# Contributing to Nuxt.js 1. [Fork](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/) this repository to your own GitHub account and then [clone](https://help.github.com/articles/cloning-a-repository/) it to your local device. 2. Run `npm install` to install the dependencies. > _Note that both **npm** and **yarn** have been seen to miss installing dependencies. To remedy that, you can either delete the `node_modules` folder in your example app and install again or do a local install of the missing dependencies._ 3. Add an example app to `examples/` before writing any code. 4. Create a fixture app under `test/fixtures/`. See others for examples. To run an example or fixture app with your copy of Nuxt, do: ```sh bin/nuxt examples/your-app bin/nuxt test/fixtures/your-fixture-app ``` > `npm link` could also (and does, to some extent) work for this, but it has been known to exhibit some issues. That is why we recommend calling `bin/nuxt` directly to run examples. Once you've modified Nuxt and seen your modifications reflected correctly in your example app and fixture, add `unit` and, if necessary, `e2e` tests that can ensure its functionality and future maintanability. Study other tests carefully for reference. ## Running specific tests ```sh npm install jest -g jest test/unit/test.js ``` ## Running test suites ```sh yarn test ``` Or, per group: ```sh yarn test:fixtures yarn test:unit yarn test:e2e ``` ## Opening PRs - Please make sure your PR passes the lint test (`npm run lint`). - Please wait for tests to run and verify potential failures.