--- title: "Runtime Config" description: "Nuxt provides a runtime config API to expose configuration within your application." --- # Runtime Config Nuxt provides a runtime config API to expose configuration within your application and server routes, with the ability to update it at runtime by setting environment variables. ## Exposing Runtime Config To expose config and environment variables to the rest of your app, you will need to define runtime configuration in your `nuxt.config` file, using the [`runtimeConfig` option](/guide/directory-structure/nuxt.config#runtimeconfig). **Example:** ```ts [nuxt.config.ts] export default defineNuxtConfig({ runtimeConfig: { // The private keys which are only available within server-side apiSecret: '123', // Keys within public, will be also exposed to the client-side public: { apiBase: '/api' } } }) ``` When adding `apiBase` to the `runtimeConfig.public`, Nuxt adds it to each page payload. We can universally access `apiBase` in both server and browser. ```js const runtimeConfig = useRuntimeConfig() console.log(runtimeConfig.apiSecret) console.log(runtimeConfig.public.apiBase) ``` ::alert{type=info} When using Options API the public runtime config is available via `this.$config.public`. ### Environment Variables The most common way to provide configuration is by using [Environment Variables](https://medium.com/chingu/an-introduction-to-environment-variables-and-how-to-use-them-f602f66d15fa). ::alert{type=info} Nuxt CLI has built-in [dotenv](https://github.com/motdotla/dotenv) support in development mode and when running `nuxi build` and `nuxi generate`. In addition to any process environment variables, if you have a `.env` file in your project root directory, it will be automatically loaded **at build, dev, and generate time**, and any environment variables set there will be accessible within your `nuxt.config` file and modules. When updating `.env` in development mode, the Nuxt instance is automatically restarted to apply new values to the `process.env`. However, **after your server is built**, you are responsible for setting environment variables when you run the server. Your `.env` file will not be read at this point. How you do this is different for every environment. On a Linux server, you could pass the environment variables as arguments using the terminal `DATABASE_HOST=mydatabaseconnectionstring node .output/server/index.mjs`. Or you could source your env file using `source .env && node .output/server/index.mjs`. Note that for a purely static site, it is not possible to set runtime configuration config after your project is prerendered. :: Runtime config values are automatically replaced by matching environment variables at runtime. For this to work, you _must_ have a fallback value (which can just be an empty string) defined in your `nuxt.config`. **Example:** ```sh [.env] NUXT_API_SECRET=api_secret_token NUXT_PUBLIC_API_BASE=https://nuxtjs.org ``` ```ts [nuxt.config.ts] export default defineNuxtConfig({ runtimeConfig: { apiSecret: '', // can be overridden by NUXT_API_SECRET environment variable public: { apiBase: '', // can be overridden by NUXT_PUBLIC_API_BASE environment variable } }, }) ``` ## Accessing Runtime Config ### Vue App Within the Vue part of your Nuxt app, you will need to call `useRuntimeConfig()` to access the runtime config. **Note:** Behavior is different between the client-side and server-side: - On the client-side, only keys in `public` are available, and the object is both writable and reactive. The entire runtime config is available on the server-side, but it is read-only to avoid context sharing. ```vue ``` **🛑 Security note:** Be careful not to expose runtime config keys to the client-side by either rendering them or passing them to `useState`. ::alert{icon=👉} **`useRuntimeConfig` only works during `setup` or `Lifecycle Hooks`**. :: ### Plugins If you want to use the runtime config within any (custom) plugin, you can use `useRuntimeConfig()` inside of your `defineNuxtPlugin` function. For Example: ```ts export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => { const config = useRuntimeConfig() console.log('API base URL:', config.public.apiBase) }); ``` ### Server Routes You can access runtime config within the server routes as well using `useRuntimeConfig`. ```ts export default async () => { const result = await $fetch('https://my.api.com/test', { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${useRuntimeConfig().apiSecret}` } }) return result } ``` ### Manually Typing Runtime Config Nuxt tries to automatically generate a typescript interface from provided runtime config using [unjs/untyped](https://github.com/unjs/untyped). It is also possible to type your runtime config manually: ```ts [index.d.ts] declare module '@nuxt/schema' { interface RuntimeConfig { apiSecret: string public: { apiBase: string } } } // It is always important to ensure you import/export something when augmenting a type export {} ```