--- title: "Templates" description: Nuxt Kit provides a set of utilities to help you work with templates. These functions allow you to generate extra files during development and build time. links: - label: Source icon: i-simple-icons-github to: https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/main/packages/kit/src/template.ts size: xs --- Templates allows to generate extra files during development and build time. These files will be available in virtual filesystem and can be used in plugins, layouts, components, etc. `addTemplate` and `addTypeTemplate` allow you to add templates to the Nuxt application. `updateTemplates` allows you to regenerate templates that match the filter. ## `addTemplate` Renders given template during build into the project buildDir. ### Type ```ts function addTemplate (template: NuxtTemplate | string): ResolvedNuxtTemplate interface NuxtTemplate { src?: string filename?: string dst?: string options?: Record<string, any> getContents?: (data: Record<string, any>) => string | Promise<string> write?: boolean } interface ResolvedNuxtTemplate { src: string filename: string dst: string options: Record<string, any> getContents: (data: Record<string, any>) => string | Promise<string> write: boolean filename: string dst: string } ``` ### Parameters #### `template` **Type**: `NuxtTemplate | string` **Required**: `true` A template object or a string with the path to the template. If a string is provided, it will be converted to a template object with `src` set to the string value. If a template object is provided, it must have the following properties: - `src` (optional) **Type**: `string` Path to the template. If `src` is not provided, `getContents` must be provided instead. - `filename` (optional) **Type**: `string` Filename of the template. If `filename` is not provided, it will be generated from the `src` path. In this case, the `src` option is required. - `dst` (optional) **Type**: `string` Path to the destination file. If `dst` is not provided, it will be generated from the `filename` path and nuxt `buildDir` option. - `options` (optional) **Type**: `Options` Options to pass to the template. - `getContents` (optional) **Type**: `(data: Options) => string | Promise<string>` A function that will be called with the `options` object. It should return a string or a promise that resolves to a string. If `src` is provided, this function will be ignored. - `write` (optional) **Type**: `boolean` If set to `true`, the template will be written to the destination file. Otherwise, the template will be used only in virtual filesystem. ### Examples ::code-group ```ts [module.ts] // https://github.com/nuxt/bridge import { addTemplate, defineNuxtModule } from '@nuxt/kit' import { defu } from 'defu' export default defineNuxtModule({ setup(options, nuxt) { const globalMeta = defu(nuxt.options.app.head, { charset: options.charset, viewport: options.viewport }) addTemplate({ filename: 'meta.config.mjs', getContents: () => 'export default ' + JSON.stringify({ globalMeta, mixinKey: 'setup' }) }) } }) ``` ```ts [plugin.ts] import { createHead as createClientHead, createServerHead } from '@unhead/vue' import { defineNuxtPlugin } from '#imports' // @ts-ignore import metaConfig from '#build/meta.config.mjs' export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => { const createHead = import.meta.server ? createServerHead : createClientHead const head = createHead() head.push(metaConfig.globalMeta) nuxtApp.vueApp.use(head) }) ``` :: ## `addTypeTemplate` Renders given template during build into the project buildDir, then registers it as types. ### Type ```ts function addTypeTemplate (template: NuxtTypeTemplate | string): ResolvedNuxtTemplate interface NuxtTemplate { src?: string filename?: string dst?: string options?: Record<string, any> getContents?: (data: Record<string, any>) => string | Promise<string> } interface ResolvedNuxtTemplate { src: string filename: string dst: string options: Record<string, any> getContents: (data: Record<string, any>) => string | Promise<string> write: boolean filename: string dst: string } ``` ### Parameters #### `template` **Type**: `NuxtTypeTemplate | string` **Required**: `true` A template object or a string with the path to the template. If a string is provided, it will be converted to a template object with `src` set to the string value. If a template object is provided, it must have the following properties: - `src` (optional) **Type**: `string` Path to the template. If `src` is not provided, `getContents` must be provided instead. - `filename` (optional) **Type**: `string` Filename of the template. If `filename` is not provided, it will be generated from the `src` path. In this case, the `src` option is required. - `dst` (optional) **Type**: `string` Path to the destination file. If `dst` is not provided, it will be generated from the `filename` path and nuxt `buildDir` option. - `options` (optional) **Type**: `Options` Options to pass to the template. - `getContents` (optional) **Type**: `(data: Options) => string | Promise<string>` A function that will be called with the `options` object. It should return a string or a promise that resolves to a string. If `src` is provided, this function will be ignored. ### Examples ```ts // https://github.com/Hebilicious/nuxtpress import { addTypeTemplate, defineNuxtModule } from "@nuxt/kit" export default defineNuxtModule({ setup() { addTypeTemplate({ filename: "types/markdown.d.ts", getContents: () => /* ts */` declare module '*.md' { import type { ComponentOptions } from 'vue' const Component: ComponentOptions export default Component }` }) } } ``` ## `updateTemplates` Regenerate templates that match the filter. If no filter is provided, all templates will be regenerated. ### Type ```ts async function updateTemplates (options: UpdateTemplatesOptions): void interface UpdateTemplatesOptions { filter?: (template: ResolvedNuxtTemplate) => boolean } interface ResolvedNuxtTemplate { src: string filename: string dst: string options: Record<string, any> getContents: (data: Record<string, any>) => string | Promise<string> write: boolean filename: string dst: string } ``` ### Parameters #### `options` **Type**: `UpdateTemplatesOptions` **Default**: `{}` Options to pass to the template. This object can have the following property: - `filter` (optional) **Type**: `(template: ResolvedNuxtTemplate) => boolean` A function that will be called with the `template` object. It should return a boolean indicating whether the template should be regenerated. If `filter` is not provided, all templates will be regenerated. ### Example ```ts // https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt import { defineNuxtModule, updateTemplates } from '@nuxt/kit' export default defineNuxtModule({ setup(options, nuxt) { // watch and rebuild routes template list when one of the pages changes nuxt.hook('builder:watch', async (event, relativePath) => { if (event === 'change') { return } const path = resolve(nuxt.options.srcDir, relativePath) if (updateTemplatePaths.some(dir => path.startsWith(dir))) { await updateTemplates({ filter: template => template.filename === 'routes.mjs' }) } }) } }) ```