import { readdir } from 'node:fs/promises' import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url' import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest' import { joinURL, withQuery } from 'ufo' import { isCI, isWindows } from 'std-env' import { join, normalize } from 'pathe' import { $fetch, createPage, fetch, isDev, setup, startServer, url, useTestContext } from '@nuxt/test-utils/e2e' import { $fetchComponent } from '@nuxt/test-utils/experimental' import { expectNoClientErrors, expectWithPolling, gotoPath, isRenderingJson, parseData, parsePayload, renderPage } from './utils' import type { NuxtIslandResponse } from '#app' const isWebpack = process.env.TEST_BUILDER === 'webpack' const isTestingAppManifest = process.env.TEST_MANIFEST !== 'manifest-off' const isV4 = process.env.TEST_V4 === 'true' await setup({ rootDir: fileURLToPath(new URL('./fixtures/basic', import.meta.url)), dev: process.env.TEST_ENV === 'dev', server: true, browser: true, setupTimeout: (isWindows ? 360 : 120) * 1000, nuxtConfig: { builder: isWebpack ? 'webpack' : 'vite', buildDir: process.env.NITRO_BUILD_DIR, nitro: { output: { dir: process.env.NITRO_OUTPUT_DIR } }, }, }) describe('server api', () => { it('should serialize', async () => { expect(await $fetch<string>('/api/hello')).toBe('Hello API') expect(await $fetch<string>('/api/hey')).toEqual({ foo: 'bar', baz: 'qux', }) }) it('should preserve states', async () => { expect(await $fetch<string>('/api/counter')).toEqual({ count: 0 }) expect(await $fetch<string>('/api/counter')).toEqual({ count: 1 }) expect(await $fetch<string>('/api/counter')).toEqual({ count: 2 }) expect(await $fetch<string>('/api/counter')).toEqual({ count: 3 }) }) it('should auto-import', async () => { const res = await $fetch<string>('/api/auto-imports') expect(res).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "autoImported": "utils", "fromServerDir": "test-utils", "thisIs": "serverAutoImported", } `) }) }) describe('route rules', () => { it('should enable spa mode', async () => { const headHtml = await $fetch<string>('/route-rules/spa') // SPA should render appHead tags expect(headHtml).toContain('<meta name="description" content="Nuxt Fixture">') expect(headHtml).toContain('<meta charset="utf-8">') expect(headHtml).toContain('<meta name="viewport" content="width=1024, initial-scale=1">') expect(headHtml.match(/<meta name="viewport" content="width=1024, initial-scale=1">/g)).toHaveLength(1) const { script, attrs } = parseData(headHtml) expect(script.serverRendered).toEqual(false) if (isRenderingJson) { expect(attrs['data-ssr']).toEqual('false') } await expectNoClientErrors('/route-rules/spa') }) it('should not render loading template in spa mode if it is not enabled', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/route-rules/spa') expect(html).toContain('<div id="__nuxt"></div>') }) it('should allow defining route rules inline', async () => { const res = await fetch('/route-rules/inline') expect(res.status).toEqual(200) expect(res.headers.get('x-extend')).toEqual('added in routeRules') }) it('test noScript routeRules', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/no-scripts') expect(html).not.toContain('<script') }) it.runIf(isTestingAppManifest)('should run middleware defined in routeRules config', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/route-rules/middleware') expect(html).toContain('Hello from routeRules!') }) }) describe('modules', () => { it('should auto-register modules in ~/modules', async () => { const result = await $fetch<string>('/auto-registered-module') expect(result).toEqual('handler added by auto-registered module') }) }) describe('pages', () => { it('render index', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/') // Snapshot // expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot() // should render text expect(html).toContain('Hello Nuxt 3!') // should inject runtime config expect(html).toContain('RuntimeConfig | testConfig: 123') expect(html).toContain('needsFallback:') // composables auto import expect(html).toContain('Composable | foo: auto imported from ~/composables/foo.ts') expect(html).toContain('Composable | bar: auto imported from ~/utils/useBar.ts') expect(html).toContain('Composable | template: auto imported from ~/composables/template.ts') expect(html).toContain('Composable | star: auto imported from ~/composables/nested/bar.ts via star export') // should import components expect(html).toContain('This is a custom component with a named export.') // should remove dev-only and replace with any fallback content expect(html).toContain(isDev() ? 'Some dev-only info' : 'Some prod-only info') // should apply attributes to client-only components expect(html).toContain('<div style="color:red;" class="client-only"></div>') // should render server-only components expect(html.replace(/ data-island-uid="[^"]*"/, '')).toContain('<div class="server-only" style="background-color:gray;"> server-only component <div> server-only component child (non-server-only) </div></div>') // should register global components automatically expect(html).toContain('global component registered automatically') expect(html).toContain('global component via suffix') expect(html).toContain('This is a synchronously registered global component') await expectNoClientErrors('/') }) // TODO: support jsx with webpack it.runIf(!isWebpack)('supports jsx', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/jsx') // should import JSX/TSX components with custom elements expect(html).toContain('TSX component') expect(html).toContain('<custom-component>custom</custom-component>') expect(html).toContain('Sugar Counter 12 x 2 = 24') }) it('respects aliases in page metadata', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/some-alias') expect(html).toContain('Hello Nuxt 3!') }) it('respects redirects in page metadata', async () => { const { headers } = await fetch('/redirect', { redirect: 'manual' }) expect(headers.get('location')).toEqual('/') }) it('allows routes to be added dynamically', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/add-route-test') expect(html).toContain('Hello Nuxt 3!') }) it('includes page metadata from pages added in pages:extend hook', async () => { const res = await fetch('/page-extend') expect(res.headers.get('x-extend')).toEqual('added in pages:extend') }) it('preserves page metadata added in pages:extend hook', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/some-custom-path') expect (html.match(/<pre>([^<]*)<\/pre>/)?.[1]?.trim().replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/>/g, '>')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "{ "name": "some-custom-name", "path": "/some-custom-path", "validate": "() => true", "middleware": [ "() => true" ], "otherValue": "{\\"foo\\":\\"bar\\"}" }" `) }) it('validates routes', async () => { const { status, headers } = await fetch('/forbidden') expect(status).toEqual(404) expect(headers.get('Set-Cookie')).toBe('set-in-plugin=true; Path=/') const { page } = await renderPage('/navigate-to-forbidden') await page.getByText('should throw a 404 error').click() expect(await page.getByRole('heading').textContent()).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"Page Not Found: /forbidden"') expect(await page.getByTestId('path').textContent()).toMatchInlineSnapshot('" Path: /forbidden"') await gotoPath(page, '/navigate-to-forbidden') await page.getByText('should be caught by catchall').click() expect(await page.getByRole('heading').textContent()).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"[...slug].vue"') await page.close() }) it('returns 500 when there is an infinite redirect', async () => { const { status } = await fetch('/redirect-infinite', { redirect: 'manual' }) expect(status).toEqual(500) }) it('render catchall page', async () => { const res = await fetch('/not-found') expect(res.status).toEqual(200) const html = await res.text() // Snapshot // expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot() expect(html).toContain('[...slug].vue') expect(html).toContain('catchall at not-found') // Middleware still runs after validation: expect(html).toContain('Middleware ran: true') await expectNoClientErrors('/not-found') }) it('should render correctly when loaded on a different path', async () => { const { page, pageErrors } = await renderPage() await page.goto(url('/proxy')) await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.() && !window.useNuxtApp?.().isHydrating) expect(await page.innerText('body')).toContain('Composable | foo: auto imported from ~/composables/foo.ts') expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]) await page.close() }) it('preserves query', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/?test=true') // Snapshot // expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot() // should render text expect(html).toContain('Path: /?test=true') await expectNoClientErrors('/?test=true') }) it('/nested/[foo]/[bar].vue', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/nested/one/two') // Snapshot // expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot() expect(html).toContain('nested/[foo]/[bar].vue') expect(html).toContain('foo: one') expect(html).toContain('bar: two') }) it('/nested/[foo]/index.vue', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/nested/foobar') // TODO: should resolved to same entry // const html2 = await $fetch<string>('/nested/foobar/index') // expect(html).toEqual(html2) // Snapshot // expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot() expect(html).toContain('nested/[foo]/index.vue') expect(html).toContain('foo: foobar') await expectNoClientErrors('/nested/foobar') }) it('/nested/[foo]/user-[group].vue', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/nested/foobar/user-admin') // Snapshot // expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot() expect(html).toContain('nested/[foo]/user-[group].vue') expect(html).toContain('foo: foobar') expect(html).toContain('group: admin') await expectNoClientErrors('/nested/foobar/user-admin') }) it('/parent', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/parent') expect(html).toContain('parent/index') await expectNoClientErrors('/parent') }) it('/another-parent', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/another-parent') expect(html).toContain('another-parent/index') await expectNoClientErrors('/another-parent') }) it('/client-server', async () => { // expect no hydration issues await expectNoClientErrors('/client-server') const { page } = await renderPage('/client-server') const bodyHTML = await page.innerHTML('body') expect(await page.locator('.placeholder-to-ensure-no-override').all()).toHaveLength(5) expect(await page.locator('.server').all()).toHaveLength(0) expect(await page.locator('.client-fragment-server.client').all()).toHaveLength(2) expect(await page.locator('.client-fragment-server-fragment.client').all()).toHaveLength(2) expect(await page.locator('.client-server.client').all()).toHaveLength(1) expect(await page.locator('.client-server-fragment.client').all()).toHaveLength(1) expect(await page.locator('.client-server-fragment.client').all()).toHaveLength(1) expect(bodyHTML).not.toContain('hello') expect(bodyHTML).toContain('world') await page.close() }) it('/client-only-components', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/client-only-components') // ensure fallbacks with classes and arbitrary attributes are rendered expect(html).toContain('<div class="client-only-script" foo="bar">') expect(html).toContain('<div class="client-only-script-setup" foo="hello">') expect(html).toContain('<div>Fallback</div>') // ensure components are not rendered server-side expect(html).not.toContain('Should not be server rendered') const { page, pageErrors } = await renderPage('/client-only-components') const hiddenSelectors = [ '.string-stateful-should-be-hidden', '.client-script-should-be-hidden', '.string-stateful-script-should-be-hidden', '.no-state-hidden', ] const visibleSelectors = [ '.string-stateful', '.string-stateful-script', '.client-only-script', '.client-only-script-setup', '.no-state', ] // ensure directives are correctly applied await Promise.all( => page.locator(selector).isHidden())) .then(results => results.forEach(isHidden => expect(isHidden).toBeTruthy())) // ensure hidden components are still rendered await Promise.all( => page.locator(selector).innerHTML())) .then(results => results.forEach(innerHTML => expect(innerHTML).not.toBe(''))) // ensure single root node components are rendered once on client (should not be empty) await Promise.all( => page.locator(selector).innerHTML())) .then(results => results.forEach(innerHTML => expect(innerHTML).not.toBe(''))) // issue #20061 expect(await page.