import hash from 'hash-sum' import { uniq } from 'lodash' import { isJS, isCSS, onEmit } from './util' export default class VueSSRClientPlugin { constructor(options = {}) { this.options = Object.assign({ filename: 'vue-ssr-client-manifest.json' }, options) } apply(compiler) { onEmit(compiler, 'vue-client-plugin', (compilation, cb) => { const stats = compilation.getStats().toJson() const allFiles = uniq(stats.assets .map(a => const initialFiles = uniq(Object.keys(stats.entrypoints) .map(name => stats.entrypoints[name].assets) .reduce((assets, all) => all.concat(assets), []) .filter((file) => isJS(file) || isCSS(file))) const asyncFiles = allFiles .filter((file) => isJS(file) || isCSS(file)) .filter(file => initialFiles.indexOf(file) < 0) const manifest = { publicPath: stats.publicPath, all: allFiles, initial: initialFiles, async: asyncFiles, modules: { /* [identifier: string]: Array */ } } const assetModules = stats.modules.filter(m => m.assets.length) const fileToIndex = file => manifest.all.indexOf(file) stats.modules.forEach(m => { // ignore modules duplicated in multiple chunks if (m.chunks.length === 1) { const cid = m.chunks[0] const chunk = stats.chunks.find(c => === cid) if (!chunk || !chunk.files) { return } const id = m.identifier.replace(/\s\w+$/, '') // remove appended hash const files = manifest.modules[hash(id)] = // find all asset modules associated with the same chunk assetModules.forEach(m => { if (m.chunks.some(id => id === cid)) { files.push.apply(files, } }) } }) // const debug = (file, obj) => { // require('fs').writeFileSync(__dirname + '/' + file, JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2)) // } // debug('stats.json', stats) // debug('client-manifest.json', manifest) const json = JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 2) compilation.assets[this.options.filename] = { source: () => json, size: () => json.length } cb() }) } }