import { readdir } from 'node:fs/promises' import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url' import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest' import { joinURL, withQuery } from 'ufo' import { isCI, isWindows } from 'std-env' import { join, normalize } from 'pathe' import { $fetch, createPage, fetch, isDev, setup, startServer, url, useTestContext } from '@nuxt/test-utils/e2e' import { $fetchComponent } from '@nuxt/test-utils/experimental' import { resolveUnrefHeadInput } from '@unhead/vue' import { expectNoClientErrors, expectWithPolling, gotoPath, isRenderingJson, parseData, parsePayload, renderPage } from './utils' import type { NuxtIslandResponse } from '#app' const isWebpack = process.env.TEST_BUILDER === 'webpack' || process.env.TEST_BUILDER === 'rspack' const isTestingAppManifest = process.env.TEST_MANIFEST !== 'manifest-off' const isV4 = process.env.TEST_V4 === 'true' await setup({ rootDir: fileURLToPath(new URL('./fixtures/basic', import.meta.url)), dev: process.env.TEST_ENV === 'dev', server: true, browser: true, setupTimeout: (isWindows ? 360 : 120) * 1000, nuxtConfig: { hooks: { 'modules:done' () { // TODO: investigate whether to upstream a fix to vite-plugin-vue or nuxt/test-utils // Vite reads its `isProduction` value from NODE_ENV and passes this to some plugins // like vite-plugin-vue if (process.env.TEST_ENV !== 'dev') { process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production' } }, }, builder: isWebpack ? 'webpack' : 'vite', }, }) describe('server api', () => { it('should serialize', async () => { expect(await $fetch<string>('/api/hello')).toBe('Hello API') expect(await $fetch<string>('/api/hey')).toEqual({ foo: 'bar', baz: 'qux', }) }) it('should preserve states', async () => { expect(await $fetch<string>('/api/counter')).toEqual({ count: 0 }) expect(await $fetch<string>('/api/counter')).toEqual({ count: 1 }) expect(await $fetch<string>('/api/counter')).toEqual({ count: 2 }) expect(await $fetch<string>('/api/counter')).toEqual({ count: 3 }) }) it('should auto-import', async () => { const res = await $fetch<string>('/api/auto-imports') expect(res).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "autoImported": "utils", "fromServerDir": "test-utils", "thisIs": "serverAutoImported", } `) }) }) describe('route rules', () => { it('should enable spa mode', async () => { const headHtml = await $fetch<string>('/route-rules/spa') // SPA should render appHead tags expect(headHtml).toContain('<meta name="description" content="Nuxt Fixture">') expect(headHtml).toContain('<meta charset="utf-8">') expect(headHtml).toContain('<meta name="viewport" content="width=1024, initial-scale=1">') expect(headHtml.match(/<meta name="viewport" content="width=1024, initial-scale=1">/g)).toHaveLength(1) const { script, attrs } = parseData(headHtml) expect(script.serverRendered).toEqual(false) if (isRenderingJson) { expect(attrs['data-ssr']).toEqual('false') } await expectNoClientErrors('/route-rules/spa') }) it('should not render loading template in spa mode if it is not enabled', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/route-rules/spa') expect(html).toContain('<div id="__nuxt"></div>') }) it('should allow defining route rules inline', async () => { const res = await fetch('/route-rules/inline') expect(res.status).toEqual(200) expect(res.headers.get('x-extend')).toEqual('added in routeRules') }) it('test noScript routeRules', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/no-scripts') expect(html).not.toContain('<script') }) it.runIf(isTestingAppManifest)('should run middleware defined in routeRules config', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/route-rules/middleware') expect(html).toContain('Hello from routeRules!') }) }) describe('modules', () => { it('should auto-register modules in ~/modules', async () => { const result = await $fetch<string>('/auto-registered-module') expect(result).toEqual('handler added by auto-registered module') }) }) describe('pages', () => { it('render index', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/') // Snapshot // expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot() // should render text expect(html).toContain('Hello Nuxt 3!') // should inject runtime config expect(html).toContain('RuntimeConfig | testConfig: 123') expect(html).toContain('needsFallback:') // composables auto import expect(html).toContain('Composable | foo: auto imported from ~/composables/foo.ts') expect(html).toContain('Composable | bar: auto imported from ~/utils/useBar.ts') expect(html).toContain('Composable | template: auto imported from ~/composables/template.ts') expect(html).toContain('Composable | star: auto imported from ~/composables/nested/bar.ts via star export') // should import components expect(html).toContain('This is a custom component with a named export.') // should remove dev-only and replace with any fallback content expect(html).toContain(isDev() ? 'Some dev-only info' : 'Some prod-only info') // should apply attributes to client-only components expect(html).toContain('<div style="color:red;" class="client-only"></div>') // should render server-only components expect(html.replaceAll(/ data-island-uid="[^"]*"/g, '')).toContain('<div class="server-only" style="background-color:gray;"> server-only component <div> server-only component child (non-server-only) </div></div>') // should register global components automatically expect(html).toContain('global component registered automatically') expect(html).toContain('global component via suffix') expect(html).toContain('This is a synchronously registered global component') await expectNoClientErrors('/') }) // TODO: support jsx with webpack it.runIf(!isWebpack)('supports jsx', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/jsx') // should import JSX/TSX components with custom elements expect(html).toContain('TSX component') expect(html).toContain('<custom-component>custom</custom-component>') expect(html).toContain('Sugar Counter 12 x 2 = 24') }) it('respects aliases in page metadata', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/some-alias') expect(html).toContain('Hello Nuxt 3!') }) it('respects redirects in page metadata', async () => { const { headers } = await fetch('/redirect', { redirect: 'manual' }) expect(headers.get('location')).toEqual('/') }) it('allows routes to be added dynamically', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/add-route-test') expect(html).toContain('Hello Nuxt 3!') }) it('includes page metadata from pages added in pages:extend hook', async () => { const res = await fetch('/page-extend') expect(res.headers.get('x-extend')).toEqual('added in pages:extend') }) it('preserves page metadata added in pages:extend hook', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/some-custom-path') expect (html.match(/<pre>([^<]*)<\/pre>/)?.[1]?.trim().replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/>/g, '>')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "{ "name": "some-custom-name", "path": "/some-custom-path", "validate": "() => true", "middleware": [ "() => true" ], "otherValue": "{\\"foo\\":\\"bar\\"}" }" `) }) it('validates routes', async () => { const { status, headers } = await fetch('/catchall/forbidden') expect(status).toEqual(404) expect(headers.get('Set-Cookie')).toBe('set-in-plugin=true; Path=/') const { page } = await renderPage('/navigate-to-forbidden') await page.getByText('should throw a 404 error').click() expect(await page.getByRole('heading').textContent()).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"Page Not Found: /catchall/forbidden"') expect(await page.getByTestId('path').textContent()).toMatchInlineSnapshot('" Path: /catchall/forbidden"') await gotoPath(page, '/navigate-to-forbidden') await page.getByText('should be caught by catchall').click() expect(await page.getByRole('heading').textContent()).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"[...slug].vue"') await page.close() }) it('validates routes with custom statusCode and statusMessage', async () => { const CUSTOM_ERROR_CODE = 401 const CUSTOM_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Custom error message' const ERROR_PAGE_TEXT = 'This is the error page' const PAGE_TEXT = 'You should not see this' // Check status code and message on fetch const res = await fetch('/validate-custom-error') const serverText = await res.text() expect(res.status).toEqual(CUSTOM_ERROR_CODE) expect(serverText).toContain(CUSTOM_ERROR_MESSAGE) expect(serverText).not.toContain(PAGE_TEXT) // Client-side navigation const { page } = await renderPage('/navigate-to-validate-custom-error') await page.getByText('should throw a 401 error with custom message').click() // error.vue has an h1 tag await page.waitForSelector('h1') const clientText = await page.innerText('body') expect(clientText).toContain(CUSTOM_ERROR_MESSAGE) expect(clientText).toContain(ERROR_PAGE_TEXT) expect(clientText).not.toContain(PAGE_TEXT) await page.close() // Server-side navigation const { page: serverPage } = await renderPage('/validate-custom-error') const serverPageText = await serverPage.innerText('body') expect(serverPageText).toContain(CUSTOM_ERROR_MESSAGE) expect(serverPageText).toContain(ERROR_PAGE_TEXT) expect(serverPageText).not.toContain(PAGE_TEXT) await serverPage.close() }) it.runIf(isDev())('returns 500 when there is an infinite redirect', async () => { const { status } = await fetch('/catchall/redirect-infinite', { redirect: 'manual' }) expect(status).toEqual(500) }) it('render catchall page', async () => { const res = await fetch('/catchall/not-found') expect(res.status).toEqual(200) const html = await res.text() // Snapshot // expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot() expect(html).toContain('[...slug].vue') expect(html).toContain('catchall at not-found') // Middleware still runs after validation: expect(html).toContain('Middleware ran: true') await expectNoClientErrors('/catchall/not-found') }) it('should render correctly when loaded on a different path', async () => { const { page, pageErrors } = await renderPage() await page.goto(url('/proxy')) await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.() && !window.useNuxtApp?.