$eval('.client-only-script-setup', e => getComputedStyle(e).backgroundColor)).toBe('rgb(255, 0, 0)') // ensure multi-root-node is correctly rendered expect(await page.locator('.multi-root-node-count').innerHTML()).toContain('0') expect(await page.locator('.multi-root-node-button').innerHTML()).toContain('add 1 to count') expect(await page.locator('.multi-root-node-script-count').innerHTML()).toContain('0') expect(await page.locator('.multi-root-node-script-button').innerHTML()).toContain('add 1 to count') // ensure components reactivity await page.locator('.multi-root-node-button').click() await page.locator('.multi-root-node-script-button').click() await page.locator('.client-only-script button').click() await page.locator('.client-only-script-setup button').click() expect(await page.locator('.multi-root-node-count').innerHTML()).toContain('1') expect(await page.locator('.multi-root-node-script-count').innerHTML()).toContain('1') expect(await page.locator('.client-only-script-setup button').innerHTML()).toContain('1') expect(await page.locator('.client-only-script button').innerHTML()).toContain('1') // ensure components ref is working and reactive await page.locator('button.test-ref-1').click() await page.locator('button.test-ref-2').click() await page.locator('button.test-ref-3').click() await page.locator('button.test-ref-4').click() expect(await page.locator('.client-only-script-setup button').innerHTML()).toContain('2') expect(await page.locator('.client-only-script button').innerHTML()).toContain('2') expect(await page.locator('.string-stateful-script').innerHTML()).toContain('1') expect(await page.locator('.string-stateful').innerHTML()).toContain('1') // ensure directives are reactive await page.locator('button#show-all').click() await Promise.all( => page.locator(selector).isVisible())) .then(results => results.forEach(isVisible => expect(isVisible).toBeTruthy())) expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]) await page.close() // don't expect any errors or warning on client-side navigation const { page: page2, consoleLogs: consoleLogs2 } = await renderPage('/') await page2.locator('#to-client-only-components').click() await page2.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, '/client-only-components') expect(consoleLogs2.some(log => log.type === 'error' || log.type === 'warning')).toBeFalsy() await page2.close() }) it('/wrapper-expose/layout', async () => { const { page, consoleLogs, pageErrors } = await renderPage('/wrapper-expose/layout') await page.locator('.log-foo').first().click() expect( ||!.text).toContain('.logFoo is not a function') await page.locator('.log-hello').first().click() expect(!.text).toContain('world') await page.locator('.add-count').first().click() expect(await page.locator('.count').first().innerText()).toContain('1') // change layout await page.locator('.swap-layout').click() await page.waitForFunction(() => document.querySelector('.count')?.innerHTML.includes('0')) await page.locator('.log-foo').first().click() expect(!.text).toContain('bar') await page.locator('.log-hello').first().click() expect( ||!.text).toContain('.logHello is not a function') await page.locator('.add-count').first().click() await page.waitForFunction(() => document.querySelector('.count')?.innerHTML.includes('1')) // change layout await page.locator('.swap-layout').click() await page.waitForFunction(() => document.querySelector('.count')?.innerHTML.includes('0')) await page.close() }) it('/client-only-explicit-import', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/client-only-explicit-import') // ensure fallbacks with classes and arbitrary attributes are rendered expect(html).toContain('<div class="client-only-script" foo="bar">') expect(html).toContain('<div class="lazy-client-only-script-setup" foo="hello">') // ensure components are not rendered server-side expect(html).not.toContain('client only script') await expectNoClientErrors('/client-only-explicit-import') }) it('/wrapper-expose/page', async () => { const { page, pageErrors, consoleLogs } = await renderPage('/wrapper-expose/page') await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle') await page.locator('#log-foo').click() expect('bar') // change page await page.locator('#to-hello').click() await page.locator('#log-foo').click() expect( ||!.text).toContain('.foo is not a function') await page.locator('#log-hello').click() expect('world') await page.close() }) it('client-fallback', async () => { const classes = [ 'clientfallback-non-stateful-setup', 'clientfallback-non-stateful', 'clientfallback-stateful-setup', 'clientfallback-stateful', 'clientfallback-async-setup', ] const html = await $fetch<string>('/client-fallback') // ensure failed components are not rendered server-side expect(html).not.toContain('This breaks in server-side setup.') classes.forEach(c => expect(html).not.toContain(c)) // ensure not failed component not be rendered expect(html).not.toContain('Sugar Counter 12 x 0 = 0') // ensure NuxtClientFallback is being rendered with its fallback tag and attributes expect(html).toContain('<span class="break-in-ssr">this failed to render</span>') // ensure Fallback slot is being rendered server side expect(html).toContain('Hello world !') // ensure not failed component are correctly rendered expect(html).not.toContain('<p></p>') expect(html).toContain('hi') // async setup expect(html).toContain('Work with async setup') const { page, pageErrors } = await renderPage('/client-fallback') // ensure components reactivity once mounted await page.locator('#increment-count').click() expect(await page.locator('#sugar-counter').innerHTML()).toContain('Sugar Counter 12 x 1 = 12') // keep-fallback strategy expect(await page.locator('#keep-fallback').all()).toHaveLength(1) // #20833 expect(await page.locator('body').innerHTML()).not.toContain('Hello world !') expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]) await page.close() }) it('/legacy-async-data-fail', async () => { const response = await fetch('/legacy-async-data-fail').then(r => r.text()) expect(response).not.toContain('don\'t look at this') expect(response).toContain('OH NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO') }) it('client only page', async () => { const response = await fetch('/client-only').then(r => r.text()) // Should not contain rendered page on initial request expect(response).not.toContain('"hasAccessToWindow": true') expect(response).not.toContain('"isServer": false') const errors: string[] = [] const { page: clientInitialPage } = await renderPage('/client-only-page') clientInitialPage.on('console', (message) => { const type = message.type() if (type === 'error' || type === 'warning') { errors.push(message.text()) } }) // But after hydration element should appear and contain this object expect(await clientInitialPage.locator('#state').textContent()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "{ "hasAccessToWindow": true, "isServer": false }" `) expect(await clientInitialPage.locator('#server-rendered').textContent()).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"false"') // Then go to non client only page await'a') await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 50)) // little delay to finish transition // that page should be client rendered expect(await clientInitialPage.locator('#server-rendered').textContent()).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"false"') // and not contain any errors or warnings expect(errors.length).toBe(0) await clientInitialPage.close() errors.length = 0 const { page: normalInitialPage } = await renderPage('/client-only-page/normal') normalInitialPage.on('console', (message) => { const type = message.type() if (type === 'error' || type === 'warning') { errors.push(message.text()) } }) // Now non client only page should be sever rendered expect(await normalInitialPage.locator('#server-rendered').textContent()).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"true"') // Go to client only page await'a') // and expect same object to be present expect(await normalInitialPage.locator('#state').textContent()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "{ "hasAccessToWindow": true, "isServer": false }" `) // also there should not be any errors expect(errors.length).toBe(0) await normalInitialPage.close() }) }) describe('nuxt composables', () => { it('has useRequestURL()', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/url') expect(html).toContain('path: /url') }) it('sets cookies correctly', async () => { const res = await fetch('/cookies', { headers: { cookie: Object.entries({ 'browser-accessed-but-not-used': 'provided-by-browser', 'browser-accessed-with-default-value': 'provided-by-browser', 'browser-set': 'provided-by-browser', 'browser-set-to-null': 'provided-by-browser', 'browser-set-to-null-with-default': 'provided-by-browser', }).map(([key, value]) => `${key}=${value}`).join('; '), }, }) const cookies = res.headers.get('set-cookie') expect(cookies).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"set-in-plugin=true; Path=/, set=set; Path=/, browser-set=set; Path=/, browser-set-to-null=; Max-Age=0; Path=/, browser-set-to-null-with-default=; Max-Age=0; Path=/, browser-object-default=%7B%22foo%22%3A%22bar%22%7D; Path=/"') }) it('updates cookies when they are changed', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/cookies') async function extractCookie () { const cookie = await page.evaluate(() => document.cookie) const raw = cookie.match(/browser-object-default=([^;]*)/)![1] ?? 'null' return JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(raw)) } expect(await extractCookie()).toEqual({ foo: 'bar' }) await page.getByText('Change cookie').click() expect(await extractCookie()).toEqual({ foo: 'baz' }) let text = await page.innerText('pre') expect(text).toContain('baz') await page.getByText('Change cookie').click() expect(await extractCookie()).toEqual({ foo: 'bar' }) await page.evaluate(() => { document.cookie = `browser-object-default=${encodeURIComponent('{"foo":"foobar"}')}` }) await page.getByText('Refresh cookie').click() text = await page.innerText('pre') expect(text).toContain('foobar') await page.close() }) it('supports onPrehydrate', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/composables/on-prehydrate') as string /** * Should look something like this: * * ```html * <div data-prehydrate-id=":b3qlvSiBeH::df1mQEC9xH:"> onPrehydrate testing </div> * <script>(()=>{console.log(window)})()</script> * <script>document.querySelectorAll('[data-prehydrate-id*=":b3qlvSiBeH:"]').forEach(o=>{console.log(o.outerHTML)})</script> * <script>document.querySelectorAll('[data-prehydrate-id*=":df1mQEC9xH:"]').forEach(o=>{console.log("other",o.outerHTML)})</script> * ``` */ const { id1, id2 } = html.match(/<div[^>]* data-prehydrate-id=":(?<id1>[^:]+)::(?<id2>[^:]+):"> onPrehydrate testing <\/div>/)?.groups || {} expect(id1).toBeTruthy() const matches = [ html.match(/<script[^>]*>\(\(\)=>\{console.log\(window\)\}\)\(\)<\/script>/), html.match(new RegExp(`<script[^>]*>document.querySelectorAll\\('\\[data-prehydrate-id\\*=":${id1}:"]'\\).forEach\\(o=>{console.log\\(o.outerHTML\\)}\\)</script>`)), html.match(new RegExp(`<script[^>]*>document.querySelectorAll\\('\\[data-prehydrate-id\\*=":${id2}:"]'\\).forEach\\(o=>{console.log\\("other",o.outerHTML\\)}\\)</script>`)), ] // This tests we inject all scripts correctly, and only have one occurrence of multiple calls of a composable expect(matches.every(s => s?.length === 1)).toBeTruthy() // Check for hydration/syntax errors on client side await expectNoClientErrors('/composables/on-prehydrate') }) it('respects preview mode with a token', async () => { const token = 'hehe' const page = await createPage(`/preview?preview=true&token=${token}`) const hasRerunFetchOnClient = await new Promise<boolean>((resolve) => { page.on('console', (message) => { setTimeout(() => resolve(false), 4000) if (message.text() === 'true') { resolve(true) } }) }) expect(hasRerunFetchOnClient).toBe(true) expect(await page.locator('#fetched-on-client').textContent()).toContain('fetched on client') expect(await page.locator('#preview-mode').textContent()).toContain('preview mode enabled') await'#use-fetch-check') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath.includes('/preview/with-use-fetch')) expect(await page.locator('#token-check').textContent()).toContain(token) expect(await page.locator('#correct-api-key-check').textContent()).toContain('true') await page.close() }) it('respects preview mode with custom state', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/preview/with-custom-state?preview=true') expect(await page.locator('#data1').textContent()).toContain('data1 updated') expect(await page.locator('#data2').textContent()).toContain('data2') await'#toggle-preview') // manually turns off preview mode await'#with-use-fetch') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath.includes('/preview/with-use-fetch')) expect(await page.locator('#enabled').textContent()).toContain('false') expect(await page.locator('#token-check').textContent()).toEqual('') expect(await page.locator('#correct-api-key-check').textContent()).toContain('false') await page.close() }) it('respects preview mode with custom enable', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/preview/with-custom-enable?preview=true') expect(await page.locator('#enabled').textContent()).toContain('false') await page.close() }) it('respects preview mode with custom enable and customPreview', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/preview/with-custom-enable?customPreview=true') expect(await page.locator('#enabled').textContent()).toContain('true') await page.close() }) }) describe('rich payloads', () => { it('correctly serializes and revivifies complex types', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/json-payload') for (const test of [ 'Date: true', 'BigInt: true', 'Error: true', 'Shallow reactive: true', 'Shallow ref: true', 'Undefined ref: true', 'BigInt ref:', 'Reactive: true', 'Ref: true', 'Recursive objects: true', ]) { expect(html).toContain(test) } }) }) describe('nuxt links', () => { it('handles trailing slashes', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/nuxt-link/trailing-slash') const data: Record<string, string[]> = {} for (const selector of ['nuxt-link', 'router-link', 'link-with-trailing-slash', 'link-without-trailing-slash']) { data[selector] = [] for (const match of html.matchAll(new RegExp(`href="([^"]*)"[^>]*class="[^"]*\\b${selector}\\b`, 'g'))) { data[selector].push(match[1]) } } expect(data).