import { existsSync, promises as fsp } from 'node:fs' import { basename, isAbsolute, join, parse, relative, resolve } from 'pathe' import hash from 'hash-sum' import type { Nuxt, NuxtTemplate, NuxtTypeTemplate, ResolvedNuxtTemplate, TSReference } from '@nuxt/schema' import { withTrailingSlash } from 'ufo' import { defu } from 'defu' import type { TSConfig } from 'pkg-types' import { gte } from 'semver' import { readPackageJSON } from 'pkg-types' import { tryResolveModule } from './internal/esm' import { getDirectory } from './module/install' import { tryUseNuxt, useNuxt } from './context' import { resolveNuxtModule } from './resolve' /** * Renders given template using lodash template during build into the project buildDir */ export function addTemplate (_template: NuxtTemplate | string) { const nuxt = useNuxt() // Normalize template const template = normalizeTemplate(_template) // Remove any existing template with the same filename = .filter(p => normalizeTemplate(p).filename !== template.filename) // Add to templates array return template } /** * Renders given types using lodash template during build into the project buildDir * and register them as types. */ export function addTypeTemplate (_template: NuxtTypeTemplate) { const nuxt = useNuxt() const template = addTemplate(_template) if (!template.filename.endsWith('.d.ts')) { throw new Error(`Invalid type template. Filename must end with .d.ts : "${template.filename}"`) } // Add template to types reference nuxt.hook('prepare:types', ({ references }) => { references.push({ path: template.dst }) }) return template } /** * Normalize a nuxt template object */ export function normalizeTemplate (template: NuxtTemplate | string): ResolvedNuxtTemplate { if (!template) { throw new Error('Invalid template: ' + JSON.stringify(template)) } // Normalize if (typeof template === 'string') { template = { src: template } } else { template = { ...template } } // Use src if provided if (template.src) { if (!existsSync(template.src)) { throw new Error('Template not found: ' + template.src) } if (!template.filename) { const srcPath = parse(template.src) template.filename = (template as any).fileName || `${basename(srcPath.dir)}.${}.${hash(template.src)}${srcPath.ext}` } } if (!template.src && !template.getContents) { throw new Error('Invalid template. Either getContents or src options should be provided: ' + JSON.stringify(template)) } if (!template.filename) { throw new Error('Invalid template. Either filename should be provided: ' + JSON.stringify(template)) } // Always write declaration files if (template.filename.endsWith('.d.ts')) { template.write = true } // Resolve dst if (!template.dst) { const nuxt = useNuxt() template.dst = resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, template.filename) } return template as ResolvedNuxtTemplate } /** * Trigger rebuilding Nuxt templates * * You can pass a filter within the options to selectively regenerate a subset of templates. */ export async function updateTemplates (options?: { filter?: (template: ResolvedNuxtTemplate) => boolean }) { return await tryUseNuxt()?.hooks.callHook('builder:generateApp', options) } export async function _generateTypes (nuxt: Nuxt) { const rootDirWithSlash = withTrailingSlash(nuxt.options.rootDir) const relativeRootDir = relativeWithDot(nuxt.options.buildDir, nuxt.options.rootDir) const include = new Set([ './nuxt.d.ts', join(relativeRootDir, '.config/nuxt.*'), join(relativeRootDir, '**/*'), ]) if (nuxt.options.srcDir !== nuxt.options.rootDir) { include.add(join(relative(nuxt.options.buildDir, nuxt.options.srcDir), '**/*')) } if (nuxt.options.typescript.includeWorkspace && nuxt.options.workspaceDir !== nuxt.options.rootDir) { include.add(join(relative(nuxt.options.buildDir, nuxt.options.workspaceDir), '**/*')) } for (const layer of nuxt.options._layers) { const srcOrCwd = layer.config.srcDir ?? layer.cwd if (!srcOrCwd.startsWith(rootDirWithSlash) || srcOrCwd.includes('node_modules')) { include.add(join(relative(nuxt.options.buildDir, srcOrCwd), '**/*')) } } const exclude = new Set([ // nitro generate output: relativeWithDot(nuxt.options.buildDir, resolve(nuxt.options.rootDir, 'dist')), ]) for (const dir of nuxt.options.modulesDir) { exclude.add(relativeWithDot(nuxt.options.buildDir, dir)) } const moduleEntryPaths: string[] = [] for (const m of nuxt.options._installedModules) { if (m.entryPath) { moduleEntryPaths.push(getDirectory(m.entryPath)) } } const modulePaths = await resolveNuxtModule(rootDirWithSlash, moduleEntryPaths) for (const path of modulePaths) { const relative = relativeWithDot(nuxt.options.buildDir, path) include.add(join(relative, 'runtime')) exclude.add(join(relative, 'runtime/server')) include.add(join(relative, 'dist/runtime')) exclude.add(join(relative, 'dist/runtime/server')) } const isV4 = nuxt.options.future?.compatibilityVersion === 4 const hasTypescriptVersionWithModulePreserve = await readPackageJSON('typescript', { url: nuxt.options.modulesDir }) .then(r => r?.version && gte(r.version, '5.4.0')) .catch(() => isV4) // const tsConfig: TSConfig = defu(nuxt.options.typescript?.tsConfig, { compilerOptions: { /* Base options: */ esModuleInterop: true, skipLibCheck: true, target: 'ESNext', allowJs: true, resolveJsonModule: true, moduleDetection: 'force', isolatedModules: true, verbatimModuleSyntax: true, /* Strictness */ strict: nuxt.options.typescript?.strict ?? true, noUncheckedIndexedAccess: isV4, forceConsistentCasingInFileNames: true, noImplicitOverride: true, /* If NOT transpiling with TypeScript: */ module: hasTypescriptVersionWithModulePreserve ? 