().isHydrating) expect(await page.innerText('body')).toContain('Composable | foo: auto imported from ~/composables/foo.ts') expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]) await page.close() }) it('preserves query', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/?test=true') // Snapshot // expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot() // should render text expect(html).toContain('Path: /?test=true') await expectNoClientErrors('/?test=true') }) it('/nested/[foo]/[bar].vue', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/nested/one/two') // Snapshot // expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot() expect(html).toContain('nested/[foo]/[bar].vue') expect(html).toContain('foo: one') expect(html).toContain('bar: two') }) it('/nested/[foo]/index.vue', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/nested/foobar') // TODO: should resolved to same entry // const html2 = await $fetch<string>('/nested/foobar/index') // expect(html).toEqual(html2) // Snapshot // expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot() expect(html).toContain('nested/[foo]/index.vue') expect(html).toContain('foo: foobar') await expectNoClientErrors('/nested/foobar') }) it('/nested/[foo]/user-[group].vue', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/nested/foobar/user-admin') // Snapshot // expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot() expect(html).toContain('nested/[foo]/user-[group].vue') expect(html).toContain('foo: foobar') expect(html).toContain('group: admin') await expectNoClientErrors('/nested/foobar/user-admin') }) it('/parent', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/parent') expect(html).toContain('parent/index') await expectNoClientErrors('/parent') }) it('/another-parent', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/another-parent') expect(html).toContain('another-parent/index') await expectNoClientErrors('/another-parent') }) it('/client-server', async () => { // expect no hydration issues await expectNoClientErrors('/client-server') const { page } = await renderPage('/client-server') const bodyHTML = await page.innerHTML('body') expect(await page.locator('.placeholder-to-ensure-no-override').all()).toHaveLength(5) expect(await page.locator('.server').all()).toHaveLength(0) expect(await page.locator('.client-fragment-server.client').all()).toHaveLength(2) expect(await page.locator('.client-fragment-server-fragment.client').all()).toHaveLength(2) expect(await page.locator('.client-server.client').all()).toHaveLength(1) expect(await page.locator('.client-server-fragment.client').all()).toHaveLength(1) expect(await page.locator('.client-server-fragment.client').all()).toHaveLength(1) expect(bodyHTML).not.toContain('hello') expect(bodyHTML).toContain('world') await page.close() }) it('/client-only-components', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/client-only-components') // ensure fallbacks with classes and arbitrary attributes are rendered expect(html).toContain('<div class="client-only-script" foo="bar">') expect(html).toContain('<div class="client-only-script-setup" foo="hello">') expect(html).toContain('<div>Fallback</div>') // ensure components are not rendered server-side expect(html).not.toContain('Should not be server rendered') const { page, pageErrors } = await renderPage('/client-only-components') const hiddenSelectors = [ '.string-stateful-should-be-hidden', '.client-script-should-be-hidden', '.string-stateful-script-should-be-hidden', '.no-state-hidden', ] const visibleSelectors = [ '.string-stateful', '.string-stateful-script', '.client-only-script', '.client-only-script-setup', '.no-state', ] // ensure directives are correctly applied await Promise.all( => page.locator(selector).isHidden())) .then(results => results.forEach(isHidden => expect(isHidden).toBeTruthy())) // ensure hidden components are still rendered await Promise.all( => page.locator(selector).innerHTML())) .then(results => results.forEach(innerHTML => expect(innerHTML).not.toBe(''))) // ensure single root node components are rendered once on client (should not be empty) await Promise.all( => page.locator(selector).innerHTML())) .then(results => results.forEach(innerHTML => expect(innerHTML).not.toBe(''))) // issue #20061 expect(await page.$eval('.client-only-script-setup', e => getComputedStyle(e).backgroundColor)).toBe('rgb(255, 0, 0)') // ensure multi-root-node is correctly rendered expect(await page.locator('.multi-root-node-count').innerHTML()).toContain('0') expect(await page.locator('.multi-root-node-button').innerHTML()).toContain('add 1 to count') expect(await page.locator('.multi-root-node-script-count').innerHTML()).toContain('0') expect(await page.locator('.multi-root-node-script-button').innerHTML()).toContain('add 1 to count') // ensure components reactivity await page.locator('.multi-root-node-button').click() await page.locator('.multi-root-node-script-button').click() await page.locator('.client-only-script button').click() await page.locator('.client-only-script-setup button').click() expect(await page.locator('.multi-root-node-count').innerHTML()).toContain('1') expect(await page.locator('.multi-root-node-script-count').innerHTML()).toContain('1') expect(await page.locator('.client-only-script-setup button').innerHTML()).toContain('1') expect(await page.locator('.client-only-script button').innerHTML()).toContain('1') // ensure components ref is working and reactive await page.locator('button.test-ref-1').click() await page.locator('button.test-ref-2').click() await page.locator('button.test-ref-3').click() await page.locator('button.test-ref-4').click() expect(await page.locator('.client-only-script-setup button').innerHTML()).toContain('2') expect(await page.locator('.client-only-script button').innerHTML()).toContain('2') expect(await page.locator('.string-stateful-script').innerHTML()).toContain('1') expect(await page.locator('.string-stateful').innerHTML()).toContain('1') const waitForConsoleLog = page.waitForEvent('console', consoleLog => consoleLog.text() === 'has $el') // ensure directives are reactive await page.locator('button#show-all').click() await Promise.all( => page.locator(selector).isVisible())) .then(results => results.forEach(isVisible => expect(isVisible).toBeTruthy())) await waitForConsoleLog expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]) await page.close() // don't expect any errors or warning on client-side navigation const { page: page2, consoleLogs: consoleLogs2 } = await renderPage('/') await page2.locator('#to-client-only-components').click() await page2.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, '/client-only-components') expect(consoleLogs2.some(log => log.type === 'error' || log.type === 'warning')).toBeFalsy() await page2.close() }) it('/wrapper-expose/layout', async () => { const { page, consoleLogs, pageErrors } = await renderPage('/wrapper-expose/layout') await page.locator('.log-foo').first().click() expect( ||!.text).toContain('.logFoo is not a function') await page.locator('.log-hello').first().click() expect(!.text).toContain('world') await page.locator('.add-count').first().click() expect(await page.locator('.count').first().innerText()).toContain('1') // change layout await page.locator('.swap-layout').click() await page.waitForFunction(() => document.querySelector('.count')?.innerHTML.includes('0')) await page.locator('.log-foo').first().click() expect(!.text).toContain('bar') await page.locator('.log-hello').first().click() expect( ||!.text).toContain('.logHello is not a function') await page.locator('.add-count').first().click() await page.waitForFunction(() => document.querySelector('.count')?.innerHTML.includes('1')) // change layout await page.locator('.swap-layout').click() await page.waitForFunction(() => document.querySelector('.count')?.innerHTML.includes('0')) await page.close() }) it('/client-only-explicit-import', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/client-only-explicit-import') // ensure fallbacks with classes and arbitrary attributes are rendered expect(html).toContain('<div class="client-only-script" foo="bar">') expect(html).toContain('<div class="lazy-client-only-script-setup" foo="hello">') // ensure components are not rendered server-side expect(html).not.toContain('client only script') await expectNoClientErrors('/client-only-explicit-import') }) it('/wrapper-expose/page', async () => { const { page, pageErrors, consoleLogs } = await renderPage('/wrapper-expose/page') await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle') await page.locator('#log-foo').click() expect('bar') // change page await page.locator('#to-hello').click() await page.locator('#log-foo').click() expect( ||!.text).toContain('.foo is not a function') await page.locator('#log-hello').click() expect('world') await page.close() }) it('client-fallback', async () => { const classes = [ 'clientfallback-non-stateful-setup', 'clientfallback-non-stateful', 'clientfallback-stateful-setup', 'clientfallback-stateful', 'clientfallback-async-setup', ] const html = await $fetch<string>('/client-fallback') // ensure failed components are not rendered server-side expect(html).not.toContain('This breaks in server-side setup.') classes.forEach(c => expect(html).not.toContain(c)) // ensure not failed component not be rendered expect(html).not.toContain('Sugar Counter 12 x 0 = 0') // ensure NuxtClientFallback is being rendered with its fallback tag and attributes expect(html).toContain('<span class="break-in-ssr">this failed to render</span>') // ensure Fallback slot is being rendered server side expect(html).toContain('Hello world !') // ensure not failed component are correctly rendered expect(html).not.toContain('<p></p>') expect(html).toContain('hi') // async setup expect(html).toContain('Work with async setup') const { page, pageErrors } = await renderPage('/client-fallback') // ensure components reactivity once mounted await page.locator('#increment-count').click() expect(await page.locator('#sugar-counter').innerHTML()).toContain('Sugar Counter 12 x 1 = 12') // keep-fallback strategy expect(await page.locator('#keep-fallback').all()).toHaveLength(1) // #20833 expect(await page.locator('body').innerHTML()).not.toContain('Hello world !') expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]) await page.close() }) it('/legacy-async-data-fail', async () => { const response = await fetch('/legacy-async-data-fail').then(r => r.text()) expect(response).not.toContain('don\'t look at this') expect(response).toContain('OH NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO') }) it('client only page', async () => { const response = await fetch('/client-only-page').then(r => r.text()) // Should not contain rendered page on initial request expect(response).not.toContain('"hasAccessToWindow": true') expect(response).not.toContain('"isServer": false') const errors: string[] = [] const { page: clientInitialPage } = await renderPage('/client-only-page') clientInitialPage.on('console', (message) => { const type = message.type() if (type === 'error' || type === 'warning') { errors.push(message.text()) } }) // But after hydration element should appear and contain this object expect(await clientInitialPage.locator('#state').textContent()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "{ "hasAccessToWindow": true, "isServer": false }" `) expect(await clientInitialPage.locator('#server-rendered').textContent()).