# Firebase Hosting > How to deploy Nuxt to Firebase Hosting with Nuxt Nitro - Support for serverless SSR build - Minimal configuration required ## Setup Nitro supports Firebase Hosting with Cloud Functions out of the box. **Note**: You will need to be on the **Blaze plan** in order to use Nitro with Cloud Functions. ### Using Nitro If you don't already have a `firebase.json` in your root directory, Nitro will create one the first time you run it. All you will need to do is edit this to replace `` with the project ID that you have chosen on Firebase. This file should then be committed to version control. You can also create a `.firebaserc` file if you don't want to manually pass your project ID to your `firebase` commands (with `--project ): ```json [.firebaserc] { "projects": { "default": "" } } ``` Then, just add Firebase dependencies to your project: ```bash yarn add --dev firebase-admin firebase-functions firebase-functions-test ``` ### Using Firebase CLI You may instead prefer to set up your project with the `firebase` CLI, which will fetch your project ID for you, add required dependencies (see above) and even set up automated deployments via GitHub Actions. ```bash # Install firebase CLI globally yarn global install firebase-tools # Initialize your firebase project firebase login firebase init hosting ``` When prompted, you can enter `.output/public` as the public directory. **Don't** select that this will be a single-page app. Once complete, add the following to your `firebase.json` to enable server rendering in Cloud Functions: ```json [firebase.json] { "functions": { "source": ".output/server" }, "hosting": [ { "site": "", "public": ".output/public", "cleanUrls": true, "rewrites": [{ "source": "**", "function": "server" }] } ] } ``` You can find more details in the [Firebase documentation](https://firebase.google.com/docs/hosting/quickstart). ## Local preview You can preview a local version of your site if you need to test things out without deploying. ```bash NITRO_PRESET=firebase yarn build firebase emulators:start ``` ## Deploy to Firebase Hosting via CLI Deploying to Firebase Hosting is a simple matter of just running the `firebase deploy` command. ```bash NITRO_PRESET=firebase yarn build firebase deploy ``` ## Demo site A live demo is available on https://nitro-demo-dfabe.web.app