/** * This file is based on Vue.js (MIT) webpack plugins * https://github.com/vuejs/vue/blob/dev/src/server/webpack-plugin/util.js */ import consola from 'consola' export const validate = (compiler) => { if (compiler.options.target !== 'node') { consola.warn('webpack config `target` should be "node".') } const libraryType = compiler.options.output.library.type if (libraryType !== 'commonjs2') { consola.warn('webpack config `output.libraryTarget` should be "commonjs2".') } if (!compiler.options.externals) { consola.info( 'It is recommended to externalize dependencies in the server build for ' + 'better build performance.' ) } } const isJSRegExp = /\.[cm]?js(\?[^.]+)?$/ export const isJS = file => isJSRegExp.test(file) export const extractQueryPartJS = file => isJSRegExp.exec(file)[1] export const isCSS = file => /\.css(\?[^.]+)?$/.test(file) export const isHotUpdate = file => file.includes('hot-update')