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"false"') // Then go to non client only page await'a') await clientInitialPage.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === '/client-only-page/normal') // that page should be client rendered expect(await clientInitialPage.locator('#server-rendered').textContent()).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"false"') // and not contain any errors or warnings expect(errors.length).toBe(0) await clientInitialPage.close() errors.length = 0 const { page: normalInitialPage } = await renderPage('/client-only-page/normal') normalInitialPage.on('console', (message) => { const type = message.type() if (type === 'error' || type === 'warning') { errors.push(message.text()) } }) // Now non client only page should be sever rendered expect(await normalInitialPage.locator('#server-rendered').textContent()).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"true"') // Go to client only page await'a') await normalInitialPage.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === '/client-only-page') // and expect same object to be present expect(await normalInitialPage.locator('#state').textContent()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "{ "hasAccessToWindow": true, "isServer": false }" `) // also there should not be any errors expect(errors.length).toBe(0) await normalInitialPage.close() }) it('groups routes', async () => { for (const targetRoute of ['/group-page', '/nested-group/group-page', '/nested-group']) { const { status } = await fetch(targetRoute) expect(status).toBe(200) } }) it.skipIf(isDev() || isWebpack /* TODO: fix bug with import.meta.prerender being undefined in webpack build */)('prerenders pages hinted with a route rule', async () => { const html = await $fetch('/prerender/test') expect(html).toContain('should be prerendered: true') }) }) describe('nuxt composables', () => { it('has useRequestURL()', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/url') expect(html).toContain('path: /url') }) it('sets cookies correctly', async () => { const res = await fetch('/cookies', { headers: { cookie: Object.entries({ 'browser-accessed-but-not-used': 'provided-by-browser', 'browser-accessed-with-default-value': 'provided-by-browser', 'browser-set': 'provided-by-browser', 'browser-set-to-null': 'provided-by-browser', 'browser-set-to-null-with-default': 'provided-by-browser', }).map(([key, value]) => `${key}=${value}`).join('; '), }, }) const cookies = res.headers.get('set-cookie') expect(cookies).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"set-in-plugin=true; Path=/, accessed-with-default-value=default; Path=/, set=set; Path=/, browser-set=set; Path=/, browser-set-to-null=; Max-Age=0; Path=/, browser-set-to-null-with-default=; Max-Age=0; Path=/, browser-object-default=%7B%22foo%22%3A%22bar%22%7D; Path=/, theCookie=show; Path=/"') }) it('updates cookies when they are changed', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/cookies') async function extractCookie () { const cookie = await page.evaluate(() => document.cookie) const raw = cookie.match(/browser-object-default=([^;]*)/)![1] ?? 'null' return JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(raw)) } expect(await extractCookie()).toEqual({ foo: 'bar' }) await page.getByText('Change cookie').click() expect(await extractCookie()).toEqual({ foo: 'baz' }) let text = await page.innerText('pre') expect(text).toContain('baz') await page.getByText('Change cookie').click() expect(await extractCookie()).toEqual({ foo: 'bar' }) await page.evaluate(() => { document.cookie = `browser-object-default=${encodeURIComponent('{"foo":"foobar"}')}` }) await page.getByText('Refresh cookie').click() text = await page.innerText('pre') expect(text).toContain('foobar') await page.close() }) it('sets cookies in composable to null in all components', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/cookies') const parentBannerText = await page.locator('#parent-banner').textContent() expect(parentBannerText).toContain('parent banner') const childBannerText = await page.locator('#child-banner').innerText() expect(childBannerText).toContain('child banner') // Clear the composable cookie await page.getByText('Toggle cookie banner').click() await page.evaluate(() => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10))) const parentBannerAfterToggle = await page.locator('#parent-banner').isVisible() expect(parentBannerAfterToggle).toBe(false) const childBannerAfterToggle = await page.locator('#child-banner').isVisible() expect(childBannerAfterToggle).toBe(false) await page.close() }) it('supports onPrehydrate', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/composables/on-prehydrate') as string /** * Should look something like this: * * ```html * <div data-prehydrate-id=":b3qlvSiBeH::df1mQEC9xH:"> onPrehydrate testing </div> * <script>(()=>{console.log(window)})()</script> * <script>document.querySelectorAll('[data-prehydrate-id*=":b3qlvSiBeH:"]').forEach(o=>{console.log(o.outerHTML)})</script> * <script>document.querySelectorAll('[data-prehydrate-id*=":df1mQEC9xH:"]').forEach(o=>{console.log("other",o.outerHTML)})</script> * ``` */ const { id1, id2 } = html.match(/<div[^>]* data-prehydrate-id=":(?<id1>[^:]+)::(?<id2>[^:]+):"> onPrehydrate testing <\/div>/)?.groups || {} expect(id1).toBeTruthy() const matches = [ html.match(/<script[^>]*>\(\(\)=>\{console.log\(window\)\}\)\(\)<\/script>/), html.match(new RegExp(`<script[^>]*>document.querySelectorAll\\('\\[data-prehydrate-id\\*=":${id1}:"]'\\).forEach\\(o=>{console.log\\(o.outerHTML\\)}\\)</script>`, 'i')), html.match(new RegExp(`<script[^>]*>document.querySelectorAll\\('\\[data-prehydrate-id\\*=":${id2}:"]'\\).forEach\\(o=>{console.log\\("other",o.outerHTML\\)}\\)</script>`, 'i')), ] // This tests we inject all scripts correctly, and only have one occurrence of multiple calls of a composable expect(matches.every(s => s?.length === 1)).toBeTruthy() // Check for hydration/syntax errors on client side await expectNoClientErrors('/composables/on-prehydrate') }) it('respects preview mode with a token', async () => { const token = 'hehe' const page = await createPage(`/preview?preview=true&token=${token}`) const hasRerunFetchOnClient = await new Promise<boolean>((resolve) => { page.on('console', (message) => { setTimeout(() => resolve(false), 4000) if (message.text() === 'true') { resolve(true) } }) }) expect(hasRerunFetchOnClient).toBe(true) expect(await page.locator('#fetched-on-client').textContent()).toContain('fetched on client') expect(await page.locator('#preview-mode').textContent()).toContain('preview mode enabled') await'#use-fetch-check') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath.includes('/preview/with-use-fetch')) expect(await page.locator('#token-check').textContent()).toContain(token) expect(await page.locator('#correct-api-key-check').textContent()).toContain('true') await page.close() }) it('respects preview mode with custom state', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/preview/with-custom-state?preview=true') expect(await page.locator('#data1').textContent()).toContain('data1 updated') expect(await page.locator('#data2').textContent()).toContain('data2') await'#toggle-preview') // manually turns off preview mode await'#with-use-fetch') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath.includes('/preview/with-use-fetch')) expect(await page.locator('#enabled').textContent()).toContain('false') expect(await page.locator('#token-check').textContent()).toEqual('') expect(await page.locator('#correct-api-key-check').textContent()).toContain('false') await page.close() }) it('respects preview mode with custom enable', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/preview/with-custom-enable?preview=true') expect(await page.locator('#enabled').textContent()).toContain('false') await page.close() }) it('respects preview mode with custom enable and customPreview', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/preview/with-custom-enable?customPreview=true') expect(await page.locator('#enabled').textContent()).toContain('true') await page.close() }) }) describe('rich payloads', () => { it('correctly serializes and revivifies complex types', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/json-payload') for (const test of [ 'Date: true', 'BigInt: true', 'Error: true', 'Shallow reactive: true', 'Shallow ref: true', 'Undefined ref: true', 'BigInt ref:', 'Reactive: true', 'Ref: true', 'Recursive objects: true', ]) { expect(html).toContain(test) } }) }) describe('nuxt links', () => { it('handles trailing slashes', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/nuxt-link/trailing-slash') const data: Record<string, string[]> = {} for (const selector of ['nuxt-link', 'router-link', 'link-with-trailing-slash', 'link-without-trailing-slash']) { data[selector] = [] for (const match of html.matchAll(new RegExp(`href="([^"]*)"[^>]*class="[^"]*\\b${selector}\\b`, 'g'))) { data[selector]!.push(match[1]!) } } expect(data).