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "link-with-trailing-slash": [ "/", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash/", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash/", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash/?test=true&thing=other/thing#thing-other", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash/?test=true&thing=other/thing#thing-other", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash/", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash/?with-state=true", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash/?without-state=true", ], "link-without-trailing-slash": [ "/", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash?test=true&thing=other/thing#thing-other", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash?test=true&thing=other/thing#thing-other", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash?with-state=true", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash?without-state=true", ], "nuxt-link": [ "/", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash/", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash?test=true&thing=other/thing#thing-other", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash/?test=true&thing=other/thing#thing-other", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash?with-state=true", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash?without-state=true", ], "router-link": [ "/", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash/", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash?test=true&thing=other/thing#thing-other", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash/?test=true&thing=other/thing#thing-other", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash?with-state=true", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash?without-state=true", ], } `) }) it('respects external links in edge cases', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/nuxt-link/custom-external') const hrefs = html.match(/<a[^>]*href="([^"]+)"/g) expect(hrefs).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` [ "<a href=""", "<a href=""", "<a href="/missing-page/"", "<a href="/missing-page/"", ] `) const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage('/nuxt-link/custom-external') const warnings = consoleLogs.filter(c => c.text.includes('No match found for location')) expect(warnings).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`[]`) await page.close() }) it('preserves route state', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/nuxt-link/trailing-slash') for (const selector of ['nuxt-link', 'router-link', 'link-with-trailing-slash', 'link-without-trailing-slash']) { await page.locator(`.${selector}[href*=with-state]`).click() await page.getByTestId('window-state').getByText('bar').waitFor() await page.locator(`.${selector}[href*=without-state]`).click() await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath.includes('without-state')) expect(await page.getByTestId('window-state').innerText()).not.toContain('bar') } await page.close() }) it('expect scroll to top on routes with same component', async () => { // #22402 const page = await createPage('/big-page-1', { viewport: { width: 1000, height: 1000, }, }) await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === '/big-page-1') await page.locator('#big-page-2').scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() await page.waitForFunction(() => window.scrollY > 0) await page.locator('#big-page-2').click() await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, '/big-page-2') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.scrollY === 0) await page.locator('#big-page-1').scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() await page.waitForFunction(() => window.scrollY > 0) await page.locator('#big-page-1').click() await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, '/big-page-1') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.scrollY === 0) await page.close() }) it('expect scroll to top on nested pages', async () => { // #20523 const page = await createPage('/nested/foo/test', { viewport: { width: 1000, height: 1000, }, }) await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, '/nested/foo/test') await page.locator('#user-test').scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() await page.waitForFunction(() => window.scrollY > 0) await page.locator('#user-test').click() await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, '/nested/foo/user-test') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.scrollY === 0) await page.locator('#test').scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() await page.waitForFunction(() => window.scrollY > 0) await page.locator('#test').click() await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, '/nested/foo/test') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.scrollY === 0) await page.close() }) it('useLink works', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/nuxt-link/use-link') expect(html).toContain('<div>useLink in NuxtLink: true</div>') expect(html).toContain('<div>route using useLink: /nuxt-link/trailing-slash</div>') expect(html).toContain('<div>href using useLink: /nuxt-link/trailing-slash</div>') expect(html).toContain('<div>useLink2 in NuxtLink: true</div>') expect(html).toContain('<div>route2 using useLink: /nuxt-link/trailing-slash</div>') expect(html).toContain('<div>href2 using useLink: /nuxt-link/trailing-slash</div>') expect(html).toContain('<div>useLink3 in NuxtLink: true</div>') expect(html).toContain('<div>route3 using useLink: /nuxt-link/trailing-slash</div>') expect(html).toContain('<div>href3 using useLink: /nuxt-link/trailing-slash</div>') }) it('useLink navigate importing NuxtLink works', async () => { const page = await createPage('/nuxt-link/use-link') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === '/nuxt-link/use-link') await page.locator('#button1').click() await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, '/nuxt-link/trailing-slash') await page.close() }) it('useLink navigate using resolveComponent works', async () => { const page = await createPage('/nuxt-link/use-link') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === '/nuxt-link/use-link') await page.locator('#button2').click() await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, '/nuxt-link/trailing-slash') await page.close() }) it('useLink navigate using resolveDynamicComponent works', async () => { const page = await createPage('/nuxt-link/use-link') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === '/nuxt-link/use-link') await page.locator('#button3').click() await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, '/nuxt-link/trailing-slash') await page.close() }) }) describe('head tags', () => { it('SSR should render tags', async () => { const headHtml = await $fetch<string>('/head') expect(headHtml).toContain('<title>Using a dynamic component - Title Template Fn Change</title>') expect(headHtml).not.toContain('<meta name="description" content="first">') expect(headHtml).toContain('<meta charset="utf-16">') expect(headHtml.match('meta charset')!.length).toEqual(1) expect(headHtml).toContain('<meta name="viewport" content="width=1024, initial-scale=1">') expect(headHtml.match('meta name="viewport"')!.length).toEqual(1) expect(headHtml).not.toContain('<meta charset="utf-8">') expect(headHtml).toContain('<meta name="description" content="overriding with an inline useHead call">') expect(headHtml).toMatch(/<html[^>]*class="html-attrs-test"/) expect(headHtml).toMatch(/<body[^>]*class="body-attrs-test"/) expect(headHtml).toContain('<script src=""></script></body>') const indexHtml = await $fetch<string>('/') // should render charset by default expect(indexHtml).toContain('<meta charset="utf-8">') // should render <Head> components expect(indexHtml).toContain('<title>Basic fixture</title>') }) it('SSR script setup should render tags', async () => { const headHtml = await $fetch<string>('/head-script-setup') // useHead - title & titleTemplate are working expect(headHtml).toContain('<title>head script setup - Nuxt Playground</title>') // useSeoMeta - template params expect(headHtml).toContain('<meta property="og:title" content="head script setup - Nuxt Playground">') // useSeoMeta - refs expect(headHtml).toContain('<meta name="description" content="head script setup description for Nuxt Playground">') // useServerHead - shorthands expect(headHtml).toContain('>/* Custom styles */</style>') // useHeadSafe - removes dangerous content expect(headHtml).toContain('<script id="xss-script"></script>') expect(headHtml).toContain('<meta content="0;javascript:alert(1)">') }) it.skipIf(isV4)('SPA should render appHead tags', async () => { const headHtml = await $fetch<string>('/head', { headers: { 'x-nuxt-no-ssr': '1' } }) expect(headHtml).toContain('<meta name="description" content="Nuxt Fixture">') expect(headHtml).toContain('<meta charset="utf-8">') expect(headHtml).toContain('<meta name="viewport" content="width=1024, initial-scale=1">') }) it.skipIf(isV4)('legacy vueuse/head works', async () => { const headHtml = await $fetch<string>('/vueuse-head') expect(headHtml).toContain('<title>using provides usehead and updateDOM - VueUse head polyfill test</title>') }) it('should render http-equiv correctly', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/head') // http-equiv should be rendered kebab case expect(html).toContain('<meta content="default-src https" http-equiv="content-security-policy">') }) // TODO: Doesn't adds header in test environment // it.todo('should render stylesheet link tag (SPA mode)', async () => { // const html = await $fetch<string>('/head', { headers: { 'x-nuxt-no-ssr': '1' } }) // expect(html).toMatch(/<link rel="stylesheet" href="\/_nuxt\/[^>]*.css"/) // }) }) describe('legacy async data', () => { it('should work with defineNuxtComponent', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/legacy/async-data') expect(html).toContain('<div>Hello API</div>') expect(html).toContain('<div>fooChild</div>') expect(html).toContain('<div>fooParent</div>') const { script } = parseData(html) expect(['options:asyncdata:hello'].hello).toBe('Hello API') expect(Object.values(` [ { "baz": "qux", "foo": "bar", }, { "hello": "Hello API", }, { "fooParent": "fooParent", }, { "fooChild": "fooChild", }, ] `) }) }) describe('navigate', () => { it('should redirect to index with navigateTo', async () => { const { headers, status } = await fetch('/navigate-to/', { redirect: 'manual' }) expect(headers.get('location')).toEqual('/') expect(status).toEqual(301) }) it('respects redirects + headers in middleware', async () => { const res = await fetch('/navigate-some-path/', { redirect: 'manual', headers: { 'trailing-slash': 'true' } }) expect(res.headers.get('location')).toEqual('/navigate-some-path') expect(res.status).toEqual(307) expect(await res.text()).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=/navigate-some-path"></head></html>"') }) it('should not overwrite headers', async () => { const { headers, status } = await fetch('/navigate-to-external', { redirect: 'manual' }) expect(headers.get('location')).toEqual('/') expect(status).toEqual(302) }) it('should not run setup function in path redirected to', async () => { const { headers, status } = await fetch('/navigate-to-error', { redirect: 'manual' }) expect(headers.get('location')).toEqual('/setup-should-not-run') expect(status).toEqual(302) }) it('supports directly aborting navigation on SSR', async () => { const { status } = await fetch('/navigate-to-false', { redirect: 'manual' }) expect(status).toEqual(404) }) it('expect to redirect with encoding', async () => { const { status } = await fetch('/redirect-with-encode', { redirect: 'manual' }) expect(status).toEqual(302) }) }) describe('preserves current instance', () => { // TODO: it's unclear why there's an error here but it must be an upstream issue it.todo('should not return getCurrentInstance when there\'s an error in data', async () => { await fetch('/instance/error') const html = await $fetch<string>('/instance/next-request') expect(html).toContain('This should be false: false') }) // TODO: re-enable when is resolved it.skipIf(isWindows)('should not lose current nuxt app after await in vue component', async () => { const requests = await Promise.all(Array.from({ length: 100 }).map(() => $fetch<string>('/instance/next-request'))) for (const html of requests) { expect(html).toContain('This should be true: true') } }) }) describe('errors', () => { it('should render a JSON error page', async () => { const res = await fetch('/error', { headers: { accept: 'application/json', }, }) expect(res.status).toBe(422) expect(res.statusText).toBe('This is a custom error') const error = await res.json() delete error.stack expect(error).toMatchObject({ message: 'This is a custom error', statusCode: 422, statusMessage: 'This is a custom error', url: '/error', }) }) it('should render a HTML error page', async () => { const res = await fetch('/error') expect(res.headers.get('Set-Cookie')).toBe('set-in-plugin=true; Path=/, some-error=was%20set; Path=/') expect(await res.text()).toContain('This is a custom error') }) it('should not allow accessing error route directly', async () => { const res = await fetch('/__nuxt_error', { headers: { accept: 'application/json', }, }) expect(res.status).toBe(404) const error = await res.json() delete error.stack expect(error).