import consola from 'consola' import { buildFixture } from '../../utils/build' beforeAll(() => { process.env.NUXT_ENV_FOO = 'manniL' }) let customCompressionMiddlewareFunctionName const hooks = [ ['render:errorMiddleware', (app) => { customCompressionMiddlewareFunctionName = app.stack[0] }] ] describe('with-config', () => { buildFixture('with-config', () => { expect(consola.warn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(5) expect(consola.fatal).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0) expect(consola.warn.mock.calls).toMatchObject([ [ 'Unknown mode: unknown. Falling back to universal' ], [ `Invalid plugin mode (server/client/all): 'abc'. Falling back to 'all'` ], [{ message: 'Found 2 plugins that match the configuration, suggest to specify extension:', additional: expect.stringContaining('plugins/test.json') }], [ 'Using styleResources without the nuxt-style-resources-module is not suggested and can lead to severe performance issues.', 'Please use' ], [ 'Notice: Please do not deploy bundles built with analyze mode, it\'s only for analyzing purpose.' ] ]) expect(customCompressionMiddlewareFunctionName).toBe('damn') }, hooks) }) afterAll(() => { delete process.env.NUXT_ENV_FOO })