import { getCurrentInstance, inject, onUnmounted } from 'vue' import type { Router, RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded, NavigationGuard, RouteLocationNormalized, RouteLocationRaw, NavigationFailure, RouteLocationPathRaw } from 'vue-router' import { sendRedirect } from 'h3' import { hasProtocol, joinURL, parseURL } from 'ufo' import { useNuxtApp, useRuntimeConfig } from '../nuxt' import type { NuxtError } from './error' import { createError } from './error' import { useState } from './state' export const useRouter = () => { return useNuxtApp()?.$router as Router } export const useRoute = (): RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded => { if (getCurrentInstance()) { return inject('_route', useNuxtApp()._route) } return useNuxtApp()._route } export const onBeforeRouteLeave = (guard: NavigationGuard) => { const unsubscribe = useRouter().beforeEach((to, from, next) => { if (to === from) { return } return guard(to, from, next) }) onUnmounted(unsubscribe) } export const onBeforeRouteUpdate = (guard: NavigationGuard) => { const unsubscribe = useRouter().beforeEach(guard) onUnmounted(unsubscribe) } export interface RouteMiddleware { (to: RouteLocationNormalized, from: RouteLocationNormalized): ReturnType } export const defineNuxtRouteMiddleware = (middleware: RouteMiddleware) => middleware export interface AddRouteMiddlewareOptions { global?: boolean } interface AddRouteMiddleware { (name: string, middleware: RouteMiddleware, options?: AddRouteMiddlewareOptions): void (middleware: RouteMiddleware): void } export const addRouteMiddleware: AddRouteMiddleware = (name: string | RouteMiddleware, middleware?: RouteMiddleware, options: AddRouteMiddlewareOptions = {}) => { const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() if ( || typeof name === 'function') { name === 'function' ? name : middleware) } else { nuxtApp._middleware.named[name] = middleware } } const isProcessingMiddleware = () => { try { if (useNuxtApp()._processingMiddleware) { return true } } catch { // Within an async middleware return true } return false } export interface NavigateToOptions { replace?: boolean redirectCode?: number, external?: boolean } export const navigateTo = (to: RouteLocationRaw | undefined | null, options?: NavigateToOptions): Promise | RouteLocationRaw => { if (!to) { to = '/' } const toPath = typeof to === 'string' ? to : ((to as RouteLocationPathRaw).path || '/') const isExternal = hasProtocol(toPath, true) if (isExternal && !options?.external) { throw new Error('Navigating to external URL is not allowed by default. Use `nagivateTo (url, { external: true })`.') } if (isExternal && parseURL(toPath).protocol === 'script:') { throw new Error('Cannot navigate to an URL with script protocol.') } // Early redirect on client-side if (process.client && !isExternal && isProcessingMiddleware()) { return to } const router = useRouter() if (process.server) { const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() if (nuxtApp.ssrContext && nuxtApp.ssrContext.event) { const redirectLocation = isExternal ? toPath : joinURL(useRuntimeConfig().app.baseURL, router.resolve(to).fullPath || '/') return nuxtApp.callHook('app:redirected').then(() => sendRedirect(nuxtApp.ssrContext!.event, redirectLocation, options?.redirectCode || 302)) } } // Client-side redirection using vue-router if (isExternal) { if (options?.replace) { location.replace(toPath) } else { location.href = toPath } return Promise.resolve() } return options?.replace ? router.replace(to) : router.push(to) } /** This will abort navigation within a Nuxt route middleware handler. */ export const abortNavigation = (err?: string | Partial) => { if ( && !isProcessingMiddleware()) { throw new Error('abortNavigation() is only usable inside a route middleware handler.') } if (err) { throw createError(err) } return false } export const setPageLayout = (layout: string) => { if (process.server) { if ( && getCurrentInstance() && useState('_layout').value !== layout) { console.warn('[warn] [nuxt] `setPageLayout` should not be called to change the layout on the server within a component as this will cause hydration errors.') } useState('_layout').value = layout } const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() if ( && nuxtApp.isHydrating && useState('_layout').value !== layout) { console.warn('[warn] [nuxt] `setPageLayout` should not be called to change the layout during hydration as this will cause hydration errors.') } const inMiddleware = isProcessingMiddleware() if (inMiddleware || process.server || nuxtApp.isHydrating) { const unsubscribe = useRouter().beforeResolve((to) => { to.meta.layout = layout unsubscribe() }) } if (!inMiddleware) { useRoute().meta.layout = layout } }