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "message": "Page Not Found: /__nuxt_error", "statusCode": 404, "statusMessage": "Page Not Found: /__nuxt_error", "url": "/__nuxt_error", } `) }) it('should not recursively throw an error when there is an error rendering the error page', async () => { const res = await $fetch<string>('/', { headers: { 'x-test-recurse-error': 'true', 'accept': 'text/html', }, }) expect(typeof res).toBe('string') expect(res).toContain('Hello Nuxt 3!') }) // TODO: need to create test for webpack it.runIf(!isDev() && !isWebpack)('should handle chunk loading errors', async () => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage('/') await page.getByText('Increment state').click() await page.getByText('Increment state').click() expect(await page.innerText('div')).toContain('Some value: 3') await page.getByText('Chunk error').click() await page.waitForURL(url('/chunk-error')) expect( => c.text).join('')).toContain('caught chunk load error') expect(await page.innerText('div')).toContain('Chunk error page') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === '/chunk-error') await page.locator('div').getByText('State: 3').waitFor() await page.close() }) }) describe('navigate external', () => { it('should redirect to', async () => { const { headers } = await fetch('/navigate-to-external/', { redirect: 'manual' }) expect(headers.get('location')).toEqual('') }) it('should redirect to api endpoint', async () => { const { headers } = await fetch('/navigate-to-api', { redirect: 'manual' }) expect(headers.get('location')).toEqual('/api/test') }) }) describe('composables', () => { it('`callOnce` should run code once', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/once') expect(html).toContain('once.vue') expect(html).toContain('once: 2') const { page } = await renderPage('/once') expect(await page.getByText('once:').textContent()).toContain('once: 2') }) it('`useId` should generate unique ids', async () => { // TODO: work around interesting Vue bug where async components are loaded in a different order on first import await $fetch<string>('/use-id') const sanitiseHTML = (html: string) => html.replace(/ data-[^= ]+="[^"]+"/g, '').replace(/<!--[[\]]-->/, '') const serverHTML = await $fetch<string>('/use-id').then(html => sanitiseHTML(html.match(/<form.*<\/form>/)![0])) const ids = serverHTML.match(/id="[^"]*"/g)?.map(id => id.replace(/id="([^"]*)"/, '$1')) as string[] const renderedForm = [ `<h2 id="${ids[0]}"> id: ${ids[0]}</h2><div><label for="${ids[1]}">Email</label><input id="${ids[1]}" name="email" type="email"><label for="${ids[2]}">Password</label><input id="${ids[2]}" name="password" type="password"></div>`, `<div><label for="${ids[3]}">Email</label><input id="${ids[3]}" name="email" type="email"><label for="${ids[4]}">Password</label><input id="${ids[4]}" name="password" type="password"></div>`, ] const clientOnlyServer = '<span></span>' expect(serverHTML).toEqual(`<form>${renderedForm.join(clientOnlyServer)}</form>`) const { page, pageErrors } = await renderPage('/use-id') const clientHTML = await page.innerHTML('form') const clientIds = clientHTML .match(/id="[^"]*"/g)?.map(id => id.replace(/id="([^"]*)"/, '$1')) .filter(i => !ids.includes(i)) as string[] const clientOnlyClient = `<div><label for="${clientIds[0]}">Email</label><input id="${clientIds[0]}" name="email" type="email"><label for="${clientIds[1]}">Password</label><input id="${clientIds[1]}" name="password" type="password"></div>` expect(sanitiseHTML(clientHTML)).toEqual(`${renderedForm.join(clientOnlyClient)}`) expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]) await page.close() }) it('`useRouteAnnouncer` should change message on route change', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/route-announcer') expect(await page.getByRole('alert').textContent()).toContain('First Page') await page.getByRole('link').click() await page.getByText('Second page content').waitFor() expect(await page.getByRole('alert').textContent()).toContain('Second Page') await page.close() }) it('`useRouteAnnouncer` should change message on dynamically changed title', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/route-announcer') await page.getByRole('button').click() await page.waitForFunction(() => document.title.includes('Dynamically set title')) expect(await page.getByRole('alert').textContent()).toContain('Dynamically set title') await page.close() }) }) describe('middlewares', () => { it('should redirect to index with global middleware', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/redirect/') // Snapshot // expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot() expect(html).toContain('Hello Nuxt 3!') }) it('should allow aborting navigation on server-side', async () => { const res = await fetch('/?abort', { headers: { accept: 'application/json', }, }) expect(res.status).toEqual(401) }) it('should allow aborting navigation fatally on client-side', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/middleware-abort') expect(html).not.toContain('This is the error page') const { page } = await renderPage('/middleware-abort') expect(await page.innerHTML('body')).toContain('This is the error page') await page.close() }) it('should inject auth', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/auth') // Snapshot // expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot() expect(html).toContain('auth.vue') expect(html).toContain('auth: Injected by injectAuth middleware') }) it('should not inject auth', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/no-auth') // Snapshot // expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot() expect(html).toContain('no-auth.vue') expect(html).toContain('auth: ') expect(html).not.toContain('Injected by injectAuth middleware') }) it('should redirect to index with http 307 with navigateTo on server side', async () => { const html = await fetch('/navigate-to-redirect', { redirect: 'manual' }) expect(html.headers.get('location')).toEqual('/') expect(html.status).toEqual(307) }) }) describe('plugins', () => { it('basic plugin', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/plugins') expect(html).toContain('myPlugin: Injected by my-plugin') }) it('async plugin', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/plugins') expect(html).toContain('asyncPlugin: Async plugin works! 123') expect(html).toContain('useFetch works!') }) }) describe('layouts', () => { it('should apply custom layout', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/with-layout') // Snapshot // expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot() expect(html).toContain('with-layout.vue') expect(html).toContain('Custom Layout:') }) it('should work with a dynamically set layout', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/with-dynamic-layout') // Snapshot // expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot() expect(html).toContain('with-dynamic-layout') expect(html).toContain('Custom Layout:') await expectNoClientErrors('/with-dynamic-layout') }) it('should work with a computed layout', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/with-computed-layout') // Snapshot // expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot() expect(html).toContain('with-computed-layout') expect(html).toContain('Custom Layout') await expectNoClientErrors('/with-computed-layout') }) it('should allow passing custom props to a layout', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/layouts/with-props') expect(html).toContain('some prop was passed') await expectNoClientErrors('/layouts/with-props') }) }) describe('composable tree shaking', () => { it('should work', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/tree-shake') expect(html).toContain('Tree Shake Example') const { page, pageErrors } = await renderPage('/tree-shake') // ensure scoped classes are correctly assigned between client and server expect(await page.$eval('h1', e => getComputedStyle(e).color)).toBe('rgb(255, 192, 203)') expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]) await page.close() }) }) describe('ignore list', () => { it('should ignore composable files in .nuxtignore', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/ignore/composables') expect(html).toContain('was import ignored: true') }) it('should ignore scanned nitro handlers in .nuxtignore', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/ignore/scanned') expect(html).not.toContain('this should be ignored') }) it.skipIf(isDev())('should ignore public assets in .nuxtignore', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/ignore/public-asset') expect(html).not.toContain('this should be ignored') }) }) describe('server tree shaking', () => { it('should work', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/client') expect(html).toContain('This page should not crash when rendered') expect(html).toContain('fallback for ClientOnly') expect(html).not.toContain('rendered client-side') expect(html).not.toContain('id="client-side"') const { page } = await renderPage('/client') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()) // ensure scoped classes are correctly assigned between client and server expect(await page.$eval('.red', e => getComputedStyle(e).color)).toBe('rgb(255, 0, 0)') expect(await page.$eval('.blue', e => getComputedStyle(e).color)).toBe('rgb(0, 0, 255)') expect(await page.locator('#client-side').textContent()).toContain('This should be rendered client-side') await page.close() }) }) describe('extends support', () => { describe('layouts & pages', () => { it('extends foo/layouts/default & foo/pages/index', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/foo') expect(html).toContain('Extended layout from foo') expect(html).toContain('Extended page from foo') }) it('extends [bar/layouts/override & bar/pages/override] over [foo/layouts/override & foo/pages/override]', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/override') expect(html).toContain('Extended layout from bar') expect(html).toContain('Extended page from bar') expect(html).toContain('This child page should not be overridden by bar') }) }) describe('components', () => { it('extends foo/components/ExtendsFoo', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/foo') expect(html).toContain('Extended component from foo') }) it('extends bar/components/ExtendsOverride over foo/components/ExtendsOverride', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/override') expect(html).toContain('Extended component from bar') }) }) describe('middlewares', () => { it('works with layer aliases', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/foo') expect(html).toContain('from layer alias') }) it('extends foo/middleware/foo', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/foo') expect(html).toContain('Middleware | foo: Injected by extended middleware from foo') }) it('extends bar/middleware/override over foo/middleware/override', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/override') expect(html).toContain('Middleware | override: Injected by extended middleware from bar') }) it('global middlewares sorting', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/middleware/ordering') expect(html).toContain('catchall at middleware') }) }) describe('composables', () => { it('extends foo/composables/foo', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/foo') expect(html).toContain('Composable | useExtendsFoo: foo') }) it('allows overriding composables', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/extends') expect(html).toContain('test from project') }) }) describe('plugins', () => { it('extends foo/plugins/foo', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/foo') expect(html).toContain('Plugin | foo: String generated from foo plugin!') }) it('respects plugin ordering within layers', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/plugins/ordering') expect(html).toContain('catchall at plugins') }) }) describe('server', () => { it('extends foo/server/api/foo', async () => { expect(await $fetch<string>('/api/foo')).toBe('foo') }) it('extends foo/server/middleware/foo', async () => { const { headers } = await fetch('/') expect(headers.get('injected-header')).toEqual('foo') }) }) describe('app', () => { it('extends foo/app/router.options & bar/app/router.options', async () => { const html: string = await $fetch<string>('/') const routerLinkClasses = html.match(/href="\/" class="([^"]*)"/)?.