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "link-with-trailing-slash": [ "/", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash/", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash/", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash/?test=true&thing=other/thing#thing-other", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash/?test=true&thing=other/thing#thing-other", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash/", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash/?with-state=true", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash/?without-state=true", ], "link-without-trailing-slash": [ "/", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash?test=true&thing=other/thing#thing-other", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash?test=true&thing=other/thing#thing-other", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash?with-state=true", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash?without-state=true", ], "nuxt-link": [ "/", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash/", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash?test=true&thing=other/thing#thing-other", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash/?test=true&thing=other/thing#thing-other", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash?with-state=true", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash?without-state=true", ], "router-link": [ "/", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash/", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash?test=true&thing=other/thing#thing-other", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash/?test=true&thing=other/thing#thing-other", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash?with-state=true", "/nuxt-link/trailing-slash?without-state=true", ], } `) }) it('respects external links in edge cases', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/nuxt-link/custom-external') const hrefs = html.match(/<a[^>]*href="([^"]+)"/g) expect(hrefs).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` [ "<a href=""", "<a href=""", "<a href="/missing-page/"", "<a href="/missing-page/"", ] `) const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage('/nuxt-link/custom-external') const warnings = consoleLogs.filter(c => c.text.includes('No match found for location')) expect(warnings).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`[]`) await page.close() }) it('preserves route state', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/nuxt-link/trailing-slash') for (const selector of ['nuxt-link', 'router-link', 'link-with-trailing-slash', 'link-without-trailing-slash']) { await page.locator(`.${selector}[href*=with-state]`).click() await page.getByTestId('window-state').getByText('bar').waitFor() await page.locator(`.${selector}[href*=without-state]`).click() await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath.includes('without-state')) expect(await page.getByTestId('window-state').innerText()).not.toContain('bar') } await page.close() }) it('expect scroll to top on routes with same component', async () => { // #22402 const page = await createPage('/big-page-1', { viewport: { width: 1000, height: 1000, }, }) await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === '/big-page-1') await page.locator('#big-page-2').scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() await page.waitForFunction(() => window.scrollY > 0) await page.locator('#big-page-2').click() await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, '/big-page-2') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.scrollY === 0) await page.locator('#big-page-1').scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() await page.waitForFunction(() => window.scrollY > 0) await page.locator('#big-page-1').click() await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, '/big-page-1') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.scrollY === 0) await page.close() }) it('expect scroll to top on nested pages', async () => { // #20523 const page = await createPage('/nested/foo/test', { viewport: { width: 1000, height: 1000, }, }) await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, '/nested/foo/test') await page.locator('#user-test').scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() await page.waitForFunction(() => window.scrollY > 0) await page.locator('#user-test').click() await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, '/nested/foo/user-test') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.scrollY === 0) await page.locator('#test').scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() await page.waitForFunction(() => window.scrollY > 0) await page.locator('#test').click() await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, '/nested/foo/test') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.scrollY === 0) await page.close() }) it('useLink works', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/nuxt-link/use-link') expect(html).toContain('<div>useLink in NuxtLink: true</div>') expect(html).toContain('<div>route using useLink: /nuxt-link/trailing-slash</div>') expect(html).toContain('<div>href using useLink: /nuxt-link/trailing-slash</div>') expect(html).toContain('<div>useLink2 in NuxtLink: true</div>') expect(html).toContain('<div>route2 using useLink: /nuxt-link/trailing-slash</div>') expect(html).toContain('<div>href2 using useLink: /nuxt-link/trailing-slash</div>') expect(html).toContain('<div>useLink3 in NuxtLink: true</div>') expect(html).toContain('<div>route3 using useLink: /nuxt-link/trailing-slash</div>') expect(html).toContain('<div>href3 using useLink: /nuxt-link/trailing-slash</div>') }) it('useLink navigate importing NuxtLink works', async () => { const page = await createPage('/nuxt-link/use-link') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === '/nuxt-link/use-link') await page.locator('#button1').click() await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, '/nuxt-link/trailing-slash') await page.close() }) it('useLink navigate using resolveComponent works', async () => { const page = await createPage('/nuxt-link/use-link') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === '/nuxt-link/use-link') await page.locator('#button2').click() await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, '/nuxt-link/trailing-slash') await page.close() }) it('useLink navigate using resolveDynamicComponent works', async () => { const page = await createPage('/nuxt-link/use-link') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === '/nuxt-link/use-link') await page.locator('#button3').click() await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, '/nuxt-link/trailing-slash') await page.close() }) }) describe('head tags', () => { it('SSR should render tags', async () => { const headHtml = await $fetch<string>('/head') expect(headHtml).toContain('<title>Using a dynamic component - Title Template Fn Change</title>') expect(headHtml).not.toContain('<meta name="description" content="first">') expect(headHtml).toContain('<meta charset="utf-16">') expect(headHtml.match('meta charset')!.length).toEqual(1) expect(headHtml).toContain('<meta name="viewport" content="width=1024, initial-scale=1">') expect(headHtml.match('meta name="viewport"')!.length).toEqual(1) expect(headHtml).not.toContain('<meta charset="utf-8">') expect(headHtml).toContain('<meta name="description" content="overriding with an inline useHead call">') expect(headHtml).toMatch(/<html[^>]*class="html-attrs-test"/) expect(headHtml).toMatch(/<body[^>]*class="body-attrs-test"/) expect(headHtml).toContain('<script src=""></script></body>') const indexHtml = await $fetch<string>('/') // should render charset by default expect(indexHtml).toContain('<meta charset="utf-8">') // should render <Head> components expect(indexHtml).toContain('<title>Basic fixture</title>') }) it('SSR script setup should render tags', async () => { const headHtml = await $fetch<string>('/head-script-setup') // useHead - title & titleTemplate are working expect(headHtml).toContain('<title>head script setup - Nuxt Playground</title>') // useSeoMeta - template params expect(headHtml).toContain('<meta property="og:title" content="head script setup - Nuxt Playground">') // useSeoMeta - refs expect(headHtml).toContain('<meta name="description" content="head script setup description for Nuxt Playground">') // useServerHead - shorthands expect(headHtml).toContain('>/* Custom styles */</style>') // useHeadSafe - removes dangerous content expect(headHtml).toContain('<script id="xss-script"></script>') expect(headHtml).toContain('<meta content="0;javascript:alert(1)">') }) it.skipIf(isV4)('SPA should render appHead tags', async () => { const headHtml = await $fetch<string>('/head', { headers: { 'x-nuxt-no-ssr': '1' } }) expect(headHtml).toContain('<meta name="description" content="Nuxt Fixture">') expect(headHtml).toContain('<meta charset="utf-8">') expect(headHtml).toContain('<meta name="viewport" content="width=1024, initial-scale=1">') }) it.skipIf(isV4)('legacy vueuse/head works', async () => { const headHtml = await $fetch<string>('/vueuse-head') expect(headHtml).toContain('<title>using provides usehead and updateDOM - VueUse head polyfill test</title>') }) it('should render http-equiv correctly', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/head') // http-equiv should be rendered kebab case expect(html).toContain('<meta content="default-src https" http-equiv="content-security-policy">') }) // TODO: Doesn't adds header in test environment // it.todo('should render stylesheet link tag (SPA mode)', async () => { // const html = await $fetch<string>('/head', { headers: { 'x-nuxt-no-ssr': '1' } }) // expect(html).toMatch(/<link rel="stylesheet" href="\/_nuxt\/[^>]*.css"/) // }) }) describe('legacy async data', () => { it('should work with defineNuxtComponent', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/legacy/async-data') expect(html).toContain('<div>Hello API</div>') expect(html).toContain('<div>fooChild</div>') expect(html).toContain('<div>fooParent</div>') const { script } = parseData(html) expect(['options:asyncdata:hello'].hello).toBe('Hello API') expect(Object.values(` [ { "baz": "qux", "foo": "bar", }, { "hello": "Hello API", }, { "fooParent": "fooParent", }, { "fooChild": "fooChild", }, ] `) }) }) describe('navigate', () => { it('should redirect to index with navigateTo', async () => { const { headers, status } = await fetch('/navigate-to/', { redirect: 'manual' }) expect(headers.get('location')).toEqual('/') expect(status).toEqual(301) }) it('respects redirects + headers in middleware', async () => { const res = await fetch('/navigate-some-path/', { redirect: 'manual', headers: { 'trailing-slash': 'true' } }) expect(res.headers.get('location')).toEqual('/navigate-some-path') expect(res.status).toEqual(307) expect(await res.text()).