--- title: "useRequestHeaders" description: "Use useRequestHeaders to access the incoming request headers." --- # `useRequestHeaders` You can use built-in `useRequestHeaders` composable to access the incoming request headers within your pages, components, and plugins. ```js // Get all request headers const headers = useRequestHeaders() // Get only cookie request header const headers = useRequestHeaders(['cookie']) ``` ::alert{icon=👉} In the browser, `useRequestHeaders` will return an empty object. :: ## Example We can use `useRequestHeaders` to access and proxy the initial request's `authorization` header to any future internal requests during SSR. The example below adds the `authorization` request header to an isomorphic `$fetch` call. ```vue [pages/some-page.vue] <script setup> const { data } = await useFetch('/api/confidential', { headers: useRequestHeaders(['authorization']) }) </script> ``` ::alert{icon=👉} [Another example](/docs/getting-started/data-fetching#example-pass-client-headers-to-the-api) shows how we can pass cookies from the initial request to another API route. ::