[1].split(' ') expect(routerLinkClasses).toContain('foo-active-class') expect(routerLinkClasses).toContain('bar-exact-active-class') }) }) }) // Bug #7337 describe('deferred app suspense resolve', () => { it.each(['/async-parent/child', '/internal-layout/async-parent/child'])('should wait for all suspense instance on initial hydration', async (path) => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage(path) // Wait for all pending micro ticks to be cleared in case hydration hasn't finished yet. await page.evaluate(() => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10))) const hydrationLogs = consoleLogs.filter(log => log.text.includes('isHydrating')) expect(hydrationLogs.length).toBe(3) expect(hydrationLogs.every(log => log.text === 'isHydrating: true')) await page.close() }) it('should wait for suspense in parent layout', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/hydration/layout') await page.getByText('Tests whether hydration is properly resolved within an async layout').waitFor() await page.close() }) it('should fully hydrate even if there is a redirection on a page with `ssr: false`', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage() await page.goto(url('/hydration/spa-redirection/start')) await page.getByText('fully hydrated and ready to go').waitFor() await page.close() }) }) describe('nested suspense', () => { const navigations = ([ ['/suspense/sync-1/async-1/', '/suspense/sync-2/async-1/'], ['/suspense/sync-1/sync-1/', '/suspense/sync-2/async-1/'], ['/suspense/async-1/async-1/', '/suspense/async-2/async-1/'], ['/suspense/async-1/sync-1/', '/suspense/async-2/async-1/'], ]).flatMap(([start, end]) => [ [start, end], [start, end + '?layout=custom'], [start + '?layout=custom', end], ]) it.each(navigations)('should navigate from %s to %s with no white flash', async (start, nav) => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage(start) const slug = nav.replace(/\?.*$/, '').replace(/[/-]+/g, '-') await`[href^="${nav}"]`) const text = await page.waitForFunction(slug => document.querySelector(`main:has(#child${slug})`)?.innerHTML, slug) .then(r => r.evaluate(r => r)) // expect(text).toMatchInlineSnapshot() // const parent = await page.waitForSelector(`#${slug}`, { state: 'attached' }) // const text = await parent.innerText() expect(text).toContain('Async child: 2 - 1') expect(text).toContain('parent: 2') const first = start.match(/\/suspense\/(?<parentType>a?sync)-(?<parentNum>\d)\/(?<childType>a?sync)-(?<childNum>\d)\//)!.groups! const last = nav.match(/\/suspense\/(?<parentType>a?sync)-(?<parentNum>\d)\/(?<childType>a?sync)-(?<childNum>\d)\//)!.groups! expect( => l.text).filter(i => !i.includes('[vite]') && !i.includes('<Suspense> is an experimental feature')).sort()).toEqual([ // [first load] from parent `[${first.parentType}]`, ...first.parentType === 'async' ? ['[async] running async data'] : [], // [first load] from child `[${first.parentType}] [${first.childType}]`, ...first.childType === 'async' ? [`[${first.parentType}] [${first.parentNum}] [async] [${first.childNum}] running async data`] : [], // [navigation] from parent `[${last.parentType}]`, ...last.parentType === 'async' ? ['[async] running async data'] : [], // [navigation] from child `[${last.parentType}] [${last.childType}]`, ...last.childType === 'async' ? [`[${last.parentType}] [${last.parentNum}] [async] [${last.childNum}] running async data`] : [], ].sort()) await page.close() }) const outwardNavigations = [ ['/suspense/async-2/async-1/', '/suspense/async-1/'], ['/suspense/async-2/sync-1/', '/suspense/async-1/'], ] it.each(outwardNavigations)('should navigate from %s to a parent %s with no white flash', async (start, nav) => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage(start) await page.waitForSelector(`main:has(#child${start.replace(/[/-]+/g, '-')})`) const slug = start.replace(/[/-]+/g, '-') await`[href^="${nav}"]`) // wait until child selector disappears and grab HTML of parent const text = await page.waitForFunction(slug => document.querySelector(`main:not(:has(#child${slug}))`)?.innerHTML, slug) .then(r => r.evaluate(r => r)) expect(text).toContain('Async parent: 1') const first = start.match(/\/suspense\/(?<parentType>a?sync)-(?<parentNum>\d)\/(?<childType>a?sync)-(?<childNum>\d)\//)!.groups! const last = nav.match(/\/suspense\/(?<parentType>a?sync)-(?<parentNum>\d)\//)!.groups! await new Promise<void>(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 50)) expect( => l.text).filter(i => !i.includes('[vite]') && !i.includes('<Suspense> is an experimental feature')).sort()).toEqual([ // [first load] from parent `[${first.parentType}]`, ...first.parentType === 'async' ? ['[async] running async data'] : [], // [first load] from child `[${first.parentType}] [${first.childType}]`, ...first.childType === 'async' ? [`[${first.parentType}] [${first.parentNum}] [async] [${first.childNum}] running async data`] : [], // [navigation] from parent `[${last.parentType}]`, ...last.parentType === 'async' ? ['[async] running async data'] : [], ].sort()) await page.close() }) const inwardNavigations = [ ['/suspense/async-2/', '/suspense/async-1/async-1/'], ['/suspense/async-2/', '/suspense/async-1/sync-1/'], ] it.each(inwardNavigations)('should navigate from %s to a child %s with no white flash', async (start, nav) => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage(start) const slug = nav.replace(/[/-]+/g, '-') await`[href^="${nav}"]`) // wait until child selector appears and grab HTML of parent const text = await page.waitForFunction(slug => document.querySelector(`main:has(#child${slug})`)?.innerHTML, slug) .then(r => r.evaluate(r => r)) // const text = await parent.innerText() expect(text).toContain('Async parent: 1') const first = start.match(/\/suspense\/(?<parentType>a?sync)-(?<parentNum>\d)\//)!.groups! const last = nav.match(/\/suspense\/(?<parentType>a?sync)-(?<parentNum>\d)\/(?<childType>a?sync)-(?<childNum>\d)\//)!.groups! expect( => l.text).filter(i => !i.includes('[vite]') && !i.includes('<Suspense> is an experimental feature')).sort()).toEqual([ // [first load] from parent `[${first.parentType}]`, ...first.parentType === 'async' ? ['[async] running async data'] : [], // [navigation] from parent `[${last.parentType}]`, ...last.parentType === 'async' ? ['[async] running async data'] : [], // [navigation] from child `[${last.parentType}] [${last.childType}]`, ...last.childType === 'async' ? [`[${last.parentType}] [${last.parentNum}] [async] [${last.childNum}] running async data`] : [], ].sort()) await page.close() }) }) // Bug #6592 describe('page key', () => { it.each(['/fixed-keyed-child-parent', '/internal-layout/fixed-keyed-child-parent'])('should not cause run of setup if navigation not change page key and layout', async (path) => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage(`${path}/0`) await`[href="${path}/1"]`) await page.waitForSelector('#page-1') // Wait for all pending micro ticks to be cleared, // so we are not resolved too early when there are repeated page loading await page.evaluate(() => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10))) expect(consoleLogs.filter(l => l.text.includes('Child Setup')).length).toBe(1) await page.close() }) it.each(['/keyed-child-parent', '/internal-layout/keyed-child-parent'])('will cause run of setup if navigation changed page key', async (path) => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage(`${path}/0`) await`[href="${path}/1"]`) await page.waitForSelector('#page-1') // Wait for all pending micro ticks to be cleared, // so we are not resolved too early when there are repeated page loading await page.evaluate(() => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10))) expect(consoleLogs.filter(l => l.text.includes('Child Setup')).length).toBe(2) await page.close() }) }) describe('route provider', () => { it('should preserve current route when navigation is suspended', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/route-provider/foo') await'[href="/route-provider/bar"]') expect(await page.getByTestId('foo').innerText()).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"foo: /route-provider/foo - /route-provider/foo"') expect(await page.getByTestId('bar').innerText()).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"bar: /route-provider/bar - /route-provider/bar"') await page.close() }) }) // Bug #6592 describe('layout change not load page twice', () => { const cases = { '/with-layout': '/with-layout2', '/internal-layout/with-layout': '/internal-layout/with-layout2', } it.each(Object.entries(cases))('should not cause run of page setup to repeat if layout changed', async (path1, path2) => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage(path1) await`[href="${path2}"]`) await page.waitForSelector('#with-layout2') // Wait for all pending micro ticks to be cleared, // so we are not resolved too early when there are repeated page loading await page.evaluate(() => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10))) expect(consoleLogs.filter(l => l.text.includes('Layout2 Page Setup')).length).toBe(1) }) }) describe('layout switching', () => { // #13309 it('does not cause TypeError: Cannot read properties of null', async () => { const { page, consoleLogs, pageErrors } = await renderPage('/layout-switch/start') await'[href="/layout-switch/end"]') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === '/layout-switch/end') expect( => i.text).filter(l => l.match(/error/i))).toMatchInlineSnapshot('[]') expect(pageErrors).toMatchInlineSnapshot('[]') await page.close() }) }) describe('automatically keyed composables', () => { it('should automatically generate keys', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/keyed-composables') expect(html).toContain('true') expect(html).not.toContain('false') }) it('should match server-generated keys', async () => { await expectNoClientErrors('/keyed-composables') }) it('should not automatically generate keys', async () => { await expectNoClientErrors('/keyed-composables/local') const html = await $fetch<string>('/keyed-composables/local') expect(html).toContain('true') expect(html).not.toContain('false') }) }) describe.runIf(isDev() && !isWebpack)('css links', () => { it('should not inject links to CSS files that are inlined', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/inline-only-css') expect(html).toContain('--inline-only') expect(html).not.toContain('inline-only.css') expect(html).toContain('assets/plugin.css') }) }) describe.skipIf(isDev() || isWebpack)('inlining component styles', () => { const inlinedCSS = [ '{--plugin:"plugin"}', // CSS imported ambiently in JS/TS '{--global:"global";', // global css from nuxt.config '{--assets:"assets"}', // <script> '{--postcss:"postcss"}', // <style lang=postcss> '{--scoped:"scoped"}', // <style lang=css> '{--shared-component:"shared-component"}', // styles in a chunk shared between pages '{--server-only-child:"server-only-child"}', // child of a server-only component '{--server-only:"server-only"}', // server-only component not in client build // TODO: ideally both client/server components would have inlined css when used // '{--client-only:"client-only"}', // client-only component not in server build // TODO: currently functional component not associated with ssrContext (upstream bug or perf optimization?) // '{--functional:"functional"}', // CSS imported ambiently in a functional component ] it('should inline styles', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/styles') for (const style of inlinedCSS) { expect.soft(html).toContain(style) } }) it('should inline global css when accessing a page with `ssr: false` override via route rules', async () => { const globalCSS = [ '{--plugin:"plugin"}', // CSS imported ambiently in JS/TS '{--global:"global";', // global css from nuxt.config ] const html = await $fetch<string>('/route-rules/spa') for (const style of globalCSS) { expect.soft(html).toContain(style) } }) it('should emit assets referenced in inlined CSS', async () => { // @ts-expect-error ssssh! untyped secret property const publicDir = useTestContext().nuxt._nitro.options.output.publicDir const files = await readdir(join(publicDir, '_nuxt')).catch(() => []) expect( => m.replace(/\.[\w-]+(\.\w+)$/, '$1'))).toContain('css-only-asset.svg') }) it('should not include inlined CSS in generated CSS file', async () => { const html: string = await $fetch<string>('/styles') const cssFiles = new Set([...html.matchAll(/<link [^>]*href="([^"]*\.css)">/g)].map(m => m[1])) let css = '' for (const file of cssFiles || []) { css += await $fetch<string>(file) } // should not include inlined CSS in generated CSS files for (const style of inlinedCSS) { // TODO: remove 'ambient global' CSS from generated CSS file if (style === '{--plugin:"plugin"}') { continue } expect.soft(css).not.toContain(style) } // should include unloadable CSS in generated CSS file expect.soft(css).toContain('--virtual:red') expect.soft(css).toContain('--functional:"functional"') expect.soft(css).toContain('--client-only:"client-only"') }) it('does not load stylesheet for page styles', async () => { const html: string = await $fetch<string>('/styles') expect(html.match(/<link [^>]*href="[^"]*\.css">/g)?.filter(m => m.includes('entry'))?.map(m => m.replace(/\.[^.]*\.css/, '.css'))).