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=/navigate-some-path"></head></html>"') }) it('should not overwrite headers', async () => { const { headers, status } = await fetch('/navigate-to-external', { redirect: 'manual' }) expect(headers.get('location')).toEqual('/') expect(status).toEqual(302) }) it('should not run setup function in path redirected to', async () => { const { headers, status } = await fetch('/navigate-to-error', { redirect: 'manual' }) expect(headers.get('location')).toEqual('/setup-should-not-run') expect(status).toEqual(302) }) it('supports directly aborting navigation on SSR', async () => { const { status } = await fetch('/navigate-to-false', { redirect: 'manual' }) expect(status).toEqual(404) }) it('expect to redirect with encoding', async () => { const { status, headers } = await fetch('/redirect-with-encode', { redirect: 'manual' }) expect(status).toEqual(302) expect(headers.get('location') || '').toEqual(encodeURI('/cœur') + '?redirected=' + encodeURIComponent('')) }) }) describe('preserves current instance', () => { // TODO: it's unclear why there's an error here but it must be an upstream issue it.todo('should not return getCurrentInstance when there\'s an error in data', async () => { await fetch('/instance/error') const html = await $fetch<string>('/instance/next-request') expect(html).toContain('This should be false: false') }) // TODO: re-enable when is resolved it.skipIf(isWindows)('should not lose current nuxt app after await in vue component', async () => { const requests = await Promise.all(Array.from({ length: 100 }).map(() => $fetch<string>('/instance/next-request'))) for (const html of requests) { expect(html).toContain('This should be true: true') } }) }) describe('errors', () => { it('should render a JSON error page', async () => { const res = await fetch('/error', { headers: { accept: 'application/json', }, }) expect(res.status).toBe(422) expect(res.statusText).toBe('This is a custom error') const error = await res.json() delete error.stack expect(error).toMatchObject({ message: 'This is a custom error', statusCode: 422, statusMessage: 'This is a custom error', url: '/error', }) }) it('should render a HTML error page', async () => { const res = await fetch('/error') expect(res.headers.get('Set-Cookie')).toBe('set-in-plugin=true; Path=/, some-error=was%20set; Path=/') expect(await res.text()).toContain('This is a custom error') }) it('should not allow accessing error route directly', async () => { const res = await fetch('/__nuxt_error', { headers: { accept: 'application/json', }, }) expect(res.status).toBe(404) const error = await res.json() delete error.stack expect(error).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "message": "Page Not Found: /__nuxt_error", "statusCode": 404, "statusMessage": "Page Not Found: /__nuxt_error", "url": "/__nuxt_error", } `) }) it('should not recursively throw an error when there is an error rendering the error page', async () => { const res = await $fetch<string>('/', { headers: { 'x-test-recurse-error': 'true', 'accept': 'text/html', }, }) expect(typeof res).toBe('string') expect(res).toContain('Hello Nuxt 3!') }) // TODO: need to create test for webpack it.runIf(!isDev())('should handle chunk loading errors', async () => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage() await page.route(/\.css/, route => route.abort('timedout')) // verify CSS link preload failure doesn't break the page await page.goto(url('/')) await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === '/' && !window.useNuxtApp?.().isHydrating) const initialLogs = => c.text).join('') expect(initialLogs).toContain('caught chunk load error') consoleLogs.length = 0 await page.getByText('Increment state').click() await page.getByText('Increment state').click() expect(await page.innerText('div')).toContain('Some value: 3') await page.route(/.*/, route => route.abort('timedout'), { times: 1 }) await page.getByText('Chunk error').click() await page.waitForURL(url('/chunk-error')) const logs = => c.text).join('') expect(logs).toContain('caught chunk load error') expect(logs).toContain('Failed to load resource') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === '/chunk-error') expect(await page.innerText('div')).toContain('Chunk error page') await page.locator('div').getByText('State: 3').waitFor() await page.close() }) }) describe('navigate external', () => { it('should redirect to', async () => { const { headers } = await fetch('/navigate-to-external/', { redirect: 'manual' }) expect(headers.get('location')).toEqual('') }) it('should redirect to api endpoint', async () => { const { headers } = await fetch('/navigate-to-api', { redirect: 'manual' }) expect(headers.get('location')).toEqual('/api/test') }) }) describe('composables', () => { it('`callOnce` should run code once', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/once') expect(html).toContain('once.vue') expect(html).toContain('once: 2') const { page } = await renderPage('/once') expect(await page.getByText('once:').textContent()).toContain('once: 2') }) it('`useId` should generate unique ids', async () => { // TODO: work around interesting Vue bug where async components are loaded in a different order on first import await $fetch<string>('/use-id') const sanitiseHTML = (html: string) => html.replace(/ data-[^= ]+="[^"]+"/g, '').replace(/<!--[[\]]-->/, '') const serverHTML = await $fetch<string>('/use-id').then(html => sanitiseHTML(html.match(/<form.*<\/form>/)![0])) const ids = serverHTML.match(/id="[^"]*"/g)?.map(id => id.replace(/id="([^"]*)"/, '$1')) as string[] const renderedForm = [ `<h2 id="${ids[0]}"> id: ${ids[0]}</h2><div><label for="${ids[1]}">Email</label><input id="${ids[1]}" name="email" type="email"><label for="${ids[2]}">Password</label><input id="${ids[2]}" name="password" type="password"></div>`, `<div><label for="${ids[3]}">Email</label><input id="${ids[3]}" name="email" type="email"><label for="${ids[4]}">Password</label><input id="${ids[4]}" name="password" type="password"></div>`, ] const clientOnlyServer = '<span></span>' expect(serverHTML).toEqual(`<form>${renderedForm.join(clientOnlyServer)}</form>`) const { page, pageErrors } = await renderPage('/use-id') const clientHTML = await page.innerHTML('form') const clientIds = clientHTML .match(/id="[^"]*"/g)?.map(id => id.replace(/id="([^"]*)"/, '$1')) .filter(i => !ids.includes(i)) as string[] const clientOnlyClient = `<div><label for="${clientIds[0]}">Email</label><input id="${clientIds[0]}" name="email" type="email"><label for="${clientIds[1]}">Password</label><input id="${clientIds[1]}" name="password" type="password"></div>` expect(sanitiseHTML(clientHTML)).toEqual(`${renderedForm.join(clientOnlyClient)}`) expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]) await page.close() }) it('`useRouteAnnouncer` should change message on route change', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/route-announcer') expect(await page.getByRole('alert').textContent()).toContain('First Page') await page.getByRole('link').click() await page.getByText('Second page content').waitFor() expect(await page.getByRole('alert').textContent()).toContain('Second Page') await page.close() }) it('`useRouteAnnouncer` should change message on dynamically changed title', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/route-announcer') await page.getByRole('button').click() await page.waitForFunction(() => document.title.includes('Dynamically set title')) expect(await page.getByRole('alert').textContent()).toContain('Dynamically set title') await page.close() }) }) describe('middlewares', () => { it('should redirect to index with global middleware', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/redirect/') // Snapshot // expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot() expect(html).toContain('Hello Nuxt 3!') }) it('should allow redirection from a non-existent route with `ssr: false`', async () => { const page = await createPage('/redirect/catchall') expect(await page.getByRole('heading').textContent()).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"[...slug].vue"') await page.close() }) it('should allow aborting navigation on server-side', async () => { const res = await fetch('/?abort', { headers: { accept: 'application/json', }, }) expect(res.status).toEqual(401) }) it('should allow aborting navigation fatally on client-side', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/middleware-abort') expect(html).not.toContain('This is the error page') const { page } = await renderPage('/middleware-abort') expect(await page.innerHTML('body')).toContain('This is the error page') await page.close() }) it('should inject auth', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/auth') // Snapshot // expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot() expect(html).toContain('auth.vue') expect(html).toContain('auth: Injected by injectAuth middleware') }) it('should not inject auth', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/no-auth') // Snapshot // expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot() expect(html).toContain('no-auth.vue') expect(html).toContain('auth: ') expect(html).not.toContain('Injected by injectAuth middleware') }) it('should redirect to index with http 307 with navigateTo on server side', async () => { const html = await fetch('/navigate-to-redirect', { redirect: 'manual' }) expect(html.headers.get('location')).toEqual('/') expect(html.status).toEqual(307) }) }) describe('plugins', () => { it('basic plugin', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/plugins') expect(html).toContain('myPlugin: Injected by my-plugin') }) it('async plugin', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/plugins') expect(html).toContain('asyncPlugin: Async plugin works! 123') expect(html).toContain('useFetch works!') }) }) describe('layouts', () => { it('should apply custom layout', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/with-layout') // Snapshot // expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot() expect(html).toContain('with-layout.vue') expect(html).toContain('Custom Layout:') }) it('should work with a dynamically set layout', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/with-dynamic-layout') // Snapshot // expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot() expect(html).toContain('with-dynamic-layout') expect(html).toContain('Custom Layout:') await expectNoClientErrors('/with-dynamic-layout') }) it('should work with a computed layout', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/with-computed-layout') // Snapshot // expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot() expect(html).toContain('with-computed-layout') expect(html).toContain('Custom Layout') await expectNoClientErrors('/with-computed-layout') }) it('should allow passing custom props to a layout', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/layouts/with-props') expect(html).toContain('some prop was passed') await expectNoClientErrors('/layouts/with-props') }) }) describe('composable tree shaking', () => { it('should work', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/tree-shake') expect(html).toContain('Tree Shake Example') const { page, pageErrors } = await renderPage('/tree-shake') // ensure scoped classes are correctly assigned between client and server expect(await page.