--- title: "Nitro" description: Nuxt Kit provides a set of utilities to help you work with Nitro. These functions allow you to add server handlers, plugins, and prerender routes. links: - label: Source icon: i-simple-icons-github to: https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/main/packages/kit/src/nitro.ts size: xs --- Nitro is an open source TypeScript framework to build ultra-fast web servers. Nuxt 3 (and, optionally, Nuxt Bridge) uses Nitro as its server engine. You can use `useNitro` to access the Nitro instance, `addServerHandler` to add a server handler, `addDevServerHandler` to add a server handler to be used only in development mode, `addServerPlugin` to add a plugin to extend Nitro's runtime behavior, and `addPrerenderRoutes` to add routes to be prerendered by Nitro. ## `addServerHandler` Adds a nitro server handler. Use it if you want to create server middleware or custom route. ### Type ```ts function addServerHandler (handler: NitroEventHandler): void export interface NitroEventHandler { handler: string; route?: string; middleware?: boolean; lazy?: boolean; method?: string; } ``` ### Parameters #### `handler` **Type**: `NitroEventHandler` **Required**: `true` A handler object with the following properties: - `handler` (required) **Type**: `string` Path to event handler. - `route` (optional) **Type**: `string` Path prefix or route. If an empty string used, will be used as a middleware. - `middleware` (optional) **Type**: `boolean` Specifies this is a middleware handler. Middleware are called on every route and should normally return nothing to pass to the next handlers. - `lazy` (optional) **Type**: `boolean` Use lazy loading to import handler. - `method` (optional) **Type**: `string` Router method matcher. If handler name contains method name, it will be used as a default value. ### Examples ::code-group ```ts [module.ts] // https://github.com/nuxt-modules/robots import { createResolver, defineNuxtModule, addServerHandler } from '@nuxt/kit' export default defineNuxtModule({ setup(options) { const resolver = createResolver(import.meta.url) addServerHandler({ route: '/robots.txt' handler: resolver.resolve('./runtime/robots.get.ts') }) } }) ``` ```ts [runtime/robots.get.ts] export default defineEventHandler(() => { return { body: `User-agent: *\nDisallow: /` } }) ``` :: ## `addDevServerHandler` Adds a nitro server handler to be used only in development mode. This handler will be excluded from production build. ### Type ```ts function addDevServerHandler (handler: NitroEventHandler): void export interface NitroEventHandler { handler: string; route?: string; middleware?: boolean; lazy?: boolean; method?: string; } ``` ### Parameters #### `handler` **Type**: `NitroEventHandler` **Required**: `true` A handler object with the following properties: - `handler` (required) **Type**: `string` Path to event handler. - `route` (optional) **Type**: `string` Path prefix or route. If an empty string used, will be used as a middleware. - `middleware` (optional) **Type**: `boolean` Specifies this is a middleware handler. Middleware are called on every route and should normally return nothing to pass to the next handlers. - `lazy` (optional) **Type**: `boolean` Use lazy loading to import handler. - `method` (optional) **Type**: `string` Router method matcher. ### Examples ::code-group ```ts [module.ts] import { createResolver, defineNuxtModule, addDevServerHandler } from '@nuxt/kit' export default defineNuxtModule({ setup() { const resolver = createResolver(import.meta.url) addDevServerHandler({ handler: resolver.resolve('./runtime/uptime.get'), route: '/_handler' }) } }) ``` ```ts [runtime/timer.get.ts] export default defineEventHandler(() => { return { body: `Response generated at ${new Date().toISOString()}` } }) ``` :: ```ts // https://github.com/nuxt-modules/tailwindcss import { joinURL } from 'ufo' import { defineNuxtModule, addDevServerHandler } from '@nuxt/kit' export default defineNuxtModule({ async setup(options) { const route = joinURL(nuxt.options.app?.baseURL, '/_tailwind') // @ts-ignore const createServer = await import('tailwind-config-viewer/server/index.js').then(r => r.default || r) as any const viewerDevMiddleware = createServer({ tailwindConfigProvider: () => options, routerPrefix: route }).asMiddleware() addDevServerHandler({ route, handler: viewerDevMiddleware }) } }) ``` ## `useNitro` Returns the Nitro instance. ::callout{color="amber" icon="i-ph-warning-duotone"} You can call `useNitro()` only after `ready` hook. :: ::callout Changes to the Nitro instance configuration