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` [ "<link rel="stylesheet" href="/_nuxt/entry.css">", ] `) }) it('still downloads client-only styles', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/styles') expect(await page.$eval('.client-only-css', e => getComputedStyle(e).color)).toBe('rgb(50, 50, 50)') await page.close() }) it.todo('renders client-only styles only', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/styles') expect(html).toContain('{--client-only:"client-only"}') }) }) describe('server components/islands', () => { it('/islands', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/islands') const islandRequest = page.waitForResponse(response => response.url().includes('/__nuxt_island/') && response.status() === 200) await page.locator('#increase-pure-component').click() await islandRequest await page.locator('#slot-in-server').getByText('Slot with in .server component').waitFor() await page.locator('#test-slot').getByText('Slot with name test').waitFor() // test fallback slot with v-for expect(await page.locator('.fallback-slot-content').all()).toHaveLength(2) // test islands update await page.locator('.box').getByText('"number": 101,').waitFor() const requests = [ page.waitForResponse(response => response.url().includes('/__nuxt_island/LongAsyncComponent') && response.status() === 200), page.waitForResponse(response => response.url().includes('/__nuxt_island/AsyncServerComponent') && response.status() === 200), ] await page.locator('#update-server-components').click() await Promise.all(requests) await page.locator('#async-server-component-count').getByText('1').waitFor() await page.locator('#long-async-component-count').getByText('1').waitFor() // test islands slots interactivity await page.locator('#first-sugar-counter button').click() expect(await page.locator('#first-sugar-counter').innerHTML()).toContain('Sugar Counter 13') // test islands mounted client side with slot await page.locator('#show-island').click() expect(await page.locator('#island-mounted-client-side').innerHTML()).toContain('Interactive testing slot post SSR') // test islands wrapped with client-only expect(await page.locator('#wrapped-client-only').innerHTML()).toContain('Was router enabled') if (!isWebpack) { // test nested client components await page.locator('.server-with-nested-client button').click() expect(await page.locator('.server-with-nested-client .sugar-counter').innerHTML()).toContain('Sugar Counter 13 x 1 = 13') } if (!isWebpack) { // test client component interactivity expect(await page.locator('.interactive-component-wrapper').innerHTML()).toContain('Sugar Counter 12') await page.locator('.interactive-component-wrapper button').click() expect(await page.locator('.interactive-component-wrapper').innerHTML()).toContain('Sugar Counter 13') } await page.close() }) it('lazy server components', async () => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage('/server-components/lazy/start') await page.getByText('Go to page with lazy server component').click() const text = await page.innerText('pre') expect(text).toMatchInlineSnapshot('" End page <pre></pre><section id="fallback"> Loading server component </section><section id="no-fallback"><div></div></section><div></div>"') expect(text).not.toContain('async component that was very long') expect(text).toContain('Loading server component') // Wait for all pending micro ticks to be cleared // await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle') // await page.evaluate(() => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10))) await page.waitForFunction(() => (document.querySelector('#no-fallback') as HTMLElement)?.innerText?.includes('async component')) await page.waitForFunction(() => (document.querySelector('#fallback') as HTMLElement)?.innerText?.includes('async component')) // test navigating back and forth for lazy <ServerWithClient> component (should not trigger any issue) await page.goBack({ waitUntil: 'networkidle' }) await page.getByText('Go to page with lazy server component').click() await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle') expect(consoleLogs.filter(l => l.type === 'error')).toHaveLength(0) await page.close() }) it('should not preload ComponentWithRef', async () => { // should not add <ComponentWithRef> to the modulepreload list since it is used only server side const { page } = await renderPage('/islands') const links = await page.locator('link').all() for (const link of links) { if (await link.getAttribute('rel') === 'modulepreload') { expect(await link.getAttribute('href')).not.toContain('ComponentWithRef') } } await page.close() }) it('non-lazy server components', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/server-components/lazy/start') await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle') await page.getByText('Go to page without lazy server component').click() const text = (await page.innerText('pre')).replaceAll(/ data-island-uid="([^"]*)"/g, '').replace(/data-island-component="([^"]*)"/g, (_, content) => `data-island-component="${content.split('-')[0]}"`) if (isWebpack) { expect(text).toMatchInlineSnapshot('" End page <pre></pre><section id="fallback"><div> This is a .server (20ms) async component that was very long ... <div id="async-server-component-count">42</div><div class="sugar-counter"> Sugar Counter 12 x 1 = 12 <button> Inc </button></div><!--[--><div style="display: contents;" data-island-slot="default"><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--></div><!--]--></div></section><section id="no-fallback"><div> This is a .server (20ms) async component that was very long ... <div id="async-server-component-count">42</div><div class="sugar-counter"> Sugar Counter 12 x 1 = 12 <button> Inc </button></div><!--[--><div style="display: contents;" data-island-slot="default"><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--></div><!--]--></div></section><div> ServerWithClient.server.vue : <p>count: 0</p> This component should not be preloaded <div><!--[--><div>a</div><div>b</div><div>c</div><!--]--></div> This is not interactive <div class="sugar-counter"> Sugar Counter 12 x 1 = 12 <button> Inc </button></div><div class="interactive-component-wrapper" style="border:solid 1px red;"> The component bellow is not a slot but declared as interactive <div class="sugar-counter" nuxt-client=""> Sugar Counter 12 x 1 = 12 <button> Inc </button></div></div></div>"') } else { expect(text).toMatchInlineSnapshot('" End page <pre></pre><section id="fallback"><div> This is a .server (20ms) async component that was very long ... <div id="async-server-component-count">42</div><div class="sugar-counter"> Sugar Counter 12 x 1 = 12 <button> Inc </button></div><!--[--><div style="display: contents;" data-island-slot="default"><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--></div><!--]--></div></section><section id="no-fallback"><div> This is a .server (20ms) async component that was very long ... <div id="async-server-component-count">42</div><div class="sugar-counter"> Sugar Counter 12 x 1 = 12 <button> Inc </button></div><!--[--><div style="display: contents;" data-island-slot="default"><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--></div><!--]--></div></section><div> ServerWithClient.server.vue : <p>count: 0</p> This component should not be preloaded <div><!--[--><div>a</div><div>b</div><div>c</div><!--]--></div> This is not interactive <div class="sugar-counter"> Sugar Counter 12 x 1 = 12 <button> Inc </button></div><div class="interactive-component-wrapper" style="border:solid 1px red;"> The component bellow is not a slot but declared as interactive <!--[--><div style="display: contents;" data-island-component="Counter"></div><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--><!--]--></div></div>"') } expect(text).toContain('async component that was very long') // Wait for all pending micro ticks to be cleared // await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle') // await page.evaluate(() => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10))) await page.waitForFunction(() => (document.querySelector('#no-fallback') as HTMLElement)?.innerText?.includes('async component')) await page.waitForFunction(() => (document.querySelector('#fallback') as HTMLElement)?.innerText?.includes('async component')) await page.close() }) it.skipIf(isDev)('should allow server-only components to set prerender hints', async () => { // @ts-expect-error ssssh! untyped secret property const publicDir = useTestContext().nuxt._nitro.options.output.publicDir expect(await readdir(join(publicDir, 'some', 'url', 'from', 'server-only', 'component')).catch(() => [])).toContain( isRenderingJson ? '_payload.json' : '_payload.js', ) }) }) describe.skipIf(isDev() || isWindows || !isRenderingJson)('prefetching', () => { it('should prefetch components', async () => { await expectNoClientErrors('/prefetch/components') }) it('should prefetch server components', async () => { await expectNoClientErrors('/prefetch/server-components') }) it('should prefetch everything needed when NuxtLink is used', async () => { const { page, requests } = await renderPage() await gotoPath(page, '/prefetch') await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle') const snapshot = [...requests] await'[href="/prefetch/server-components"]') await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle') expect(await page.innerHTML('#async-server-component-count')).toBe('34') expect(requests).toEqual(snapshot) await page.close() }) it('should not prefetch certain dynamic imports by default', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/auth') // should not prefetch global components expect(html).not.toMatch(/<link [^>]*\/_nuxt\/TestGlobal[^>]*\.js"/) // should not prefetch all other pages expect(html).not.toMatch(/<link [^>]*\/_nuxt\/navigate-to[^>]*\.js"/) }) }) // TODO: make test less flakey on Windows describe.runIf(isDev() && (!isWindows || !isCI))('detecting invalid root nodes', () => { it.each(['1', '2', '3', '4'])('should detect invalid root nodes in pages (\'/invalid-root/%s\')', async (path) => { const { consoleLogs, page } = await renderPage(joinURL('/invalid-root', path)) await page.evaluate(() => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10))) await expectWithPolling( () => consoleLogs .map(w => w.text).join('\n') .includes('does not have a single root node and will cause errors when navigating between routes'), true, ) await page.close() }) it.each(['fine'])('should not complain if there is no transition (%s)', async (path) => { const { consoleLogs, page } = await renderPage(joinURL('/invalid-root', path)) await page.evaluate(() => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10))) const consoleLogsWarns = consoleLogs.filter(i => i.type === 'warning') expect(consoleLogsWarns.length).toEqual(0) await page.close() }) }) describe('public directories', () => { it('should directly return public directory paths', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/assets-custom') expect(html).toContain('"/public.svg"') expect(html).toContain('"/custom/file.svg"') }) }) // TODO: dynamic paths in dev describe.skipIf(isDev())('dynamic paths', () => { const publicFiles = ['/public.svg', '/css-only-public-asset.svg'] const isPublicFile = (base = '/', file: string) => { if (isWebpack) { // TODO: webpack does not yet support dynamic static paths expect(publicFiles).toContain(file) return true } expect(file).toMatch(new RegExp(`^${base.replace(/\//g, '\\/')}`)) expect(publicFiles).toContain(file.replace(base, '/')) return true } it('should work with no overrides', async () => { const html: string = await $fetch<string>('/assets') for (const match of html.matchAll(/(href|src)="(.*?)"|url\(([^)]*)\)/g)) { const url = match[2] || match[3] expect(url.startsWith('/_nuxt/') || isPublicFile('/', url)).toBeTruthy() } }) // webpack injects CSS differently it.skipIf(isWebpack)('adds relative paths to CSS', async () => { const html: string = await $fetch<string>('/assets') const urls = Array.from(html.matchAll(/(href|src)="(.*?)"|url\(([^)]*)\)/g)).map(m => m[2] || m[3]) const cssURL = urls.find(u => /_nuxt\/assets.*\.css$/.test(u)) expect(cssURL).toBeDefined() const css = await $fetch<string>(cssURL!) const imageUrls = new Set(Array.from(css.matchAll(/url\(([^)]*)\)/g)).map(m => m[1].replace(/[-.]\w{8}\./g, '.'))) expect([...imageUrls]).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` [ "./logo.svg", "../public.svg", ] `) }) it('should allow setting base URL and build assets directory', async () => { await startServer({ env: { NUXT_APP_BUILD_ASSETS_DIR: '/_other/', NUXT_APP_BASE_URL: '/foo/', }, }) const html = await $fetch<string>('/foo/assets') for (const match of html.matchAll(/(href|src)="(.*?)"|url\(([^)]*)\)/g)) { const url = match[2] || match[3] expect(url.startsWith('/foo/_other/') || isPublicFile('/foo/', url)).toBeTruthy() } expect(await $fetch<string>('/foo/url')).toContain('path: /foo/url') }) it('should allow setting relative baseURL', async () => { await startServer({ env: { NUXT_APP_BASE_URL: './', }, }) const html = await $fetch<string>('/assets') for (const match of html.matchAll(/(href|src)="(.*?)"