$eval('h1', e => getComputedStyle(e).color)).toBe('rgb(255, 192, 203)') expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]) await page.close() }) }) describe('ignore list', () => { it('should ignore composable files in .nuxtignore', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/ignore/composables') expect(html).toContain('was import ignored: true') }) it('should ignore scanned nitro handlers in .nuxtignore', async () => { const { status } = await fetch('/ignore/scanned') expect(status).toBe(404) }) it.skipIf(isDev())('should ignore public assets in .nuxtignore', async () => { const { status } = await fetch('/ignore/public-asset') expect(status).toBe(404) }) }) describe('server tree shaking', () => { it('should work', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/client') expect(html).toContain('This page should not crash when rendered') expect(html).toContain('fallback for ClientOnly') expect(html).not.toContain('rendered client-side') expect(html).not.toContain('id="client-side"') const { page } = await renderPage('/client') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()) // ensure scoped classes are correctly assigned between client and server expect(await page.$eval('.red', e => getComputedStyle(e).color)).toBe('rgb(255, 0, 0)') expect(await page.$eval('.blue', e => getComputedStyle(e).color)).toBe('rgb(0, 0, 255)') expect(await page.locator('#client-side').textContent()).toContain('This should be rendered client-side') await page.close() }) }) describe('extends support', () => { describe('layouts & pages', () => { it('extends foo/layouts/default & foo/pages/index', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/foo') expect(html).toContain('Extended layout from foo') expect(html).toContain('Extended page from foo') }) it('extends [bar/layouts/override & bar/pages/override] over [foo/layouts/override & foo/pages/override]', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/override') expect(html).toContain('Extended layout from bar') expect(html).toContain('Extended page from bar') expect(html).toContain('This child page should not be overridden by bar') }) }) describe('components', () => { it('extends foo/components/ExtendsFoo', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/foo') expect(html).toContain('Extended component from foo') }) it('extends bar/components/ExtendsOverride over foo/components/ExtendsOverride', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/override') expect(html).toContain('Extended component from bar') }) }) describe('middlewares', () => { it('works with layer aliases', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/foo') expect(html).toContain('from layer alias') }) it('extends foo/middleware/foo', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/foo') expect(html).toContain('Middleware | foo: Injected by extended middleware from foo') }) it('extends bar/middleware/override over foo/middleware/override', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/override') expect(html).toContain('Middleware | override: Injected by extended middleware from bar') }) it('global middlewares sorting', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/catchall/middleware/ordering') expect(html).toContain('catchall at middleware') }) }) describe('composables', () => { it('extends foo/composables/foo', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/foo') expect(html).toContain('Composable | useExtendsFoo: foo') }) it('allows overriding composables', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/extends') expect(html).toContain('test from project') }) }) describe('plugins', () => { it('extends foo/plugins/foo', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/foo') expect(html).toContain('Plugin | foo: String generated from foo plugin!') }) it('respects plugin ordering within layers', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/catchall/plugins/ordering') expect(html).toContain('catchall at plugins') }) }) describe('server', () => { it('extends foo/server/api/foo', async () => { expect(await $fetch<string>('/api/foo')).toBe('foo') }) it('extends foo/server/middleware/foo', async () => { const { headers } = await fetch('/') expect(headers.get('injected-header')).toEqual('foo') }) }) describe('app', () => { it('extends foo/app/router.options & bar/app/router.options', async () => { const html: string = await $fetch<string>('/') const routerLinkClasses = html.match(/href="\/" class="([^"]*)"/)![1]!.split(' ') expect(routerLinkClasses).toContain('foo-active-class') expect(routerLinkClasses).toContain('bar-exact-active-class') }) }) }) // Bug #7337 describe('deferred app suspense resolve', () => { it.each(['/async-parent/child', '/internal-layout/async-parent/child'])('should wait for all suspense instance on initial hydration', async (path) => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage(path) await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.() && !window.useNuxtApp?.().isHydrating) // Wait for all pending micro ticks to be cleared in case hydration hasn't finished yet. await page.evaluate(() => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10))) const hydrationLogs = consoleLogs.filter(log => log.text.includes('isHydrating')) expect(hydrationLogs.length).toBe(3) expect(hydrationLogs.every(log => log.text === 'isHydrating: true')) await page.close() }) it('should wait for suspense in parent layout', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/hydration/layout') await page.getByText('Tests whether hydration is properly resolved within an async layout').waitFor() await page.close() }) it('should fully hydrate even if there is a redirection on a page with `ssr: false`', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage() await page.goto(url('/hydration/spa-redirection/start')) await page.getByText('fully hydrated and ready to go').waitFor() await page.close() }) }) describe('nested suspense', () => { const navigations = ([ ['/suspense/sync-1/async-1/', '/suspense/sync-2/async-1/'], ['/suspense/sync-1/sync-1/', '/suspense/sync-2/async-1/'], ['/suspense/async-1/async-1/', '/suspense/async-2/async-1/'], ['/suspense/async-1/sync-1/', '/suspense/async-2/async-1/'], ] as const).flatMap(([start, end]) => [ [start, end], [start, end + '?layout=custom'], [start + '?layout=custom', end], ]) it.each(navigations)('should navigate from %s to %s with no white flash', async (start, nav) => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage(start) const slug = nav.replace(/\?.*$/, '').replace(/[/-]+/g, '-') await`[href^="${nav}"]`) const text = await page.waitForFunction(slug => document.querySelector(`main:has(#child${slug})`)?.innerHTML, slug) .then(r => r.evaluate(r => r)) // expect(text).toMatchInlineSnapshot() // const parent = await page.waitForSelector(`#${slug}`, { state: 'attached' }) // const text = await parent.innerText() expect(text).toContain('Async child: 2 - 1') expect(text).toContain('parent: 2') const first = start.match(/\/suspense\/(?<parentType>a?sync)-(?<parentNum>\d)\/(?<childType>a?sync)-(?<childNum>\d)\//)!.groups! const last = nav.match(/\/suspense\/(?<parentType>a?sync)-(?<parentNum>\d)\/(?<childType>a?sync)-(?<childNum>\d)\//)!.groups! expect( => l.text).filter(i => !i.includes('[vite]') && !i.includes('<Suspense> is an experimental feature')).sort()).toEqual([ // [first load] from parent `[${first.parentType}]`, ...first.parentType === 'async' ? ['[async] running async data'] : [], // [first load] from child `[${first.parentType}] [${first.childType}]`, ...first.childType === 'async' ? [`[${first.parentType}] [${first.parentNum}] [async] [${first.childNum}] running async data`] : [], // [navigation] from parent `[${last.parentType}]`, ...last.parentType === 'async' ? ['[async] running async data'] : [], // [navigation] from child `[${last.parentType}] [${last.childType}]`, ...last.childType === 'async' ? [`[${last.parentType}] [${last.parentNum}] [async] [${last.childNum}] running async data`] : [], ].sort()) await page.close() }) const outwardNavigations = [ ['/suspense/async-2/async-1/', '/suspense/async-1/'], ['/suspense/async-2/sync-1/', '/suspense/async-1/'], ] it.each(outwardNavigations)('should navigate from %s to a parent %s with no white flash', async (start, nav) => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage(start) await page.waitForSelector(`main:has(#child${start.replace(/[/-]+/g, '-')})`) const slug = start.replace(/[/-]+/g, '-') await`[href^="${nav}"]`) // wait until child selector disappears and grab HTML of parent const text = await page.waitForFunction(slug => document.querySelector(`main:not(:has(#child${slug}))`)?.innerHTML, slug) .then(r => r.evaluate(r => r)) expect(text).toContain('Async parent: 1') const first = start.match(/\/suspense\/(?<parentType>a?sync)-(?<parentNum>\d)\/(?<childType>a?sync)-(?<childNum>\d)\//)!.groups! const last = nav.match(/\/suspense\/(?<parentType>a?sync)-(?<parentNum>\d)\//)!.groups! await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, nav) expect( => l.text).filter(i => !i.includes('[vite]') && !i.includes('<Suspense> is an experimental feature')).sort()).toEqual([ // [first load] from parent `[${first.parentType}]`, ...first.parentType === 'async' ? ['[async] running async data'] : [], // [first load] from child `[${first.parentType}] [${first.childType}]`, ...first.childType === 'async' ? [`[${first.parentType}] [${first.parentNum}] [async] [${first.childNum}] running async data`] : [], // [navigation] from parent `[${last.parentType}]`, ...last.parentType === 'async' ? ['[async] running async data'] : [], ].sort()) await page.close() }) const inwardNavigations = [ ['/suspense/async-2/', '/suspense/async-1/async-1/'], ['/suspense/async-2/', '/suspense/async-1/sync-1/'], ] it.each(inwardNavigations)('should navigate from %s to a child %s with no white flash', async (start, nav) => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage(start) const slug = nav.replace(/[/-]+/g, '-') await`[href^="${nav}"]`) // wait until child selector appears and grab HTML of parent const text = await page.waitForFunction(slug => document.querySelector(`main:has(#child${slug})`)?.innerHTML, slug) .then(r => r.evaluate(r => r)) // const text = await parent.innerText() expect(text).toContain('Async parent: 1') const first = start.match(/\/suspense\/(?