import { assert, describe, expect, it } from 'vitest' import { ScopeTracker, getUndeclaredIdentifiersInFunction, parseAndWalk } from '../src/core/utils/parse' const filename = 'test.ts' describe('scope tracker', () => { it('should throw away exited scopes', () => { const code = ` const a = 1 { const b = 2 } ` const scopeTracker = new TestScopeTracker() parseAndWalk(code, filename, { scopeTracker, }) expect(scopeTracker.getScopes().size).toBe(0) }) it ('should keep exited scopes', () => { const code = ` const a = 1 { const b = 2 } ` const scopeTracker = new TestScopeTracker({ keepExitedScopes: true }) parseAndWalk(code, filename, { scopeTracker, }) expect(scopeTracker.getScopes().size).toBe(2) }) it('should generate scope key correctly and not allocate unnecessary scopes', () => { const code = ` // starting in global scope ("") const a = 1 // pushing scope for function parameters ("0") // pushing scope for function body ("0-0") function foo (param) { const b = 2 // pushing scope for for loop variable declaration ("0-0-0") // pushing scope for for loop body ("0-0-0-0") for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { const c = 3 // pushing scope for block statement ("0-0-0-0-0") try { const d = 4 } // in for loop body scope ("0-0-0-0") // pushing scope for catch clause param ("0-0-0-0-1") // pushing scope for block statement ("0-0-0-0-1-0") catch (e) { const f = 4 } // in for loop body scope ("0-0-0-0") const cc = 3 } // in function body scope ("0-0") // pushing scope for for of loop variable declaration ("0-0-1") // pushing scope for for of loop body ("0-0-1-0") for (const i of [1, 2, 3]) { const dd = 3 } // in function body scope ("0-0") // pushing scope for for in loop variable declaration ("0-0-2") // pushing scope for for in loop body ("0-0-2-0") for (const i in [1, 2, 3]) { const ddd = 3 } // in function body scope ("0-0") // pushing scope for while loop body ("0-0-3") while (true) { const e = 3 } } // in global scope ("") // pushing scope for function expression name ("1") // pushing scope for function parameters ("1-0") // pushing scope for function body ("1-0-0") const baz = function bar (param) { const g = 5 // pushing scope for block statement ("1-0-0-0") if (true) { const h = 6 } } // in global scope ("") // pushing scope for function expression name ("2") { const i = 7 // pushing scope for block statement ("2-0") { const j = 8 } } // in global scope ("") // pushing scope for arrow function parameters ("3") // pushing scope for arrow function body ("3-0") const arrow = (param) => { const k = 9 } // in global scope ("") // pushing scope for class expression name ("4") const classExpression = class InternalClassName { classAttribute = 10 // pushing scope for constructor function expression name ("4-0") // pushing scope for constructor parameters ("4-0-0") // pushing scope for constructor body ("4-0-0-0") constructor(constructorParam) { const l = 10 } // in class body scope ("4") // pushing scope for static block ("4-1") static { const m = 11 } } // in global scope ("") class NoScopePushedForThis { // pushing scope for constructor function expression name ("5") // pushing scope for constructor parameters ("5-0") // pushing scope for constructor body ("5-0-0") constructor() { const n = 12 } } ` const scopeTracker = new TestScopeTracker({ keepExitedScopes: true, }) // is in global scope initially expect(scopeTracker.getScopeIndexKey()).toBe('') parseAndWalk(code, filename, { scopeTracker, }) // is in global scope after parsing expect(scopeTracker.getScopeIndexKey()).toBe('') // check that the scopes are correct const scopes = scopeTracker.getScopes() const expectedScopesInOrder = [ '', '0', '0-0', '0-0-0', '0-0-0-0', '0-0-0-0-0', '0-0-0-0-1', '0-0-0-0-1-0', '0-0-1', '0-0-1-0', '0-0-2', '0-0-2-0', '0-0-3', '1', '1-0', '1-0-0', '1-0-0-0', '2', '2-0', '3', '3-0', '4', // '4-0', -> DO NOT UNCOMMENT - class constructor method definition doesn't provide a function expression id (scope doesn't have any identifiers) '4-0-0', '4-0-0-0', '4-1', // '5', -> DO NOT UNCOMMENT - class constructor - same as above // '5-0', -> DO NOT UNCOMMENT - class constructor parameters (none in this case, so the scope isn't stored) '5-0-0', ] expect(scopes.size).toBe(expectedScopesInOrder.length) const scopeKeys = Array.from(scopes.keys()) expect(scopeKeys).toEqual(expectedScopesInOrder) }) it ('should track variable declarations', () => { const code = ` const a = 1 let x, y = 2 { let b = 2 } ` const scopeTracker = new TestScopeTracker({ keepExitedScopes: true, }) parseAndWalk(code, filename, { scopeTracker, }) const scopes = scopeTracker.getScopes() const globalScope = scopes.get('') expect(globalScope?.get('a')?.type).toEqual('Variable') expect(globalScope?.get('b')).toBeUndefined() expect(globalScope?.get('x')?.type).toEqual('Variable') expect(globalScope?.get('y')?.type).toEqual('Variable') const blockScope = scopes.get('0') expect(blockScope?.get('b')?.type).toEqual('Variable') expect(blockScope?.get('a')).toBeUndefined() expect(blockScope?.get('x')).toBeUndefined() expect(blockScope?.get('y')).toBeUndefined() expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('a', '')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('a', '0')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('y', '')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('y', '0')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('b', '')).toBe(false) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('b', '0')).toBe(true) }) it ('should separate variables in different scopes', () => { const code = ` const a = 1 { let a = 2 } function foo (a) { // scope "1-0" let b = a } ` const scopeTracker = new TestScopeTracker({ keepExitedScopes: true, }) parseAndWalk(code, filename, { scopeTracker, }) const globalA = scopeTracker.getDeclarationFromScope('a', '') expect(globalA?.type).toEqual('Variable') expect(globalA?.type === 'Variable' && globalA.variableNode.type).toEqual('VariableDeclaration') const blockA = scopeTracker.getDeclarationFromScope('a', '0') expect(blockA?.type).toEqual('Variable') expect(blockA?.type === 'Variable' && blockA.variableNode.type).toEqual('VariableDeclaration') // check that the two `a` variables are different expect(globalA?.type === 'Variable' && globalA.variableNode).not.toBe(blockA?.type === 'Variable' && blockA.variableNode) // check that the `a` in the function scope is a function param and not a variable const fooA = scopeTracker.getDeclarationFromScope('a', '1-0') expect(fooA?.type).toEqual('FunctionParam') }) it ('should handle patterns', () => { const code = ` const { a, b: c } = { a: 1, b: 2 } const [d, [e]] = [3, [4]] const { f: { g } } = { f: { g: 5 } } function foo ({ h, i: j } = {}, [k, [l, m],]) { } try {} catch ({ message }) {} ` const scopeTracker = new TestScopeTracker({ keepExitedScopes: true, }) parseAndWalk(code, filename, { scopeTracker, }) const scopes = scopeTracker.getScopes() expect(scopes.size).toBe(3) const globalScope = scopes.get('') expect(globalScope?.size).toBe(6) expect(globalScope?.get('a')?.type).toEqual('Variable') expect(globalScope?.get('b')?.type).toBeUndefined() expect(globalScope?.get('c')?.type).toEqual('Variable') expect(globalScope?.get('d')?.type).toEqual('Variable') expect(globalScope?.get('e')?.type).toEqual('Variable') expect(globalScope?.get('f')?.type).toBeUndefined() expect(globalScope?.get('g')?.type).toEqual('Variable') expect(globalScope?.get('foo')?.type).toEqual('Function') const fooScope = scopes.get('0') expect(fooScope?.size).toBe(6) expect(fooScope?.get('h')?.type).toEqual('FunctionParam') expect(fooScope?.get('i')?.type).toBeUndefined() expect(fooScope?.get('j')?.type).toEqual('FunctionParam') expect(fooScope?.get('k')?.type).toEqual('FunctionParam') expect(fooScope?.get('l')?.type).toEqual('FunctionParam') expect(fooScope?.get('m')?.type).toEqual('FunctionParam') expect(fooScope?.get('rest')?.type).toEqual('FunctionParam') const catchScope = scopes.get('2') expect(catchScope?.size).toBe(1) expect(catchScope?.get('message')?.type).toEqual('CatchParam') expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('a', '')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('b', '')).toBe(false) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('c', '')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('d', '')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('e', '')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('f', '')).toBe(false) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('g', '')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('h', '0')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('i', '0')).toBe(false) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('j', '0')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('k', '0')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('l', '0')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('m', '0')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('rest', '0')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('message', '2')).toBe(true) }) it ('should handle loops', () => { const code = ` for (let i = 0, getI = () => i; i < 3; i++) { console.log(getI()); } let j = 0; for (; j < 3; j++) { } const obj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 } for (const property in obj) { } const arr = ['a', 'b', 'c'] for (const element of arr) { } ` const scopeTracker = new TestScopeTracker({ keepExitedScopes: true, }) parseAndWalk(code, filename, { scopeTracker, }) const scopes = scopeTracker.getScopes() expect(scopes.size).toBe(4) const globalScope = scopes.get('') expect(globalScope?.size).toBe(3) expect(globalScope?.get('j')?.type).toEqual('Variable') expect(globalScope?.get('obj')?.type).toEqual('Variable') expect(globalScope?.get('arr')?.type).toEqual('Variable') const forScope1 = scopes.get('0') expect(forScope1?.size).toBe(2) expect(forScope1?.get('i')?.type).toEqual('Variable') expect(forScope1?.get('getI')?.type).toEqual('Variable') const forScope2 = scopes.get('1') expect(forScope2).toBeUndefined() const forScope3 = scopes.get('2') expect(forScope3?.size).toBe(1) expect(forScope3?.get('property')?.type).toEqual('Variable') const forScope4 = scopes.get('3') expect(forScope4?.size).toBe(1) expect(forScope4?.get('element')?.type).toEqual('Variable') expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('i', '')).toBe(false) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('getI', '')).toBe(false) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('i', '0-0')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('getI', '0-0')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('j', '')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('j', '1-0')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('property', '')).toBe(false) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('element', '')).toBe(false) }) it ('should handle imports', () => { const code = ` import { a, b as c } from 'module-a' import d from 'module-b' ` const scopeTracker = new TestScopeTracker({ keepExitedScopes: true, }) parseAndWalk(code, filename, { scopeTracker, }) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('a', '')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('b', '')).toBe(false) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('c', '')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('d', '')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.getScopes().get('')?.size).toBe(3) }) it ('should handle classes', () => { const code = ` // "" class Foo { someProperty = 1 // "0" - function expression name // "0-0" - constructor parameters // "0-0-0" - constructor body constructor(param) { let a = 1 this.b = 1 } // "1" - method name // "1-0" - method parameters // "1-0-0" - method body someMethod(param) { let c = 1 } // "2" - method name // "2-0" - method parameters // "2-0-0" - method body get d() { let e = 1 return 1 } } ` const scopeTracker = new TestScopeTracker({ keepExitedScopes: true, }) parseAndWalk(code, filename, { scopeTracker, }) const scopes = scopeTracker.getScopes() // only the scopes containing identifiers are stored const expectedScopes = [ '', '0-0', '0-0-0', '1-0', '1-0-0', '2-0-0', ] expect(scopes.size).toBe(expectedScopes.length) const scopeKeys = Array.from(scopes.keys()) expect(scopeKeys).toEqual(expectedScopes) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('Foo', '')).toBe(true) // properties should be accessible through the class expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('someProperty', '')).toBe(false) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('someProperty', '0')).toBe(false) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('a', '0-0-0')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('b', '0-0-0')).toBe(false) // method definitions don't have names in function expressions, so it is not stored // they should be accessed through the class expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('someMethod', '1')).toBe(false) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('someMethod', '1-0-0')).toBe(false) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('someMethod', '')).toBe(false) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('c', '1-0-0')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('d', '2')).toBe(false) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('d', '2-0-0')).toBe(false) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('d', '')).toBe(false) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('e', '2-0-0')).toBe(true) }) it ('should freeze scopes', () => { let code = ` const a = 1 { const b = 2 } ` const scopeTracker = new TestScopeTracker({ keepExitedScopes: true, }) parseAndWalk(code, filename, { scopeTracker, }) expect(scopeTracker.getScopes().size).toBe(2) code = code + '\n' + ` { const c = 3 } ` parseAndWalk(code, filename, { scopeTracker, }) expect(scopeTracker.getScopes().size).toBe(3) scopeTracker.freeze() code = code + '\n' + ` { const d = 4 } ` parseAndWalk(code, filename, { scopeTracker, }) expect(scopeTracker.getScopes().size).toBe(3) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('a', '')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('b', '0')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('c', '1')).toBe(true) expect(scopeTracker.isDeclaredInScope('d', '2')).toBe(false) }) }) describe('parsing', () => { it ('should correctly get identifiers not declared in a function', () => { const functionParams = `(param, { param1, temp: param2 } = {}, [param3, [param4]],` const functionBody = `{ const c = 1, d = 2 console.log(undeclaredIdentifier1, foo) const obj = { key1: param, key2: undeclaredIdentifier1, undeclaredIdentifier2: undeclaredIdentifier2, undeclaredIdentifier3, undeclaredIdentifier4, } nonExistentFunction() console.log(a, b, c, d, param, param1, param2, param3, param4, param['test']['key'], rest) console.log(param3[0].access['someKey'], obj, obj.key1, obj.key2, obj.undeclaredIdentifier2, obj.undeclaredIdentifier3) try {} catch (error) { console.log(error) } class Foo { constructor() { console.log(Foo) } } const cls = class Bar { constructor() { console.log(Bar, cls) } } const cls2 = class Baz { someProperty = someValue someMethod() { } } console.log(Baz) function f() { console.log(hoisted, nonHoisted) } let hoisted = 1 f() }` const code = ` import { a } from 'module-a' const b = 1 // "0" function foo ${functionParams} ${functionBody} // "1" const f = ${functionParams} => ${functionBody} // "2-0" const bar = function ${functionParams} ${functionBody} // "3-0" const baz = function foo ${functionParams} ${functionBody} // "4" function emptyParams() { console.log(param) } ` const scopeTracker = new TestScopeTracker({ keepExitedScopes: true, }) let processedFunctions = 0 parseAndWalk(code, filename, { scopeTracker, enter: (node) => { const currentScope = scopeTracker.getScopeIndexKey() if ((node.type !== 'FunctionDeclaration' && node.type !== 'FunctionExpression' && node.type !== 'ArrowFunctionExpression') || !['0', '1', '2-0', '3-0', '4'].includes(currentScope)) { return } const undeclaredIdentifiers = getUndeclaredIdentifiersInFunction(node) expect(undeclaredIdentifiers).toEqual(currentScope === '4' ? [ 'console', 'param', ] : [ 'console', 'undeclaredIdentifier1', ...(node.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression' || (node.type === 'FunctionExpression' && ! ? ['foo'] : []), 'undeclaredIdentifier2', 'undeclaredIdentifier3', 'undeclaredIdentifier4', 'nonExistentFunction', 'a', // import is outside the scope of the function 'b', // variable is outside the scope of the function 'someValue', 'Baz', 'nonHoisted', ]) processedFunctions++ }, }) expect(processedFunctions).toBe(5) }) it ('should correctly compare identifiers defined in different scopes', () => { const code = ` // "" const a = 1 // "" const func = () => { // "0-0" const b = 2 // "0-0" function foo() { // "0-0-0-0" const c = 3 } } // "" const func2 = () => { // "1-0" const d = 2 // "1-0" function bar() { // "1-0-0-0" const e = 3 } } // "" const f = 4 ` const scopeTracker = new TestScopeTracker({ keepExitedScopes: true, }) parseAndWalk(code, filename, { scopeTracker, }) const a = scopeTracker.getDeclarationFromScope('a', '') const func = scopeTracker.getDeclarationFromScope('func', '') const foo = scopeTracker.getDeclarationFromScope('foo', '0-0') const b = scopeTracker.getDeclarationFromScope('b', '0-0') const c = scopeTracker.getDeclarationFromScope('c', '0-0-0-0') const func2 = scopeTracker.getDeclarationFromScope('func2', '') const bar = scopeTracker.getDeclarationFromScope('bar', '1-0') const d = scopeTracker.getDeclarationFromScope('d', '1-0') const e = scopeTracker.getDeclarationFromScope('e', '1-0-0-0') const f = scopeTracker.getDeclarationFromScope('f', '') assert(a && func && foo && b && c && func2 && bar && d && e && f, 'All declarations should be found') // identifiers in the same scope should be equal expect(f.isUnderScope(a.scope)).toBe(false) expect(func.isUnderScope(a.scope)).toBe(false) expect(d.isUnderScope(bar.scope)).toBe(false) // identifiers in deeper scopes should be under the scope of the parent scope expect(b.isUnderScope(a.scope)).toBe(true) expect(b.isUnderScope(func.scope)).toBe(true) expect(c.isUnderScope(a.scope)).toBe(true) expect(c.isUnderScope(b.scope)).toBe(true) expect(d.isUnderScope(a.scope)).toBe(true) expect(d.isUnderScope(func2.scope)).toBe(true) expect(e.isUnderScope(a.scope)).toBe(true) expect(e.isUnderScope(d.scope)).toBe(true) // identifiers in parent scope should not be under the scope of the children expect(a.isUnderScope(b.scope)).toBe(false) expect(a.isUnderScope(c.scope)).toBe(false) expect(a.isUnderScope(d.scope)).toBe(false) expect(a.isUnderScope(e.scope)).toBe(false) expect(b.isUnderScope(c.scope)).toBe(false) // identifiers in parallel scopes should not influence each other expect(d.isUnderScope(b.scope)).toBe(false) expect(e.isUnderScope(b.scope)).toBe(false) expect(b.isUnderScope(d.scope)).toBe(false) expect(c.isUnderScope(e.scope)).toBe(false) }) }) export class TestScopeTracker extends ScopeTracker { getScopes () { return this.scopes } getScopeIndexKey () { return this.scopeIndexKey } getScopeIndexStack () { return this.scopeIndexStack } isDeclaredInScope (identifier: string, scope: string) { const oldKey = this.scopeIndexKey this.scopeIndexKey = scope const result = this.isDeclared(identifier) this.scopeIndexKey = oldKey return result } getDeclarationFromScope (identifier: string, scope: string) { const oldKey = this.scopeIndexKey this.scopeIndexKey = scope const result = this.getDeclaration(identifier) this.scopeIndexKey = oldKey return result } }