import consola from 'consola' jest.mock('chalk', () => ({ green: { bold: modern => `greenBold(${modern})` } })) const createContext = () => ({ resources: {}, options: { render: {} } }) const createServerContext = () => ({ req: { headers: {} }, next: jest.fn() }) describe('server: modernMiddleware', () => { let createModernMiddleware beforeEach(() => { jest.isolateModules(() => { createModernMiddleware = require('../../src/middleware/modern').default }) jest.clearAllMocks() }) test('should return modern middleware', () => { const modernMiddleware = createModernMiddleware({}) expect(modernMiddleware).toBeInstanceOf(Function) }) test('should not detect modern build if modern mode is specified', () => { const context = createContext() const modernMiddleware = createModernMiddleware({ context }) const ctx = createServerContext() context.options.modern = false modernMiddleware(ctx.req, ctx.res, context.options.modern = 'client' modernMiddleware(ctx.req, ctx.res, context.options.modern = 'server' modernMiddleware(ctx.req, ctx.res, expect(ctx.req.modernMode).toEqual(false) }) test('should detect client modern build and display message', () => { const context = createContext() const modernMiddleware = createModernMiddleware({ context }) const ctx = createServerContext() context.resources.modernManifest = {} modernMiddleware(ctx.req, ctx.res, expect(context.options.modern).toEqual('client') expect('Modern bundles are detected. Modern mode (greenBold(client)) is enabled now.') }) test('should detect server modern build and display message', () => { const context = createContext() const modernMiddleware = createModernMiddleware({ context }) const ctx = createServerContext() context.options.render.ssr = true context.resources.modernManifest = {} modernMiddleware(ctx.req, ctx.res, expect(context.options.modern).toEqual('server') expect('Modern bundles are detected. Modern mode (greenBold(server)) is enabled now.') }) test('should not detect modern browser if modern build is not found', () => { const context = createContext() const modernMiddleware = createModernMiddleware({ context }) const ctx = createServerContext() modernMiddleware(ctx.req, ctx.res, expect(ctx.req.modernMode).toBeUndefined() }) test('should not detect modern browser if connect has been detected', () => { const context = createContext() const modernMiddleware = createModernMiddleware({ context }) const ctx = createServerContext() ctx.req.socket = { isModernBrowser: true } = true context.options.modern = 'server' modernMiddleware(ctx.req, ctx.res, expect(ctx.req.modernMode).toEqual(true) }) test('should detect modern browser based on user-agent', () => { const context = createContext() const modernMiddleware = createModernMiddleware({ context }) const ctx = createServerContext() const ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36' ctx.req.headers['user-agent'] = ua ctx.req.socket = {} = true context.options.modern = 'server' modernMiddleware(ctx.req, ctx.res, expect(ctx.req.socket.isModernBrowser).toEqual(true) expect(ctx.req.modernMode).toEqual(true) }) test('should detect legacy browser based on user-agent', () => { const context = createContext() const modernMiddleware = createModernMiddleware({ context }) const ctx = createServerContext() const ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; MSIE 9.0; WIndows NT 9.0; en-US))' ctx.req.headers['user-agent'] = ua ctx.req.socket = {} = true context.options.modern = 'client' modernMiddleware(ctx.req, ctx.res, expect(ctx.req.socket.isModernBrowser).toEqual(false) }) test('should ignore illegal user-agent', () => { const context = createContext() const modernMiddleware = createModernMiddleware({ context }) const ctx = createServerContext() const ua = 'illegal user agent' ctx.req.headers['user-agent'] = ua ctx.req.socket = {} = true context.options.modern = 'client' modernMiddleware(ctx.req, ctx.res, expect(ctx.req.socket.isModernBrowser).toEqual(false) }) })