|url\(([^)]*)\)/g)) { const url = match[2] || match[3] expect(url.startsWith('./_nuxt/') || isPublicFile('./', url)).toBeTruthy() expect(url.startsWith('./_nuxt/_nuxt')).toBeFalsy() } }) it('should use baseURL when redirecting', async () => { await startServer({ env: { NUXT_APP_BUILD_ASSETS_DIR: '/_other/', NUXT_APP_BASE_URL: '/foo/', }, }) const { headers } = await fetch('/foo/navigate-to/', { redirect: 'manual' }) expect(headers.get('location')).toEqual('/foo/') }) it('should allow setting CDN URL', async () => { await startServer({ env: { NUXT_APP_BASE_URL: '/foo/', NUXT_APP_CDN_URL: '', NUXT_APP_BUILD_ASSETS_DIR: '/_cdn/', }, }) const html = await $fetch<string>('/foo/assets') for (const match of html.matchAll(/(href|src)="(.*?)"|url\(([^)]*)\)/g)) { const url = match[2] || match[3] expect(url.startsWith('') || isPublicFile('', url)).toBeTruthy() } }) it('restore server', async () => { await startServer() }) }) describe('app config', () => { it('should work', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/app-config') const expectedAppConfig: Record<string, any> = { fromNuxtConfig: true, nested: { val: 2, }, nuxt: {}, fromLayer: true, userConfig: 123, } expect.soft(html).toContain(JSON.stringify(expectedAppConfig)) const serverAppConfig = await $fetch<Record<string, any>>('/api/app-config') expect(serverAppConfig).toMatchObject({ appConfig: expectedAppConfig }) }) }) describe('component islands', () => { it('renders components with route', async () => { const result = await $fetch<NuxtIslandResponse>('/__nuxt_island/RouteComponent.json?url=/foo') result.html = result.html.replace(/ data-island-uid="[^"]*"/g, '') if (isDev()) { = => !l.href.includes('@nuxt+ui-templates') && (l.href.startsWith('_nuxt/components/islands/') && l.href.includes('_nuxt/components/islands/RouteComponent'))) } expect(result).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "head": { "link": [], "style": [], }, "html": "<pre data-island-uid> Route: /foo </pre>", } `) }) it('render async component', async () => { const result = await $fetch<NuxtIslandResponse>(withQuery('/__nuxt_island/LongAsyncComponent.json', { props: JSON.stringify({ count: 3, }), })) if (isDev()) { = => !l.href.includes('@nuxt+ui-templates') && (l.href.startsWith('_nuxt/components/islands/') && l.href.includes('_nuxt/components/islands/LongAsyncComponent'))) } result.html = result.html.replaceAll(/ (data-island-uid|data-island-component)="([^"]*)"/g, '') expect(result).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "head": { "link": [], "style": [], }, "html": "<div data-island-uid><div> count is above 2 </div><!--[--><div style="display: contents;" data-island-uid data-island-slot="default"><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--></div><!--]--> that was very long ... <div id="long-async-component-count">3</div> <!--[--><div style="display: contents;" data-island-uid data-island-slot="test"><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--></div><!--]--><p>hello world !!!</p><!--[--><div style="display: contents;" data-island-uid data-island-slot="hello"><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--></div><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--><!--]--><!--[--><div style="display: contents;" data-island-uid data-island-slot="fallback"><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--></div><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--><!--]--></div>", "slots": { "default": { "props": [], }, "fallback": { "fallback": "<!--[--><div style="display:contents;"><div>fall slot -- index: 0</div><div class="fallback-slot-content"> wonderful fallback </div></div><div style="display:contents;"><div>back slot -- index: 1</div><div class="fallback-slot-content"> wonderful fallback </div></div><!--]--><!--teleport anchor-->", "props": [ { "t": "fall", }, { "t": "back", }, ], }, "hello": { "fallback": "<!--[--><div style="display:contents;"><div> fallback slot -- index: 0</div></div><div style="display:contents;"><div> fallback slot -- index: 1</div></div><div style="display:contents;"><div> fallback slot -- index: 2</div></div><!--]--><!--teleport anchor-->", "props": [ { "t": 0, }, { "t": 1, }, { "t": 2, }, ], }, "test": { "props": [ { "count": 3, }, ], }, }, } `) }) it('render .server async component', async () => { const result = await $fetch<NuxtIslandResponse>(withQuery('/__nuxt_island/AsyncServerComponent.json', { props: JSON.stringify({ count: 2, }), })) if (isDev()) { = => !l.href.includes('@nuxt+ui-templates') && (l.href.startsWith('_nuxt/components/islands/') && l.href.includes('_nuxt/components/islands/AsyncServerComponent'))) } result.props = {} result.components = {} result.slots = {} result.html = result.html.replaceAll(/ (data-island-uid|data-island-component)="([^"]*)"/g, '') expect(result).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "components": {}, "head": { "link": [], "style": [], }, "html": "<div data-island-uid> This is a .server (20ms) async component that was very long ... <div id="async-server-component-count">2</div><div class="sugar-counter"> Sugar Counter 12 x 1 = 12 <button> Inc </button></div><!--[--><div style="display: contents;" data-island-uid data-island-slot="default"><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--></div><!--]--></div>", "props": {}, "slots": {}, } `) }) if (!isWebpack) { it('render server component with selective client hydration', async () => { const result = await $fetch<NuxtIslandResponse>('/__nuxt_island/ServerWithClient') if (isDev()) { = => !l.href.includes('@nuxt+ui-templates') && (l.href.startsWith('_nuxt/components/islands/') && l.href.includes('_nuxt/components/islands/AsyncServerComponent'))) } const { components } = result result.components = {} result.slots = {} result.html = result.html.replace(/ data-island-component="([^"]*)"/g, (_, content) => ` data-island-component="${content.split('-')[0]}"`) const teleportsEntries = Object.entries(components || {}) expect(result).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "components": {}, "head": { "link": [], "style": [], }, "html": "<div data-island-uid> ServerWithClient.server.vue : <p>count: 0</p> This component should not be preloaded <div><!--[--><div>a</div><div>b</div><div>c</div><!--]--></div> This is not interactive <div class="sugar-counter"> Sugar Counter 12 x 1 = 12 <button> Inc </button></div><div class="interactive-component-wrapper" style="border:solid 1px red;"> The component bellow is not a slot but declared as interactive <!--[--><div style="display: contents;" data-island-uid data-island-component="Counter"></div><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--><!--]--></div></div>", "slots": {}, } `) expect(teleportsEntries).toHaveLength(1) expect(teleportsEntries[0][0].startsWith('Counter-')).toBeTruthy() expect(teleportsEntries[0][1].props).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "multiplier": 1, } `) expect(teleportsEntries[0][1].html).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"<div class="sugar-counter"> Sugar Counter 12 x 1 = 12 <button> Inc </button></div><!--teleport anchor-->"') }) } it('renders pure components', async () => { const result = await $fetch<NuxtIslandResponse>(withQuery('/__nuxt_island/PureComponent.json', { props: JSON.stringify({ bool: false, number: 3487, str: 'something', obj: { foo: 42, bar: false, me: 'hi' }, }), })) result.html = result.html.replace(/ data-island-uid="([^"]*)"/g, '') if (isDev()) { const fixtureDir = normalize(fileURLToPath(new URL('./fixtures/basic', import.meta.url))) for (const link of { link.href = link.href.replace(fixtureDir, '/<rootDir>').replaceAll('//', '/') link.key = link.key.replace(/-[a-z0-9]+$/i, '') }, b) => b.href.localeCompare(a.href)) } // TODO: fix rendering of styles in webpack if (!isDev() && !isWebpack) { expect(normaliseIslandResult(result).head).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "link": [], "style": [ { "innerHTML": "pre[data-v-xxxxx]{color:blue}", "key": "island-style", }, ], } `) } else if (isDev() && !isWebpack) { // TODO: resolve dev bug triggered by earlier fetch of /vueuse-head page // = => !h.href.includes('SharedComponent')) expect(result.head).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "link": [ { "href": "/_nuxt/components/islands/PureComponent.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&scoped=c0c0cf89&lang.css", "key": "island-link", "rel": "stylesheet", }, ], "style": [], } `) } expect(result.html.replace(/data-v-\w+|"|<!--.*-->/g, '').replace(/data-island-uid="[^"]"/g, '')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "<div data-island-uid > Was router enabled: true <br > Props: <pre >{ number: 3487, str: something, obj: { foo: 42, bar: false, me: hi }, bool: false }</pre></div>" `) }) it('test client-side navigation', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/') await'#islands') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === '/islands') await page.locator('#increase-pure-component').click() await page.waitForResponse(response => response.url().includes('/__nuxt_island/') && response.status() === 200) await page.locator('#slot-in-server').getByText('Slot with in .server component').waitFor() await page.locator('#test-slot').getByText('Slot with name test').waitFor() // test islands update expect(await page.locator('.box').innerHTML()).toContain('"number": 101,') const islandRequests = [ page.waitForResponse(response => response.url().includes('/__nuxt_island/LongAsyncComponent') && response.status() === 200), page.waitForResponse(response => response.url().includes('/__nuxt_island/AsyncServerComponent') && response.status() === 200), ] await page.locator('#update-server-components').click() await Promise.all(islandRequests) await page.locator('#long-async-component-count').getByText('1').waitFor() // test islands slots interactivity await page.locator('#first-sugar-counter button').click() expect(await page.locator('#first-sugar-counter').innerHTML()).toContain('Sugar Counter 13') if (!isWebpack) { // test client component interactivity expect(await page.locator('.interactive-component-wrapper').innerHTML()).toContain('Sugar Counter 12') await page.locator('.interactive-component-wrapper button').click() expect(await page.locator('.interactive-component-wrapper').innerHTML()).toContain('Sugar Counter 13') } await page.close() }) it.skipIf(isDev())('should not render an error when having a baseURL', async () => { await startServer({ env: { NUXT_APP_BASE_URL: '/foo/', }, }) const result = await fetch('/foo/islands') expect(result.status).toBe(200) await startServer() }) it('render island page', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/') const islandPageRequest = page.waitForRequest((req) => { return req.url().includes('/__nuxt_island/page:server-page') }) await page.getByText('to server page').click() await islandPageRequest await page.locator('#server-page').waitFor() }) }) describe.runIf(isDev() && !isWebpack)('vite plugins', () => { it('does not override vite plugins', async () => { expect(await $fetch<string>('/vite-plugin-without-path')).toBe('vite-plugin without path') expect(await $fetch<string>('/__nuxt-test')).toBe('vite-plugin with __nuxt prefix') }) it('does not allow direct access to nuxt source folder', async () => { expect(await $fetch<string>('/app.config')).toContain('catchall at') }) }) describe.skipIf(isDev() || isWindows || !isRenderingJson)('payload rendering', () => { it('renders a payload', async () => { const payload = await $fetch<string>('/random/a/_payload.json', { responseType: 'text' }) const data = parsePayload(payload) expect(typeof data.prerenderedAt).toEqual('number') expect({ hey: { baz: 'qux', foo: 'bar', }, rand_a: expect.arrayContaining([expect.anything()]), }) }) it('does not fetch a prefetched payload', async () => { const { page, requests } = await renderPage() await gotoPath(page, '/random/a') // We are manually prefetching other payloads await page.waitForRequest(request => request.url().includes('/random/c/_payload.json')) // We are not triggering API requests in the payload expect(requests).not.toContainEqual(expect.stringContaining('/api/random')) expect(requests).not.toContainEqual(expect.stringContaining('/__nuxt_island')) // requests.length = 0 await'[href="/random/b"]') await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle') // We are not triggering API requests in the payload in client-side nav expect(requests).not.toContain('/api/random') expect(requests).not.toContainEqual(expect.stringContaining('/__nuxt_island')) // We are fetching a payload we did not prefetch expect(requests).toContainEqual(expect.stringContaining('/random/b/_payload.json')) // We are not refetching payloads we've already prefetched // expect(requests.filter(p => p.includes('_payload')).length).toBe(1) // requests.length = 0 await'[href="/random/c"]') await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle') // We are not triggering API requests in the payload in client-side nav expect(requests).not.toContain('/api/random') expect(requests).not.toContainEqual(expect.stringContaining('/__nuxt_island')) // We are not refetching payloads we've already prefetched // Note: we refetch on dev as urls differ between '' and '?import' // expect(requests.filter(p => p.includes('_payload')).length).toBe(isDev() ? 1 : 0) await page.close() }) it.skipIf(!isRenderingJson)('should not include server-component HTML in payload', async () => { const payload = await $fetch<string>('/prefetch/server-components/_payload.json', { responseType: 'text' }) const entries = Object.entries(parsePayload(payload)) const [key, serializedComponent] = entries.find(([key]) => key.startsWith('AsyncServerComponent')) || [] expect(serializedComponent).toEqual(key) }) }) describe.skipIf(process.env.TEST_CONTEXT !