import https from 'https' import path from 'path' import enableDestroy from 'server-destroy' import launchMiddleware from 'launch-editor-middleware' import serveStatic from 'serve-static' import chalk from 'chalk' import ip from 'ip' import consola from 'consola' import connect from 'connect' import { determineGlobals, isUrl } from '@nuxt/common' import ServerContext from './context' import renderAndGetWindow from './jsdom' import nuxtMiddleware from './middleware/nuxt' import errorMiddleware from './middleware/error' import modernMiddleware from './middleware/modern' export default class Server { constructor(nuxt) { this.nuxt = nuxt this.options = nuxt.options this.globals = determineGlobals(nuxt.options.globalName, nuxt.options.globals) this.publicPath = isUrl( ? : // Runtime shared resources this.resources = {} // Will be available on dev this.devMiddleware = null this.hotMiddleware = null // Create new connect instance = connect() } async ready() { await this.nuxt.callHook('render:before', this, this.options.render) // Initialize vue-renderer const { VueRenderer } = await import('@nuxt/vue-renderer') const context = new ServerContext(this) this.renderer = new VueRenderer(context) await this.renderer.ready() // Setup nuxt middleware await this.setupMiddleware() // Call done hook await this.nuxt.callHook('render:done', this) } async setupMiddleware() { // Apply setupMiddleware from modules first await this.nuxt.callHook('render:setupMiddleware', // Compression middleware for production if (! { const compressor = this.options.render.compressor if (typeof compressor === 'object') { // If only setting for `compression` are provided, require the module and insert const compression = this.nuxt.resolver.requireModule('compression') this.useMiddleware(compression(compressor)) } else { // Else, require own compression middleware this.useMiddleware(compressor) } } if (this.options.modern === 'server') { this.useMiddleware(modernMiddleware) } // Add webpack middleware support only for development if ( { this.useMiddleware(async (req, res, next) => { const name = req.modernMode ? 'modern' : 'client' if (this.devMiddleware[name]) { await this.devMiddleware[name](req, res) } if (this.hotMiddleware[name]) { await this.hotMiddleware[name](req, res) } next() }) } // open in editor for debug mode only if (this.options.debug && { this.useMiddleware({ path: '__open-in-editor', handler: launchMiddleware(this.options.editor) }) } // For serving static/ files to / const staticMiddleware = serveStatic( path.resolve(this.options.srcDir, this.options.dir.static), this.options.render.static ) staticMiddleware.prefix = this.options.render.static.prefix this.useMiddleware(staticMiddleware) // Serve .nuxt/dist/client files only for production // For dev they will be served with devMiddleware if (! { const distDir = path.resolve(this.options.buildDir, 'dist', 'client') this.useMiddleware({ path: this.publicPath, handler: serveStatic( distDir, this.options.render.dist ) }) } // Add User provided middleware this.options.serverMiddleware.forEach((m) => { this.useMiddleware(m) }) // Finally use nuxtMiddleware this.useMiddleware(nuxtMiddleware({ options: this.options, nuxt: this.nuxt, renderRoute: this.renderRoute.bind(this), resources: this.resources })) // Error middleware for errors that occurred in middleware that declared above // Middleware should exactly take 4 arguments // // Apply errorMiddleware from modules first await this.nuxt.callHook('render:errorMiddleware', // Apply errorMiddleware from Nuxt this.useMiddleware(errorMiddleware({ resources: this.resources, options: this.options })) } useMiddleware(middleware) { // Resolve middleware if (typeof middleware === 'string') { middleware = this.nuxt.resolver.requireModule(middleware) } // Resolve handler if (typeof middleware.handler === 'string') { middleware.handler = this.nuxt.resolver.requireModule(middleware.handler) } const handler = middleware.handler || middleware // Resolve path const path = ( (middleware.prefix !== false ? this.options.router.base : '') + (typeof middleware.path === 'string' ? middleware.path : '') ).replace(/\/\//g, '/') // Use middleware, handler) } renderRoute() { return this.renderer.renderRoute.apply(this.renderer, arguments) } loadResources() { return this.renderer.loadResources.apply(this.renderer, arguments) } renderAndGetWindow(url, opts = {}) { return renderAndGetWindow(url, opts, { loadedCallback: this.globals.loadedCallback, ssr: this.options.render.ssr, globals: this.globals }) } showReady(clear = true) { if (this.readyMessage) { consola.success(this.readyMessage) } } listen(port, host, socket) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!socket && typeof this.options.server.socket === 'string') { socket = this.options.server.socket } const args = { exclusive: false } if (socket) { args.path = socket } else { args.port = port || this.options.server.port = host || } let appServer const isHttps = Boolean(this.options.server.https) if (isHttps) { let httpsOptions if (this.options.server.https === true) { httpsOptions = {} } else { httpsOptions = this.options.server.https } appServer = https.createServer(httpsOptions, } else { appServer = } const server = appServer.listen( args, (err) => { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (err) { return reject(err) } let listenURL if (!socket) { ({ address: host, port } = server.address()) if (host === '') { host = 'localhost' } else if (host === '') { host = ip.address() } listenURL =`http${isHttps ? 's' : ''}://${host}:${port}`) this.readyMessage = `Listening on ${listenURL}` } else { listenURL =`unix+http://${socket}`) this.readyMessage = `Listening on ${listenURL}` } // Close server on nuxt close this.nuxt.hook( 'close', () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Destroy server by forcing every connection to be closed server.listening && server.destroy((err) => { consola.debug('server closed') /* istanbul ignore if */ if (err) { return reject(err) } resolve() }) }) ) if (socket) { this.nuxt.callHook('listen', server, { path: socket }).then(resolve) } else { this.nuxt.callHook('listen', server, { port, host }).then(resolve) } } ) // Add server.destroy(cb) method enableDestroy(server) }) } }