import path from 'path' import fs from 'fs' import { DefinePlugin, ProvidePlugin } from 'webpack' import nodeExternals from 'webpack-node-externals' import VueSSRServerPlugin from '../plugins/vue/server' import WebpackBaseConfig from './base' const nativeFileExtensions = [ '.json', '.js' ] export default class WebpackServerConfig extends WebpackBaseConfig { constructor (...args) { super(...args) = 'server' this.isServer = true } get devtool () { return 'cheap-module-source-map' } get externalsAllowlist () { return [ this.isNonNativeImport.bind(this), ...this.normalizeTranspile() ] } /** * files *not* ending on js|json should be processed by webpack * * this might generate false-positives for imports like * - "someFile.umd" (actually requiring someFile.umd.js) * - "some.folder" (some.folder being a directory containing a package.json) */ isNonNativeImport (modulePath) { const extname = path.extname(modulePath) return extname !== '' && !nativeFileExtensions.includes(extname) } env () { return Object.assign( super.env(), { 'process.env.VUE_ENV': JSON.stringify('server'), 'process.browser': false, 'process.client': false, 'process.server': true, 'process.modern': false } ) } optimization () { const { _minifyServer } = this.buildContext.buildOptions return { splitChunks: false, minimizer: _minifyServer ? this.minimizer() : [] } } resolve () { const resolveConfig = super.resolve() resolveConfig.resolve.mainFields = ['main', 'module'] return resolveConfig } alias () { const aliases = super.alias() for (const p of this.buildContext.plugins) { if (!aliases[]) { // Do not load client-side plugins on server-side aliases[] = p.mode === 'client' ? './empty.js' : p.src } } return aliases } plugins () { const plugins = super.plugins() plugins.push( new VueSSRServerPlugin({ filename: `${}.manifest.json` }), new DefinePlugin(this.env()) ) const { serverURLPolyfill } = if (serverURLPolyfill) { plugins.push(new ProvidePlugin({ URL: [serverURLPolyfill, 'URL'], URLSearchParams: [serverURLPolyfill, 'URLSearchParams'] })) } return plugins } config () { const config = super.config() Object.assign(config, { target: 'node', node: false, entry: Object.assign({}, config.entry, { app: [path.resolve(this.buildContext.options.buildDir, 'server.js')] }), output: Object.assign({}, config.output, { filename: 'server.js', chunkFilename: '[name].js', libraryTarget: 'commonjs2' }), performance: { hints: false, maxEntrypointSize: Infinity, maxAssetSize: Infinity }, externals: [].concat(config.externals || []) }) // // // if (!this.buildContext.buildOptions.standalone) { this.buildContext.options.modulesDir.forEach((dir) => { if (fs.existsSync(dir)) { config.externals.push( nodeExternals({ allowlist: this.externalsAllowlist, modulesDir: dir }) ) } }) } return config } }