--- navigation.icon: uil:window-section --- # Views Nuxt provides several component layers to implement the user interface of your application. ## `app.vue`  By default, Nuxt will treat this file as the **entrypoint** and render its content for every route of the application. ```vue [app.vue] <template> <div> <h1>Welcome to the homepage</h1> </div> </template> ``` ::alert If you are familiar with Vue, you might wonder where `main.js` is (the file is that normally creates a Vue app). Nuxt does this behind the scene. :: ## Components  Most components are reusable pieces of the user interface, like buttons and menus. In Nuxt, you can create these components in the `components/` directory, and they will be automatically available across your application without having to explicitly import them. ::code-group ```vue [App.vue] <template> <div> <h1>Welcome to the homepage</h1> <AppAlert> This is an auto-imported component. </AppAlert> </div> </template> ``` ```vue [components/AppAlert.vue] <template> <span> <slot /> </span> </template> ``` :: ## Pages  Pages represent views use for each specific route pattern. Every file in the `pages/` directory represents a different route displaying its content. To use pages, create `pages/index.vue` file and add `<NuxtPage />` component to the `app.vue` (or remove `app.vue` for default entry). You can now create more pages and their corresponding routes by adding new files in the `pages/` directory. ::code-group ```vue [pages/index.vue] <template> <div> <h1>Welcome to the homepage</h1> <AppAlert> This is an auto-imported component </AppAlert> </div> </template> ``` ```vue [pages/about.vue] <template> <section> <p>This page will be displayed at the /about route.</p> </section> </template> ``` :: ::alert You will learn more about pages in the [Routing section](/getting-started/routing) :: ## Layouts  Layouts are wrappers around pages that contain a common User Interface for several pages, such as a header and footer display. Layouts are Vue files using `<slot />` components to display the **page** content. The `layouts/default.vue` file will be used by default. Custom layouts can be set as part of your page metadata. ::alert If you only have a single layout in your application, we recommend using app.vue with the [`<NuxtPage />` component](/api/components/nuxt-page) instead. :: ::code-group ```vue [layouts/default.vue] <template> <div> <AppHeader /> <slot /> <AppFooter /> </div> </template> ``` ```vue [pages/index.vue] <template> <div> <h1>Welcome to the homepage</h1> <AppAlert> This is an auto-imported component </AppAlert> </div> </template> ``` ```vue [pages/about.vue] <template> <section> <p>This page will be displayed at the /about route.</p> </section> </template> ``` :: If you want to create more layouts and learn how to use them in your pages, find more information in the [Layouts section](/guide/directory-structure/layouts).