctx.nuxt.options.typescript.typeCheck === true || (ctx.nuxt.options.typescript.typeCheck === 'build' && ! { const checker = await import('vite-plugin-checker').then(r => r.default) serverConfig.plugins.push(checker({ vueTsc: true })) } await ctx.nuxt.callHook('vite:extendConfig', serverConfig, { isClient: false, isServer: true }) const onBuild = () => ctx.nuxt.callHook('build:resources', wpfs) // Production build if (! { const start ='Building server...') await await onBuild() logger.success(`Server built in ${ - start}ms`) return } if (!ctx.nuxt.options.ssr) { await onBuild() return } // Start development server const viteServer = await vite.createServer(serverConfig) ctx.ssrServer = viteServer await ctx.nuxt.callHook('vite:serverCreated', viteServer, { isClient: false, isServer: true }) // Close server on exit ctx.nuxt.hook('close', () => viteServer.close()) // Initialize plugins await viteServer.pluginContainer.buildStart({}) if (ctx.nuxt.options.experimental.viteNode) {'Vite server using experimental `vite-node`...') await prepareDevServerEntry(ctx) } else { // Build and watch const _doBuild = async () => { const start = const { code, ids } = await bundleRequest({ viteServer }, resolve(ctx.nuxt.options.appDir, 'entry')) await fse.writeFile(resolve(ctx.nuxt.options.buildDir, 'dist/server/server.mjs'), code, 'utf-8') // Have CSS in the manifest to prevent FOUC on dev SSR await writeManifest(ctx, ids.filter(isCSS).map(i => i.slice(1))) const time = ( - start) logger.success(`Vite server built in ${time}ms`) await onBuild() } const doBuild = debounce(_doBuild) // Initial build await _doBuild() // Watch viteServer.watcher.on('all', (_event, file) => { file = normalize(file) // Fix windows paths if (file.indexOf(ctx.nuxt.options.buildDir) === 0 || isIgnored(file)) { return } doBuild() }) // ctx.nuxt.hook('builder:watch', () => doBuild()) ctx.nuxt.hook('app:templatesGenerated', () => doBuild()) } }