# Commands

Nuxi is the new CLI experience for Nuxt 3

Nuxt 3 has two main commands, one to start the development server and one to make production assets.

Since Nuxt 3 becomes a dev dependency thanks to the new [Nitro server](/concepts/server-engine), you only need to add two commands in your `package.json`:

```json [package.json]
"scripts": {
  "dev": "nuxi dev",
  "build": "nuxi build",

Then, you can run each command using `npm run <command>` or `yarn <command>`.

## Development Server

To start Nuxt in development mode with hot module replacement on <http://localhost:3000>:


```bash [Yarn]
yarn dev

```bash [NPM]
npm run dev


To start Nuxt in development mode with HTTPS <https://localhost:3000> (self-signed certificate):


```bash [Yarn]
yarn dev --https

```bash [NPM]
npm run dev -- --https

`options.server` from `nuxt.config` is not supported. You can use `--port`, `--host`, `--https`, `--ssl-cert` and `--ssl-key` instead.

## Building for production

To build your Nuxt application for production, run:


```bash [Yarn]
yarn build

```bash [NPM]
npm run build


Nuxt will create a [`.output`](/docs/directory-structure/output) directory with all your application, server and dependencies ready to be deployed. Check out the [deployment](/docs/deployment) section to learn where and how you can deploy a Nuxt application using Nitro.

## Previewing your production build

Once you've built your Nuxt application, you can preview it locally:

npx nuxi preview

If you're using a supported preset, this will start a local server (for testing purposes only).

## Upgrade Nuxt3 version

To upgrade Nuxt3 version:

npx nuxi upgrade

## Checking types

To type-check your application, you can use `nuxi typecheck`. This uses [`vue-tsc`](https://github.com/johnsoncodehk/volar/tree/master/packages/vue-tsc) under the hood. If you have both a locally installed version of `typescript` and `vue-tsc`, nuxi will use these when type-checking.

npx nuxi typecheck