<parentType>a?sync)-(?<parentNum>\d)\//)!.groups! const last = nav.match(/\/suspense\/(?<parentType>a?sync)-(?<parentNum>\d)\/(?<childType>a?sync)-(?<childNum>\d)\//)!.groups! expect( => l.text).filter(i => !i.includes('[vite]') && !i.includes('<Suspense> is an experimental feature')).sort()).toEqual([ // [first load] from parent `[${first.parentType}]`, ...first.parentType === 'async' ? ['[async] running async data'] : [], // [navigation] from parent `[${last.parentType}]`, ...last.parentType === 'async' ? ['[async] running async data'] : [], // [navigation] from child `[${last.parentType}] [${last.childType}]`, ...last.childType === 'async' ? [`[${last.parentType}] [${last.parentNum}] [async] [${last.childNum}] running async data`] : [], ].sort()) await page.close() }) }) // Bug #6592 describe('page key', () => { it.each(['/fixed-keyed-child-parent', '/internal-layout/fixed-keyed-child-parent'])('should not cause run of setup if navigation not change page key and layout', async (path) => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage(`${path}/0`) await`[href="${path}/1"]`) await page.waitForSelector('#page-1') await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, `${path}/1`) // Wait for all pending micro ticks to be cleared, // so we are not resolved too early when there are repeated page loading await page.evaluate(() => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10))) expect(consoleLogs.filter(l => l.text.includes('Child Setup')).length).toBe(1) await page.close() }) it.each(['/keyed-child-parent', '/internal-layout/keyed-child-parent'])('will cause run of setup if navigation changed page key', async (path) => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage(`${path}/0`) await`[href="${path}/1"]`) await page.waitForSelector('#page-1') await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, `${path}/1`) // Wait for all pending micro ticks to be cleared, // so we are not resolved too early when there are repeated page loading await page.evaluate(() => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10))) expect(consoleLogs.filter(l => l.text.includes('Child Setup')).length).toBe(2) await page.close() }) }) describe('route provider', () => { it('should preserve current route when navigation is suspended', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/route-provider/foo') await'[href="/route-provider/bar"]') expect(await page.getByTestId('foo').innerText()).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"foo: /route-provider/foo - /route-provider/foo"') expect(await page.getByTestId('bar').innerText()).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"bar: /route-provider/bar - /route-provider/bar"') await page.close() }) }) // Bug #6592 describe('layout change not load page twice', () => { const cases = { '/with-layout': '/with-layout2', '/internal-layout/with-layout': '/internal-layout/with-layout2', } it.each(Object.entries(cases))('should not cause run of page setup to repeat if layout changed', async (path1, path2) => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage(path1) await`[href="${path2}"]`) await page.waitForSelector('#with-layout2') await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, path2) // Wait for all pending micro ticks to be cleared, // so we are not resolved too early when there are repeated page loading await page.evaluate(() => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10))) expect(consoleLogs.filter(l => l.text.includes('Layout2 Page Setup')).length).toBe(1) }) }) describe('layout switching', () => { // #13309 it('does not cause TypeError: Cannot read properties of null', async () => { const { page, consoleLogs, pageErrors } = await renderPage('/layout-switch/start') await'[href="/layout-switch/end"]') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === '/layout-switch/end') expect( => i.text).filter(l => l.match(/error/i))).toMatchInlineSnapshot('[]') expect(pageErrors).toMatchInlineSnapshot('[]') await page.close() }) }) describe('automatically keyed composables', () => { it('should automatically generate keys', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/keyed-composables') expect(html).toContain('true') expect(html).not.toContain('false') }) it('should match server-generated keys', async () => { await expectNoClientErrors('/keyed-composables') }) it('should not automatically generate keys', async () => { await expectNoClientErrors('/keyed-composables/local') const html = await $fetch<string>('/keyed-composables/local') expect(html).toContain('true') expect(html).not.toContain('false') }) }) describe.runIf(isDev() && !isWebpack)('css links', () => { it('should not inject links to CSS files that are inlined', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/inline-only-css') expect(html).toContain('--inline-only') expect(html).not.toContain('inline-only.css') expect(html).toContain('assets/plugin.css') }) }) describe.skipIf(isDev() || isWebpack)('inlining component styles', () => { const inlinedCSS = [ '{--plugin:"plugin"}', // CSS imported ambiently in JS/TS '{--global:"global";', // global css from nuxt.config '{--assets:"assets"}', // <script> '{--postcss:"postcss"}', // <style lang=postcss> '{--scoped:"scoped"}', // <style lang=css> '{--shared-component:"shared-component"}', // styles in a chunk shared between pages '{--server-only-child:"server-only-child"}', // child of a server-only component '{--server-only:"server-only"}', // server-only component not in client build // TODO: ideally both client/server components would have inlined css when used // '{--client-only:"client-only"}', // client-only component not in server build // TODO: currently functional component not associated with ssrContext (upstream bug or perf optimization?) // '{--functional:"functional"}', // CSS imported ambiently in a functional component ] it('should inline styles', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/styles') for (const style of inlinedCSS) { expect.soft(html).toContain(style) } }) it('should inline global css when accessing a page with `ssr: false` override via route rules', async () => { const globalCSS = [ '{--plugin:"plugin"}', // CSS imported ambiently in JS/TS '{--global:"global";', // global css from nuxt.config ] const html = await $fetch<string>('/route-rules/spa') for (const style of globalCSS) { expect.soft(html).toContain(style) } }) it('should emit assets referenced in inlined CSS', async () => { // @ts-expect-error ssssh! untyped secret property const publicDir = useTestContext().nuxt._nitro.options.output.publicDir const files = await readdir(join(publicDir, '_nuxt')).catch(() => []) expect( => m.replace(/\.[\w-]+(\.\w+)$/, '$1'))).toContain('css-only-asset.svg') }) it('should not include inlined CSS in generated CSS file', async () => { const html: string = await $fetch<string>('/styles') const cssFiles = new Set([...html.matchAll(/<link [^>]*href="([^"]*\.css)"(?: crossorigin)?>/g)].map(m => m[1]!)) let css = '' for (const file of cssFiles || []) { css += await $fetch<string>(file) } // should not include inlined CSS in generated CSS files for (const style of inlinedCSS) { // TODO: remove 'ambient global' CSS from generated CSS file if (style === '{--plugin:"plugin"}') { continue } expect.soft(css).not.toContain(style) } // should include unloadable CSS in generated CSS file expect.soft(css).toContain('--virtual:red') expect.soft(css).toContain('--functional:"functional"') expect.soft(css).toContain('--client-only:"client-only"') }) it('does not load stylesheet for page styles', async () => { const html: string = await $fetch<string>('/styles') const cssFiles = html.match(/<link [^>]*href="[^"]*\.css"/g) expect(cssFiles?.length).toBeGreaterThan(0) expect(cssFiles?.filter(m => m.includes('entry'))?.map(m => m.replace(/\.[^.]*\.css/, '.css'))).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` [ "<link rel="stylesheet" href="/_nuxt/entry.css"", ] `) }) it('still downloads client-only styles', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/styles') expect(await page.$eval('.client-only-css', e => getComputedStyle(e).color)).toBe('rgb(50, 50, 50)') await page.close() }) it.todo('renders client-only styles only', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/styles') expect(html).toContain('{--client-only:"client-only"}') }) }) describe('server components/islands', () => { it('/islands', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/islands') const islandRequest = page.waitForResponse(response => response.url().includes('/__nuxt_island/') && response.status() === 200) await page.locator('#increase-pure-component').click() await islandRequest await page.locator('#slot-in-server').getByText('Slot with in .server component').waitFor() await page.locator('#test-slot').getByText('Slot with name test').waitFor() // test fallback slot with v-for expect(await page.locator('.fallback-slot-content').all()).toHaveLength(2) // test islands update await page.locator('.box').getByText('"number": 101,').waitFor() const requests = [ page.waitForResponse(response => response.url().includes('/__nuxt_island/LongAsyncComponent') && response.status() === 200), page.waitForResponse(response => response.url().includes('/__nuxt_island/AsyncServerComponent') && response.status() === 200), ] await page.locator('#update-server-components').click() await Promise.all(requests) await page.locator('#async-server-component-count').getByText('1').waitFor() await page.locator('#long-async-component-count').getByText('1').waitFor() // test islands slots interactivity await page.locator('#first-sugar-counter button').click() expect(await page.locator('#first-sugar-counter').innerHTML()).toContain('Sugar Counter 13') // test islands mounted client side with slot await page.locator('#show-island').click() expect(await