--- title: "useRoute" description: The useRoute composable returns the current route. --- # `useRoute` The [`useRoute`](/docs/api/composables/use-route) composable returns the current route and must be called in a `setup` function, plugin, or route middleware. Within the template of a Vue component, you can access the route using `$route`. ## Example In the following example, we call an API via [`useFetch`](/docs/api/composables/use-fetch) using a dynamic page parameter - `slug` - as part of the URL. ```html [~/pages/[slug\\].vue] ``` If you need to access the route query parameters (for example `example` in the path `/test?example=true`), then you can use `useRoute().query` instead of `useRoute().params`. Apart from dynamic parameters and query parameters, `useRoute()` also provides the following computed references related to the current route: * **fullPath**: encoded URL associated with the current route that contains path, query and hash * **hash**: decoded hash section of the URL that starts with a # * **matched**: array of normalized matched routes with current route location * **meta**: custom data attached to the record * **name**: unique name for the route record * **path**: encoded pathname section of the URL * **redirectedFrom**: route location that was attempted to access before ending up on the current route location ::ReadMore{link="https://router.vuejs.org/api/interfaces/RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded.html"} ::