import { promises as fsp } from 'fs' import { resolve, join, dirname, basename } from 'upath' import type { Plugin } from 'vite' import Critters from 'critters' import template from 'lodash.template' import { genObjectFromRawEntries } from 'knitwork' import htmlMinifier from 'html-minifier' import { camelCase } from 'scule' import genericMessages from '../templates/messages.json' const r = (...path: string[]) => resolve(join(__dirname, '..', ...path)) const replaceAll = (input, search, replace) => input.split(search).join(replace) export const RenderPlugin = () => { return { name: 'render', enforce: 'post', async writeBundle () { const distDir = r('dist') const critters = new Critters({ path: distDir }) const globby = await import('globby').then(r => r.globby) const htmlFiles = await globby(r('dist/templates/**/*.html')) const templateExports = [] for (const fileName of htmlFiles) { // Infer template name const templateName = basename(dirname(fileName)) // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log('Processing', templateName) // Read source template let html = await fsp.readFile(fileName, 'utf-8') const isCompleteHTML = html.includes('') // Apply critters to inline styles html = await critters.process(html) // We no longer need references to external CSS html = html.replace(/]*>/g, '') // Inline SVGs const svgSources = Array.from(html.matchAll(/src="([^"]+)"|url([^)]+)/g)) .map(m => m[1]) .filter(src => src?.match(/\.svg$/)) for (const src of svgSources) { const svg = await fsp.readFile(r('dist', src), 'utf-8') const base64Source = `data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,${encodeURIComponent(svg)}` html = replaceAll(html, src, base64Source) } // Inline our scripts const scriptSources = Array.from(html.matchAll(/]*src="(.*)"[^>]*>[\s\S]*?<\/script>/g)) .filter(([_block, src]) => src?.match(/^\/.*\.js$/)) for (const [scriptBlock, src] of scriptSources) { let contents = await fsp.readFile(r('dist', src), 'utf-8') contents = replaceAll(contents, '/* empty css */', '').trim() html = html.replace(scriptBlock, contents.length ? `` : '') } // Minify HTML html = htmlMinifier.minify(html, { collapseWhitespace: true }) if (!isCompleteHTML) { html = html.replace('', '') html = html.replace('', '') } // Load messages const messages = JSON.parse(await fsp.readFile(r(`templates/${templateName}/messages.json`), 'utf-8')) // Serialize into a js function const jsCode = [ `const _messages = ${JSON.stringify({ ...genericMessages, ...messages })}`, `const _render = ${template(html, { variable: '__var__', interpolate: /{{{?([\s\S]+?)}?}}/g }).toString().replace('__var__', '{ messages }')}`, 'const _template = (messages) => _render({ messages: { ..._messages, ...messages } })' ].join('\n').trim() const templateContent = html .match(/([\s\S]*)<\/body>/)?.[0] .replace(/(?<=<|<\/)body/g, 'div') .replace(/messages\./g, '') .replace(/]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/g, '') .replace(/]*)>([\s\S]*)<\/a>/g, '\n$3\n') // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string .replace(/<([^>]+) ([a-z]+)="([^"]*)({{\s*(\w+?)\s*}})([^"]*)"([^>]*)>/g, '<$1 :$2="`$3${$5}$6`"$7>') .replace(/>{{\s*(\w+?)\s*}}<\/[\w-]*>/g, ' v-text="$1" />') .replace(/>{{{\s*(\w+?)\s*}}}<\/[\w-]*>/g, ' v-html="$1" />') // We are not matching ', '', '' ].filter(Boolean).join('\n').trim() // Generate types const types = [ `export type DefaultMessages = Record<${Object.keys(messages).map(a => `"${a}"`).join(' | ') || 'string'}, string | boolean | number >`, 'declare const template: (data: Partial) => string', 'export { template }' ].join('\n') // Register exports templateExports.push({ exportName: camelCase(templateName), templateName, types }) // Write new template await fsp.writeFile(fileName.replace('/index.html', '.mjs'), `${jsCode}\nexport const template = _template`) await fsp.writeFile(fileName.replace('/index.html', '.vue'), vueCode) await fsp.writeFile(fileName.replace('/index.html', '.d.ts'), `${types}`) // Remove original html file await fsp.unlink(fileName) await fsp.rmdir(dirname(fileName)) } // Write an index file with named exports for each template const contents = => `export { template as ${exp.exportName} } from './templates/${exp.templateName}.mjs'`).join('\n') await fsp.writeFile(r('dist/index.mjs'), contents, 'utf8') await fsp.writeFile(r('dist/index.d.ts'), replaceAll(contents, /\.mjs/g, ''), 'utf8') } } }