are not applied. :: ### Type ```ts function useNitro (): Nitro export interface Nitro { options: NitroOptions; scannedHandlers: NitroEventHandler[]; vfs: Record; hooks: Hookable; unimport?: Unimport; logger: ConsolaInstance; storage: Storage; close: () => Promise; updateConfig: (config: NitroDynamicConfig) => void | Promise; } ``` ### Examples ```ts // https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/4e05650cde31ca73be4d14b1f0d23c7854008749/packages/nuxt/src/core/nuxt.ts#L404 import { defineNuxtModule, useNitro, addPlugin, createResolver } from '@nuxt/kit' export default defineNuxtModule({ setup(options, nuxt) { const resolver = createResolver(import.meta.url) nuxt.hook('ready', () => { const nitro = useNitro() if (nitro.options.static && nuxt.options.experimental.payloadExtraction === undefined) { console.warn('Using experimental payload extraction for full-static output. You can opt-out by setting `experimental.payloadExtraction` to `false`.') nuxt.options.experimental.payloadExtraction = true } nitro.options.replace['process.env.NUXT_PAYLOAD_EXTRACTION'] = String(!!nuxt.options.experimental.payloadExtraction) nitro.options._config.replace!['process.env.NUXT_PAYLOAD_EXTRACTION'] = String(!!nuxt.options.experimental.payloadExtraction) if (!nuxt.options.dev && nuxt.options.experimental.payloadExtraction) { addPlugin(resolver.resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'plugins/payload.client')) } }) } }) ``` ## `addServerPlugin` Add plugin to extend Nitro's runtime behavior. ::callout You can read more about Nitro plugins in the [Nitro documentation](https://nitro.unjs.io/guide/plugins). :: ### Type ```ts function addServerPlugin (plugin: string): void ``` ### Parameters #### `plugin` **Type**: `string` **Required**: `true` Path to the plugin. The plugin must export a function that accepts Nitro instance as an argument. ### Examples ::code-group ```ts [module.ts] import { createResolver, defineNuxtModule, addServerPlugin } from '@nuxt/kit' export default defineNuxtModule({ setup() { const resolver = createResolver(import.meta.url) addServerPlugin(resolver.resolve('./runtime/plugin.ts')) } }) ``` ```ts [runtime/plugin.ts] export default defineNitroPlugin((nitroApp) => { nitroApp.hooks.hook("request", (event) => { console.log("on request", event.path); }); nitroApp.hooks.hook("beforeResponse", (event, { body }) => { console.log("on response", event.path, { body }); }); nitroApp.hooks.hook("afterResponse", (event, { body }) => { console.log("on after response", event.path, { body }); }); }); ``` :: ## `addPrerenderRoutes` Add routes to be prerendered to Nitro. ### Type ```ts function function addPrerenderRoutes (routes: string | string[]): void ``` ### Parameters #### `routes` **Type**: `string | string[]` **Required**: `true` A route or an array of routes to prerender. ### Examples ```ts import { defineNuxtModule, addPrerenderRoutes } from '@nuxt/kit' export default defineNuxtModule({ meta: { name: 'nuxt-sitemap', configKey: 'sitemap', }, defaults: { sitemapUrl: '/sitemap.xml', prerender: true, }, setup(options) { if (options.prerender) { addPrerenderRoutes(options.sitemapUrl) } } }) ``` ## `addServerImportsDir` Add a directory to be scanned for auto-imports by Nitro. ### Type ```ts function addServerImportsDir (dirs: string | string[], opts: { prepend?: boolean }): void ``` ### Parameters #### `dirs` **Type**: `string | string[]` **Required**: `true` A directory or an array of directories to register to be scanned by Nitro ### Examples ```ts import { defineNuxtModule, createResolver, addServerImportsDir } from '@nuxt/kit' export default defineNuxtModule({ meta: { name: 'my-module', configKey: 'myModule', }, setup(options) { const resolver = createResolver(import.meta.url) addServerImportsDir(resolver.resolve('./runtime/server/utils')) } }) ``` ## `addServerScanDir` Add directories to be scanned by Nitro. It will check for subdirectories, which will be registered just like the `~/server` folder is. ### Type ```ts function addServerScanDir (dirs: string | string[], opts: { prepend?: boolean }): void ``` ### Parameters #### `dirs` **Type**: `string | string[]` **Required**: `true` A directory or an array of directories to register to be scanned for by Nitro as server dirs. ### Examples ```ts import { defineNuxtModule, createResolver, addServerScanDir } from '@nuxt/kit' export default defineNuxtModule({ meta: { name: 'my-module', configKey: 'myModule', }, setup(options) { const resolver = createResolver(import.meta.url) addServerScanDir(resolver.resolve('./runtime/server')) } }) ```