import { basename, extname, join, dirname, relative } from 'upath' import globby from 'globby' import { pascalCase, splitByCase } from 'scule' import type { ScanDir, Component } from './types' export function sortDirsByPathLength ({ path: pathA }: ScanDir, { path: pathB }: ScanDir): number { return pathB.split(/[\\/]/).filter(Boolean).length - pathA.split(/[\\/]/).filter(Boolean).length } // vue@2 src/shared/util.js // TODO: update to vue3? function hyphenate (str: string):string { return str.replace(/\B([A-Z])/g, '-$1').toLowerCase() } export async function scanComponents (dirs: ScanDir[], srcDir: string): Promise { const components: Component[] = [] const filePaths = new Set() const scannedPaths: string[] = [] for (const { path, pattern, ignore = [], prefix, extendComponent, pathPrefix, level, prefetch = false, preload = false } of dirs.sort(sortDirsByPathLength)) { const resolvedNames = new Map() for (const _file of await globby(pattern!, { cwd: path, ignore })) { const filePath = join(path, _file) if (scannedPaths.find(d => filePath.startsWith(d))) { continue } if (filePaths.has(filePath)) { continue } filePaths.add(filePath) // Resolve componentName const prefixParts = ([] as string[]).concat( prefix ? splitByCase(prefix) : [], (pathPrefix !== false) ? splitByCase(relative(path, dirname(filePath))) : [] ) let fileName = basename(filePath, extname(filePath)) if (fileName.toLowerCase() === 'index') { fileName = pathPrefix === false ? basename(dirname(filePath)) : '' /* inherits from path */ } const fileNameParts = splitByCase(fileName) const componentNameParts: string[] = [] while (prefixParts.length && (prefixParts[0] || '').toLowerCase() !== (fileNameParts[0] || '').toLowerCase() ) { componentNameParts.push(prefixParts.shift()!) } const componentName = pascalCase(componentNameParts) + pascalCase(fileNameParts) if (resolvedNames.has(componentName)) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn(`Two component files resolving to the same name \`${componentName}\`:\n` + `\n - ${filePath}` + `\n - ${resolvedNames.get(componentName)}` ) continue } resolvedNames.set(componentName, filePath) const pascalName = pascalCase(componentName).replace(/["']/g, '') const kebabName = hyphenate(componentName) const shortPath = relative(srcDir, filePath) const chunkName = 'components/' + kebabName let component: Component = { filePath, pascalName, kebabName, chunkName, shortPath, export: 'default', global: Boolean(global), level: Number(level), prefetch: Boolean(prefetch), preload: Boolean(preload) } if (typeof extendComponent === 'function') { component = (await extendComponent(component)) || component } // Check if component is already defined, used to overwite if level is inferiour const definedComponent = components.find(c => c.pascalName === component.pascalName) if (definedComponent && component.level < definedComponent.level) { Object.assign(definedComponent, component) } else if (!definedComponent) { components.push(component) } } scannedPaths.push(path) } return components }