== 'async')('Async context', () => { it('should be available', async () => { expect(await $fetch<string>('/async-context')).toContain('"hasApp": true') }) }) describe.skipIf(process.env.TEST_CONTEXT === 'async')('Async context', () => { it('should be unavailable', async () => { expect(await $fetch<string>('/async-context')).toContain('"hasApp": false') }) }) describe.skipIf(isWindows)('useAsyncData', () => { it('works after useNuxtData call', async () => { const page = await createPage('/useAsyncData/nuxt-data') expect(await page.locator('body').getByText('resolved:true').textContent()).toContain('resolved:true') await page.close() }) it('single request resolves', async () => { await expectNoClientErrors('/useAsyncData/single') }) it('two requests resolve', async () => { await expectNoClientErrors('/useAsyncData/double') }) it('two requests resolve and sync', async () => { await $fetch<string>('/useAsyncData/refresh') }) it('requests can be cancelled/overridden', async () => { await expectNoClientErrors('/useAsyncData/override') }) it('two requests made at once resolve and sync', async () => { await expectNoClientErrors('/useAsyncData/promise-all') }) it('requests status can be used', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/useAsyncData/status') expect(html).toContain('true') expect(html).not.toContain('false') const page = await createPage('/useAsyncData/status') await page.locator('#status5-values').getByText('idle,pending,success').waitFor() await page.close() }) it('data is null after navigation when immediate false', async () => { const defaultValue = isV4 ? 'undefined' : 'null' const { page } = await renderPage('/useAsyncData/immediate-remove-unmounted') expect(await page.locator('#immediate-data').getByText(defaultValue).textContent()).toBe(defaultValue) await'#execute-btn') expect(await page.locator('#immediate-data').getByText(',').textContent()).not.toContain(defaultValue) await'#to-index') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === '/') await'#to-immediate-remove-unmounted') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === '/useAsyncData/immediate-remove-unmounted') expect(await page.locator('#immediate-data').getByText(defaultValue).textContent()).toBe(defaultValue) await'#execute-btn') expect(await page.locator('#immediate-data').getByText(',').textContent()).not.toContain(defaultValue) await page.close() }) }) describe.runIf(isDev())('component testing', () => { it('should work', async () => { const comp1 = await $fetchComponent('components/Counter.vue', { multiplier: 2 }) expect(comp1).toContain('12 x 2 = 24') const comp2 = await $fetchComponent('components/Counter.vue', { multiplier: 4 }) expect(comp2).toContain('12 x 4 = 48') }) }) describe('keepalive', () => { it('should not keepalive by default', async () => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage('/keepalive') const pageName = 'not-keepalive' await`#${pageName}`) await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, `/keepalive/${pageName}`) expect( => l.text).filter(t => t.includes('keepalive'))).toEqual([`${pageName}: onMounted`]) await page.close() }) it('should not keepalive when included in app config but config in nuxt-page is not undefined', async () => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage('/keepalive') const pageName = 'keepalive-in-config' await`#${pageName}`) await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, `/keepalive/${pageName}`) expect( => l.text).filter(t => t.includes('keepalive'))).toEqual([`${pageName}: onMounted`]) await page.close() }) it('should not keepalive when included in app config but exclueded in nuxt-page', async () => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage('/keepalive') const pageName = 'not-keepalive-in-nuxtpage' await`#${pageName}`) await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, `/keepalive/${pageName}`) expect( => l.text).filter(t => t.includes('keepalive'))).toEqual([`${pageName}: onMounted`]) await page.close() }) it('should keepalive when included in nuxt-page', async () => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage('/keepalive') const pageName = 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage' await`#${pageName}`) await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, `/keepalive/${pageName}`) expect( => l.text).filter(t => t.includes('keepalive'))).toEqual([`${pageName}: onMounted`, `${pageName}: onActivated`]) await page.close() }) it('should preserve keepalive config when navigate routes in nuxt-page', async () => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage('/keepalive') const slugs = [ 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage', 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage-2', 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage', 'not-keepalive', 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage-2', ] for (const slug of slugs) { await`#${slug}`) await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, `/keepalive/${slug}`) } expect( => l.text).filter(t => t.includes('keepalive'))).toEqual([ 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage: onMounted', 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage: onActivated', 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage: onDeactivated', 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage-2: onMounted', 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage-2: onActivated', 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage: onActivated', 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage-2: onDeactivated', 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage: onDeactivated', 'not-keepalive: onMounted', 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage-2: onActivated', 'not-keepalive: onUnmounted', ]) await page.close() }) }) describe('teleports', () => { it('should append teleports to body', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/teleport') // Teleport is prepended to body, before the __nuxt div expect(html).toContain('<div>Teleport</div><!--teleport anchor--><div id="__nuxt">') // Teleport start and end tag are rendered as expected expect(html).toContain('<div><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--><h1>Normal content</h1></div>') }) it('should render teleports to app teleports element', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/nuxt-teleport') // Teleport is appended to body, after the __nuxt div expect(html).toContain('<div><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--><h1>Normal content</h1></div></div></div><span id="nuxt-teleport"><div>Nuxt Teleport</div><!--teleport anchor--></span><script') }) }) describe('Node.js compatibility for client-side', () => { it('should work', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/node-compat') await page.locator('body').getByText('Nuxt is Awesome!').waitFor() expect(await page.innerHTML('body')).toContain('CWD: [available]') await page.close() }) }, 20_000) function normaliseIslandResult (result: NuxtIslandResponse) { return { ...result, head: { ...result.head, style: => ({ ...s, innerHTML: (s.innerHTML || '').replace(/data-v-[a-z0-9]+/, 'data-v-xxxxx').replace(/\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.svg/, '.svg'), key: s.key.replace(/-[a-z0-9]+$/i, ''), })), }, } } describe('import components', () => { let html = '' it.sequential('fetch import-components page', async () => { html = await $fetch<string>('/import-components') }) it('load default component with mode all', () => { expect(html).toContain('default-comp-all') }) it('load default component with mode client', () => { expect(html).toContain('default-comp-client') }) it('load default component with mode server', () => { expect(html).toContain('default-comp-server') }) it('load named component with mode all', () => { expect(html).toContain('named-comp-all') }) it('load named component with mode client', () => { expect(html).toContain('named-comp-client') }) it('load named component with mode server', () => { expect(html).toContain('named-comp-server') }) }) describe('lazy import components', () => { let html = '' it.sequential('fetch lazy-import-components page', async () => { html = await $fetch<string>('/lazy-import-components') }) it('lazy load named component with mode all', () => { expect(html).toContain('lazy-named-comp-all') }) it('lazy load named component with mode client', () => { expect(html).toContain('lazy-named-comp-client') }) it('lazy load named component with mode server', () => { expect(html).toContain('lazy-named-comp-server') }) it('lazy load delayed hydration comps at the right time', async () => { expect(html).toContain('This should be visible at first with network!') const { page } = await renderPage('/lazy-import-components') await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle') expect(await page.locator('body').getByText('This shouldn\'t be visible at first with network!').all()).toHaveLength(1) expect(await page.locator('body').getByText('This should be visible at first with viewport!').all()).toHaveLength(1) expect(await page.locator('body').getByText('This should be visible at first with events!').all()).toHaveLength(2) const component = await page.locator('#lazyevent') const rect = (await component.boundingBox())! await page.mouse.move(rect.x + rect.width / 2, rect.y + rect.height / 2) await page.waitForResponse(response => response.status() === 200 && response.text().then(text => text.includes('This shouldn\'t be visible at first with events!')), ) expect(await page.locator('body').getByText('This shouldn\'t be visible at first with events!').all()).toHaveLength(1) await page.evaluate(() => window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)) await page.waitForResponse(response => response.status() === 200 && response.text().then(text => text.includes('This shouldn\'t be visible at first with viewport!')), ) expect(await page.locator('body').getByText('This shouldn\'t be visible at first with viewport!').all()).toHaveLength(1) }) it('respects custom delayed hydration triggers and overrides defaults', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/lazy-import-components') await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle') const component = await page.locator('#lazyevent2') const rect = (await component.boundingBox())! await page.mouse.move(rect.x + rect.width / 2, rect.y + rect.height / 2) await page.waitForTimeout(500) await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle') expect(await page.locator('body').getByText('This should be visible at first with events!').all()).toHaveLength(2) const resp = page.waitForResponse(response => response.status() === 200 && response.text().then(text => text.includes('This shouldn\'t be visible at first with events!')), ) await page.locator('#lazyevent2').click() await resp expect(await page.locator('body').getByText('This should be visible at first with events!').all()).toHaveLength(1) expect(await page.locator('body').getByText('This shouldn\'t be visible at first with events!').all()).toHaveLength(1) }) it('does not delay hydration of components named after modifiers', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/lazy-import-components') await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle') expect(await page.locator('body').getByText('This fake lazy event should be visible!').all()).toHaveLength(1) expect(await page.locator('body').getByText('This fake lazy event shouldn\'t be visible!').all()).toHaveLength(0) }) }) describe('defineNuxtComponent watch duplicate', () => { it('test after navigation duplicate', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/define-nuxt-component') await page.getByTestId('define-nuxt-component-bar').click() await page.getByTestId('define-nuxt-component-state').click() await page.getByTestId('define-nuxt-component-foo').click() expect(await page.getByTestId('define-nuxt-component-state').first().innerText()).toBe('2') }) }) describe('namespace access to useNuxtApp', () => { it('should return the nuxt instance when used with correct appId', async () => { const { page, pageErrors } = await renderPage('/namespace-nuxt-app') expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]) await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.() && !window.useNuxtApp?.().isHydrating) // Defaulting to appId await page.evaluate(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()) // Using correct configured appId // @ts-expect-error not public API yet await page.evaluate(() => window.useNuxtApp?.('nuxt-app-basic')) await page.close() }) it('should throw an error when used with wrong appId', async () => { const { page, pageErrors } = await renderPage('/namespace-nuxt-app') expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]) await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.() && !window.useNuxtApp?.().isHydrating) let error: unknown try { // Using wrong/unknown appId // @ts-expect-error not public API yet await page.evaluate(() => window.useNuxtApp?.('nuxt-app-unknown')) } catch (err) { error = err } expect(error).toBeTruthy() await page.close() }) })