#!/usr/bin/env node /* eslint-disable no-console */ const fs = require('fs') const parseArgs = require('minimist') const { Nuxt } = require('../') const { resolve } = require('path') const argv = parseArgs(process.argv.slice(2), { alias: { h: 'help', H: 'hostname', p: 'port', c: 'config-file', s: 'spa', u: 'universal' }, boolean: ['h', 's', 'u'], string: ['H', 'c'], default: { c: 'nuxt.config.js' } }) if (argv.hostname === '') { console.error(`> Provided hostname argument has no value`) process.exit(1) } if (argv.help) { console.log(` Description Starts the application in production mode. The application should be compiled with \`nuxt build\` first. Usage $ nuxt start <dir> -p <port number> -H <hostname> Options --port, -p A port number on which to start the application --hostname, -H Hostname on which to start the application --spa Launch in SPA mode --universal Launch in Universal mode (default) --config-file, -c Path to Nuxt.js config file (default: nuxt.config.js) --help, -h Displays this message `) process.exit(0) } const rootDir = resolve(argv._[0] || '.') const nuxtConfigFile = resolve(rootDir, argv['config-file']) let options = {} if (fs.existsSync(nuxtConfigFile)) { options = require(nuxtConfigFile) } else if (argv['config-file'] !== 'nuxt.config.js') { console.error(`> Could not load config file ${argv['config-file']}`) process.exit(1) } if (typeof options.rootDir !== 'string') { options.rootDir = rootDir } // Force production mode (no webpack middleware called) options.dev = false // Nuxt Mode options.mode = (argv['spa'] && 'spa') || (argv['universal'] && 'universal') || options.mode const nuxt = new Nuxt(options) // Check if project is built for production const distDir = resolve(nuxt.options.rootDir, nuxt.options.buildDir || '.nuxt', 'dist') if (!fs.existsSync(distDir)) { console.error('> No build files found, please run `nuxt build` before launching `nuxt start`') process.exit(1) } // Check if SSR Bundle is required if (nuxt.options.render.ssr === true) { const ssrBundlePath = resolve(distDir, 'server-bundle.json') if (!fs.existsSync(ssrBundlePath)) { console.error('> No SSR build! Please start with `nuxt start --spa` or build using `nuxt build --universal`') process.exit(1) } } const port = argv.port || process.env.PORT || process.env.npm_package_config_nuxt_port const host = argv.hostname || process.env.HOST || process.env.npm_package_config_nuxt_host nuxt.listen(port, host)