import { addComponent, addVitePlugin, addWebpackPlugin } from '@nuxt/kit' import type { NuxtPage } from '@nuxt/schema' import { createUnplugin } from 'unplugin' import { withoutLeadingSlash } from 'ufo' // (defined in nuxt/src/core/nitro.ts) declare module 'nitropack' { interface NitroRouteConfig { ssr?: boolean } } export default defineNuxtConfig({ typescript: { strict: true }, app: { pageTransition: true, layoutTransition: true, head: { charset: 'utf-8', link: [undefined], meta: [ { name: 'viewport', content: 'width=1024, initial-scale=1' }, { charset: 'utf-8' }, { name: 'description', content: 'Nuxt Fixture' } ] } }, buildDir: process.env.NITRO_BUILD_DIR, builder: process.env.TEST_BUILDER as 'webpack' | 'vite' ?? 'vite', build: { transpile: [ (ctx) => { if (typeof ctx.isDev !== 'boolean') { throw new TypeError('context not passed') } return false } ] }, theme: './extends/bar', css: ['~/assets/global.css'], extends: [ './extends/node_modules/foo' ], nitro: { routeRules: { '/route-rules/spa': { ssr: false } }, output: { dir: process.env.NITRO_OUTPUT_DIR }, prerender: { routes: [ '/random/a', '/random/b', '/random/c' ] } }, optimization: { keyedComposables: [ { name: 'useKeyedComposable', argumentLength: 1 } ] }, runtimeConfig: { baseURL: '', baseAPIToken: '', privateConfig: 'secret_key', public: { ids: [1, 2, 3], needsFallback: undefined, testConfig: 123 } }, modules: [ [ '~/modules/example', { typeTest (val) { // @ts-expect-error module type defines val as boolean const b: string = val return !!b } } ], function (_, nuxt) { if (typeof nuxt.options.builder === 'string' && nuxt.options.builder.includes('webpack')) { return } nuxt.options.css.push('virtual.css')'virtual.css') const plugin = createUnplugin(() => ({ name: 'virtual', resolveId (id) { if (id === 'virtual.css') { return 'virtual.css' } }, load (id) { if (id === 'virtual.css') { return ':root { --virtual: red }' } } })) addVitePlugin(plugin.vite()) addWebpackPlugin(plugin.webpack()) }, function (_options, nuxt) { const routesToDuplicate = ['/async-parent', '/fixed-keyed-child-parent', '/keyed-child-parent', '/with-layout', '/with-layout2'] const stripLayout = (page: NuxtPage): NuxtPage => ({, children: page.children?.map(child => stripLayout(child)), name: 'internal-' +, path: withoutLeadingSlash(page.path), meta: { || {}, layout: undefined, _layout: page.meta?.layout } }) nuxt.hook('pages:extend', (pages) => { const newPages = [] for (const page of pages) { if (routesToDuplicate.includes(page.path)) { newPages.push(stripLayout(page)) } } const internalParent = pages.find(page => page.path === '/internal-layout') internalParent!.children = newPages }) }, function (_, nuxt) { nuxt.options.optimization.treeShake.composables.server[nuxt.options.rootDir] = ['useClientOnlyComposable', 'setTitleToPink'] nuxt.options.optimization.treeShake.composables.client[nuxt.options.rootDir] = ['useServerOnlyComposable'] } ], vite: { logLevel: 'silent' }, hooks: { 'prepare:types' ({ tsConfig }) { tsConfig.include = tsConfig.include!.filter(i => i !== '../../../../**/*') }, 'modules:done' () { addComponent({ name: 'CustomComponent', export: 'namedExport', filePath: '~/other-components-folder/named-export' }) }, 'vite:extendConfig' (config) { config.plugins!.push({ name: 'nuxt:server', configureServer (server) { server.middlewares.use((req, res, next) => { if (req.url === '/vite-plugin-without-path') { res.end('vite-plugin without path') return } next() }) server.middlewares.use((req, res, next) => { if (req.url === '/__nuxt-test') { res.end('vite-plugin with __nuxt prefix') return } next() }) } }) } }, vue: { compilerOptions: { isCustomElement: (tag) => { return tag === 'custom-component' } } }, experimental: { restoreState: true, inlineSSRStyles: id => !!id && !id.includes('assets.vue'), componentIslands: true, reactivityTransform: true, treeshakeClientOnly: true, payloadExtraction: true }, appConfig: { fromNuxtConfig: true, nested: { val: 1 } } })