import { describe, expect, it, vi } from 'vitest' import { applyPlugins } from '#app/nuxt' import { defineNuxtPlugin } from '#app' vi.mock('#app', async (original) => { return { ...(await original<typeof import('#app')>()), applyPlugin: vi.fn(async (_nuxtApp, plugin) => { await plugin() }) } }) function pluginFactory (name: string, dependsOn?: string[], sequence: string[], parallel = true) { return defineNuxtPlugin({ name, dependsOn, async setup () { sequence.push(`start ${name}`) await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10)) sequence.push(`end ${name}`) }, parallel }) } describe('plugin dependsOn', () => { it('expect B to await A to finish before being run', async () => { const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() const sequence: string[] = [] const plugins = [ pluginFactory('A', undefined, sequence), pluginFactory('B', ['A'], sequence) ] await applyPlugins(nuxtApp, plugins) expect(sequence).toMatchObject([ 'start A', 'end A', 'start B', 'end B' ]) }) it('expect C to await A and B to finish before being run', async () => { const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() const sequence: string[] = [] const plugins = [ pluginFactory('A', undefined, sequence), pluginFactory('B', ['A'], sequence), pluginFactory('C', ['A', 'B'], sequence) ] await applyPlugins(nuxtApp, plugins) expect(sequence).toMatchObject([ 'start A', 'end A', 'start B', 'end B', 'start C', 'end C' ]) }) it('expect C to not wait for A to finish before being run', async () => { const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() const sequence: string[] = [] const plugins = [ pluginFactory('A', undefined, sequence), pluginFactory('B', ['A'], sequence), defineNuxtPlugin({ name, async setup () { sequence.push('start C') await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5)) sequence.push('end C') }, parallel: true }) ] await applyPlugins(nuxtApp, plugins) expect(sequence).toMatchObject([ 'start A', 'start C', 'end C', 'end A', 'start B', 'end B' ]) }) it('expect C to block the depends on of A-B since C is sequential', async () => { const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() const sequence: string[] = [] const plugins = [ pluginFactory('A', undefined, sequence), defineNuxtPlugin({ name, async setup () { sequence.push('start C') await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 50)) sequence.push('end C') } }), pluginFactory('B', ['A'], sequence) ] await applyPlugins(nuxtApp, plugins) expect(sequence).toMatchObject([ 'start A', 'start C', 'end A', 'end C', 'start B', 'end B' ]) }) it('relying on plugin not registed yet', async () => { const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() const sequence: string[] = [] const plugins = [ pluginFactory('C', ['A'], sequence), pluginFactory('A', undefined, sequence, true), pluginFactory('E', ['B', 'C'], sequence, false), pluginFactory('B', undefined, sequence), pluginFactory('D', ['C'], sequence, false) ] await applyPlugins(nuxtApp, plugins) expect(sequence).toMatchObject([ 'start A', 'start B', 'end A', 'start C', 'end B', 'end C', 'start E', 'start D', 'end E', 'end D' ]) }) it('test depending on not yet registered plugin and already resolved plugin', async () => { const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() const sequence: string[] = [] const plugins = [ pluginFactory('A', undefined, sequence), pluginFactory('B', ['A', 'C'], sequence), pluginFactory('C', undefined, sequence, false), pluginFactory('D', undefined, sequence, false), pluginFactory('E', ['C'], sequence, false) ] await applyPlugins(nuxtApp, plugins) expect(sequence).toMatchObject([ 'start A', 'start C', 'end A', 'end C', 'start B', 'start D', 'end B', 'end D', 'start E', 'end E' ]) }) it('multiple depth of plugin dependency', async () => { const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() const sequence: string[] = [] const plugins = [ pluginFactory('A', undefined, sequence), pluginFactory('C', ['B', 'A'], sequence), pluginFactory('B', undefined, sequence, false), pluginFactory('E', ['D'], sequence, false), pluginFactory('D', ['C'], sequence, false) ] await applyPlugins(nuxtApp, plugins) expect(sequence).toMatchObject([ 'start A', 'start B', 'end A', 'end B', 'start C', 'end C', 'start D', 'end D', 'start E', 'end E' ]) }) it('does not throw when circular dependency is not a problem', async () => { const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() const sequence: string[] = [] const plugins = [ pluginFactory('A', ['B'], sequence), pluginFactory('B', ['C'], sequence), pluginFactory('C', ['D'], sequence), pluginFactory('D', [], sequence), ] await applyPlugins(nuxtApp, plugins) expect(sequence).toMatchObject([ 'start D', 'end D', 'start C', 'end C', 'start B', 'end B', 'start A', 'end A' ]) }) it('function plugin', async () => { const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() const sequence: string[] = [] const plugins = [ pluginFactory('A', undefined, sequence), defineNuxtPlugin(() => { sequence.push('start C') sequence.push('end C') }), pluginFactory('B', undefined, sequence, false) ] await applyPlugins(nuxtApp, plugins) expect(sequence).toMatchObject([ 'start A', 'start C', 'end C', 'start B', 'end A', 'end B' ]) }) it('expect B to execute after A, C when B depends on A and C', async () => { const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() const sequence: string[] = [] const plugins = [ pluginFactory('A', undefined, sequence, false), pluginFactory('B', ['A', 'C'], sequence, false), pluginFactory('C', undefined, sequence, false), ] await applyPlugins(nuxtApp, plugins) expect(sequence).toMatchObject([ 'start A', 'end A', 'start C', 'end C', 'start B', 'end B', ]) }) it('expect to execute plugins if a plugin depends on a plugin that does not exist', async () => { const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() const sequence: string[] = [] const plugins = [ pluginFactory('B', undefined, sequence,), pluginFactory('C', ['A', 'B'], sequence,), ] await applyPlugins(nuxtApp, plugins) expect(sequence).toMatchObject([ 'start B', 'end B', 'start C', 'end C', ]) }) })