const _ = require('lodash') const co = require('co') const fs = require('fs-extra') const pify = require('pify') const ansiHTML = require('ansi-html') const serialize = require('serialize-javascript') const Server = require('./server') const build = require('./build') const render = require('./render') const generate = require('./generate') const serveStatic = require('serve-static') const { resolve, join } = require('path') const { encodeHtml, setAnsiColors } = require('./utils') setAnsiColors(ansiHTML) class Nuxt { constructor (options = {}) { var defaults = { // special options _renderer: true, _build: true, // general options dev: true, env: {}, head: {}, plugins: [], css: [], cache: false, loading: { color: 'black', failedColor: 'red', height: '2px', duration: 5000 }, transition: { name: 'page', mode: 'out-in' }, router: { base: '/', linkActiveClass: 'nuxt-link-active' }, build: {} } if (options.loading === true) delete options.loading if (typeof options.transition === 'string') options.transition = { name: options.transition } this.options = _.defaultsDeep(options, defaults) // Env variables = this.dir = (typeof options.rootDir === 'string' && options.rootDir ? options.rootDir : process.cwd()) this.srcDir = (typeof options.srcDir === 'string' && options.srcDir ? resolve(this.dir, options.srcDir) : this.dir) // If store defined, update store options to true if (fs.existsSync(join(this.srcDir, 'store'))) { = true } // Template this.appTemplate = _.template(fs.readFileSync(resolve(__dirname, 'views', 'app.html'), 'utf8'), { imports: { serialize } }) this.errorTemplate = _.template(fs.readFileSync(resolve(__dirname, 'views', 'error.html'), 'utf8'), { imports: { ansiHTML, encodeHtml } }) // renderer used by Vue.js (via createBundleRenderer) this.renderer = null // For serving static/ files to / this.serveStatic = pify(serveStatic(resolve(this.srcDir, 'static'))) // For serving .nuxt/dist/ files this._nuxtRegexp = /^\/_nuxt\// this.serveStaticNuxt = pify(serveStatic(resolve(this.dir, '.nuxt', 'dist'))) // Add this.Server Class this.Server = Server // Add // Add build options = () => co( // Add this.render and this.renderRoute this.render = render.render.bind(this) this.renderRoute = render.renderRoute.bind(this) this.renderAndGetWindow = render.renderAndGetWindow.bind(this) // Add this.generate this.generate = generate.bind(this) return this } close (callback) { let promises = [] /* istanbul ignore if */ if (this.webpackDevMiddleware) { const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.webpackDevMiddleware.close(() => resolve()) }) promises.push(p) } /* istanbul ignore if */ if (this.webpackServerWatcher) { const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.webpackServerWatcher.close(() => resolve()) }) promises.push(p) } /* istanbul ignore if */ if (this.pagesFilesWatcher) { this.pagesFilesWatcher.close() } return co(function * () { yield promises }) .then(function () { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback() }) } } module.exports = Nuxt