# Pages Nuxt will automatically integrate [Vue Router](https://next.router.vuejs.org/) and map `pages/` directory into the routes of your application. ## Dynamic Routes If you place anything within square brackets, it will be turned into a [dynamic route](https://next.router.vuejs.org/guide/essentials/dynamic-matching.html) parameter. You can mix and match multiple parameters and even non-dynamic text within a file name or directory. ### Example ```bash -| pages/ ---| index.vue ---| users-[group]/ -----| [id].vue ``` Given the example above, you can access group/userid within your component via the `$route` object: ```vue ``` ## Layouts Nuxt provides a customizable layouts framework you can use throughout your application, ideal for extracting common UI or code patterns into reusable layout components. Page layouts are placed in the `layouts/` directory and will be automatically loaded via asynchronous import when used. If you create a `layouts/default.vue` this will be used for all pages in your app. Other layouts are used by setting a `layout` property as part of your component options. If you have only single layout for application, you can alternatively use (app entry)[/app]. ### Example: a custom layout ```bash -| layouts/ ---| custom.vue ``` In your layout files, you'll need to use `` to define where the page content of your layout will be loaded. For example: ```vue ``` Given the example above, you can use a custom layout like this: ```vue ``` ### Example: using with slots You can also take full control (for example, with slots) by using the `` component (which is globally available throughout your application) and set `layout: false` in your component options. ```vue ```