'preserve' : 'ESNext', noEmit: true, /* If your code runs in the DOM: */ lib: [ 'ESNext', 'dom', 'dom.iterable', 'webworker', ], /* JSX support for Vue */ jsx: 'preserve', jsxImportSource: 'vue', /* remove auto-scanning for types */ types: [], /* add paths object for filling-in later */ paths: {}, /* Possibly consider removing the following in future */ moduleResolution: nuxt.options.future?.typescriptBundlerResolution || (nuxt.options.experimental as any)?.typescriptBundlerResolution ? 'Bundler' : 'Node', /* implied by module: preserve */ useDefineForClassFields: true, /* implied by target: es2022+ */ noImplicitThis: true, /* enabled with `strict` */ allowSyntheticDefaultImports: true, }, include: [...include], exclude: [...exclude], } satisfies TSConfig) const aliases: Record = { ...nuxt.options.alias, '#build': nuxt.options.buildDir, } // Exclude bridge alias types to support Volar const excludedAlias = [/^@vue\/.*$/] const basePath = tsConfig.compilerOptions!.baseUrl ? resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, tsConfig.compilerOptions!.baseUrl) : nuxt.options.buildDir tsConfig.compilerOptions = tsConfig.compilerOptions || {} tsConfig.include = tsConfig.include || [] for (const alias in aliases) { if (excludedAlias.some(re => re.test(alias))) { continue } let absolutePath = resolve(basePath, aliases[alias]!) let stats = await fsp.stat(absolutePath).catch(() => null /* file does not exist */) if (!stats) { const resolvedModule = await tryResolveModule(aliases[alias]!, nuxt.options.modulesDir) if (resolvedModule) { absolutePath = resolvedModule stats = await fsp.stat(resolvedModule).catch(() => null) } } const relativePath = relativeWithDot(nuxt.options.buildDir, absolutePath) if (stats?.isDirectory()) { tsConfig.compilerOptions.paths[alias] = [relativePath] tsConfig.compilerOptions.paths[`${alias}/*`] = [`${relativePath}/*`] if (!absolutePath.startsWith(rootDirWithSlash)) { tsConfig.include.push(relativePath) } } else { const path = stats?.isFile() // remove extension ? relativePath.replace(/\b\.\w+$/g, '') // non-existent file probably shouldn't be resolved : aliases[alias]! tsConfig.compilerOptions.paths[alias] = [path] if (!absolutePath.startsWith(rootDirWithSlash)) { tsConfig.include.push(path) } } } const references: TSReference[] = [] await Promise.all([...nuxt.options.modules, ...nuxt.options._modules].map(async (id) => { if (typeof id !== 'string') { return } const pkg = await readPackageJSON(id, { url: nuxt.options.modulesDir }).catch(() => null) references.push(({ types: pkg?.name || id })) })) const declarations: string[] = [] await nuxt.callHook('prepare:types', { references, declarations, tsConfig }) for (const alias in tsConfig.compilerOptions!.paths) { const paths = tsConfig.compilerOptions!.paths[alias] tsConfig.compilerOptions!.paths[alias] = await Promise.all( (path: string) => { if (!isAbsolute(path)) { return path } const stats = await fsp.stat(path).catch(() => null /* file does not exist */) return relativeWithDot(nuxt.options.buildDir, stats?.isFile() ? path.replace(/\b\.\w+$/g, '') /* remove extension */ : path) })) } tsConfig.include = [ Set( => isAbsolute(p) ? relativeWithDot(nuxt.options.buildDir, p) : p))] tsConfig.exclude = [ Set(tsConfig.exclude!.map(p => isAbsolute(p) ? relativeWithDot(nuxt.options.buildDir, p) : p))] const declaration = [ => { if ('path' in ref && isAbsolute(ref.path)) { ref.path = relative(nuxt.options.buildDir, ref.path) } return `/// ` }), ...declarations, '', 'export {}', '', ].join('\n') return { declaration, tsConfig, } } export async function writeTypes (nuxt: Nuxt) { const { tsConfig, declaration } = await _generateTypes(nuxt) async function writeFile () { const GeneratedBy = '// Generated by nuxi' const tsConfigPath = resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'tsconfig.json') await fsp.mkdir(nuxt.options.buildDir, { recursive: true }) await fsp.writeFile(tsConfigPath, GeneratedBy + '\n' + JSON.stringify(tsConfig, null, 2)) const declarationPath = resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'nuxt.d.ts') await fsp.writeFile(declarationPath, GeneratedBy + '\n' + declaration) } // This is needed for Nuxt 2 which clears the build directory again before building // // @ts-expect-error TODO: Nuxt 2 hook nuxt.hook('builder:prepared', writeFile) await writeFile() } function renderAttrs (obj: Record) { const attrs: string[] = [] for (const key in obj) { attrs.push(renderAttr(key, obj[key])) } return attrs.join(' ') } function renderAttr (key: string, value?: string) { return value ? `${key}="${value}"` : '' } function relativeWithDot (from: string, to: string) { return relative(from, to).replace(/^([^.])/, './$1') || '.' }