page.locator('#island-mounted-client-side').innerHTML()).toContain('Interactive testing slot post SSR') // test islands wrapped with client-only expect(await page.locator('#wrapped-client-only').innerHTML()).toContain('Was router enabled') if (!isWebpack) { // test nested client components await page.locator('.server-with-nested-client button').click() expect(await page.locator('.server-with-nested-client .sugar-counter').innerHTML()).toContain('Sugar Counter 13 x 1 = 13') } if (!isWebpack) { // test client component interactivity expect(await page.locator('.interactive-component-wrapper').innerHTML()).toContain('Sugar Counter 12') await page.locator('.interactive-component-wrapper button').click() expect(await page.locator('.interactive-component-wrapper').innerHTML()).toContain('Sugar Counter 13') } await page.close() }) it('lazy server components', async () => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage('/server-components/lazy/start') await page.getByText('Go to page with lazy server component').click() const text = await page.innerText('pre') expect(text).toMatchInlineSnapshot('" End page <pre></pre><section id="fallback"> Loading server component </section><section id="no-fallback"><div></div></section><div></div>"') expect(text).not.toContain('async component that was very long') expect(text).toContain('Loading server component') // Wait for all pending micro ticks to be cleared // await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle') // await page.evaluate(() => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10))) await page.waitForFunction(() => (document.querySelector('#no-fallback') as HTMLElement)?.innerText?.includes('async component')) await page.waitForFunction(() => (document.querySelector('#fallback') as HTMLElement)?.innerText?.includes('async component')) // test navigating back and forth for lazy <ServerWithClient> component (should not trigger any issue) await page.goBack({ waitUntil: 'networkidle' }) await page.getByText('Go to page with lazy server component').click() await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle') expect(consoleLogs.filter(l => l.type === 'error')).toHaveLength(0) await page.close() }) it('should not preload ComponentWithRef', async () => { // should not add <ComponentWithRef> to the modulepreload list since it is used only server side const { page } = await renderPage('/islands') const links = await page.locator('link').all() for (const link of links) { if (await link.getAttribute('rel') === 'modulepreload') { expect(await link.getAttribute('href')).not.toContain('ComponentWithRef') } } await page.close() }) it('non-lazy server components', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/server-components/lazy/start') await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle') await page.getByText('Go to page without lazy server component').click() const text = (await page.innerText('pre')).replaceAll(/ data-island-uid="([^"]*)"/g, '').replace(/data-island-component="([^"]*)"/g, (_, content) => `data-island-component="${content.split('-')[0]}"`) if (isWebpack) { expect(text).toMatchInlineSnapshot('" End page <pre></pre><section id="fallback"><div> This is a .server (20ms) async component that was very long ... <div id="async-server-component-count">42</div><div class="sugar-counter"> Sugar Counter 12 x 1 = 12 <button> Inc </button></div><!--[--><div style="display: contents;" data-island-slot="default"><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--></div><!--]--></div></section><section id="no-fallback"><div> This is a .server (20ms) async component that was very long ... <div id="async-server-component-count">42</div><div class="sugar-counter"> Sugar Counter 12 x 1 = 12 <button> Inc </button></div><!--[--><div style="display: contents;" data-island-slot="default"><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--></div><!--]--></div></section><div> ServerWithClient.server.vue : <p>count: 0</p> This component should not be preloaded <div><!--[--><div>a</div><div>b</div><div>c</div><!--]--></div> This is not interactive <div class="sugar-counter"> Sugar Counter 12 x 1 = 12 <button> Inc </button></div><div class="interactive-component-wrapper" style="border:solid 1px red;"> The component below is not a slot but declared as interactive <div class="sugar-counter" nuxt-client=""> Sugar Counter 12 x 1 = 12 <button> Inc </button></div></div></div>"') } else { expect(text).toMatchInlineSnapshot('" End page <pre></pre><section id="fallback"><div> This is a .server (20ms) async component that was very long ... <div id="async-server-component-count">42</div><div class="sugar-counter"> Sugar Counter 12 x 1 = 12 <button> Inc </button></div><!--[--><div style="display: contents;" data-island-slot="default"><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--></div><!--]--></div></section><section id="no-fallback"><div> This is a .server (20ms) async component that was very long ... <div id="async-server-component-count">42</div><div class="sugar-counter"> Sugar Counter 12 x 1 = 12 <button> Inc </button></div><!--[--><div style="display: contents;" data-island-slot="default"><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--></div><!--]--></div></section><div> ServerWithClient.server.vue : <p>count: 0</p> This component should not be preloaded <div><!--[--><div>a</div><div>b</div><div>c</div><!--]--></div> This is not interactive <div class="sugar-counter"> Sugar Counter 12 x 1 = 12 <button> Inc </button></div><div class="interactive-component-wrapper" style="border:solid 1px red;"> The component below is not a slot but declared as interactive <!--[--><div style="display: contents;" data-island-component="Counter"></div><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--><!--]--></div></div>"') } expect(text).toContain('async component that was very long') // Wait for all pending micro ticks to be cleared // await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle') // await page.evaluate(() => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10))) await page.waitForFunction(() => (document.querySelector('#no-fallback') as HTMLElement)?.innerText?.includes('async component')) await page.waitForFunction(() => (document.querySelector('#fallback') as HTMLElement)?.innerText?.includes('async component')) await page.close() }) it('/server-page', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/server-page') // test island head expect(html).toContain('<meta name="author" content="Nuxt">') }) it('/server-page - client side navigation', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/') await page.getByText('to server page').click() await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle') expect(await page.innerHTML('head')).toContain('<meta name="author" content="Nuxt">') await page.close() }) it.skipIf(isDev)('should allow server-only components to set prerender hints', async () => { // @ts-expect-error ssssh! untyped secret property const publicDir = useTestContext().nuxt._nitro.options.output.publicDir expect(await readdir(join(publicDir, 'some', 'url', 'from', 'server-only', 'component')).catch(() => [])).toContain( isRenderingJson ? '_payload.json' : '_payload.js', ) }) }) describe.skipIf(isDev() || isWindows || !isRenderingJson)('prefetching', () => { it('should prefetch components', async () => { await expectNoClientErrors('/prefetch/components') }) it('should prefetch server components', async () => { await expectNoClientErrors('/prefetch/server-components') }) it('should prefetch everything needed when NuxtLink is used', async () => { const { page, requests } = await renderPage() await gotoPath(page, '/prefetch') await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle') const snapshot = [...requests] await'[href="/prefetch/server-components"]') await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle') expect(await page.innerHTML('#async-server-component-count')).toBe('34') expect(requests).toEqual(snapshot) await page.close() }) it('should not prefetch certain dynamic imports by default', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/auth') // should not prefetch global components expect(html).not.toMatch(/<link [^>]*\/_nuxt\/TestGlobal[^>]*\.js"/) // should not prefetch all other pages expect(html).not.toMatch(/<link [^>]*\/_nuxt\/navigate-to[^>]*\.js"/) }) }) // TODO: make test less flakey on Windows describe.runIf(isDev() && (!isWindows || !isCI))('detecting invalid root nodes', () => { it.each(['1', '2', '3', '4'])('should detect invalid root nodes in pages (\'/invalid-root/%s\')', async (path) => { const { consoleLogs, page } = await renderPage(joinURL('/invalid-root', path)) await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, joinURL('/invalid-root', path)) await expectWithPolling( () => consoleLogs .map(w => w.text).join('\n') .includes('does not have a single root node and will cause errors when navigating between routes'), true, ) await page.close() }) it.each(['fine'])('should not complain if there is no transition (%s)', async (path) => { const { consoleLogs, page } = await renderPage(joinURL('/invalid-root', path)) await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, joinURL('/invalid-root', path)) const consoleLogsWarns = consoleLogs.filter(i => i.type === 'warning') expect(consoleLogsWarns.length).toEqual(0) await page.close() }) }) describe('public directories', () => { it('should directly return public directory paths', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/assets-custom') expect(html).toContain('"/public.svg"') expect(html).toContain('"/custom/file.svg"') }) }) // TODO: dynamic paths in dev describe.skipIf(isDev())('dynamic paths', () => { const publicFiles = ['/public.svg', '/css-only-public-asset.svg'] const isPublicFile = (base = '/', file: string) => { if (isWebpack) { // TODO: webpack does not yet support dynamic static paths expect(publicFiles).toContain(file) return true } expect(file).toMatch(new RegExp(`^${base.replace(/\//g, '\\/')}`)) expect(publicFiles).toContain(file.replace(base, '/')) return true } it('should work with no overrides', async () => { const html: string = await $fetch<string>('/assets') for (const match of html.matchAll(/(href|src)="(.*?)"|url\(([^)]*)\)/g)) { const url = match[2] || match[3]! expect(url.startsWith('/_nuxt/') || isPublicFile('/', url)).toBeTruthy() } }) // webpack injects CSS differently it.skipIf(isWebpack)('adds relative paths to CSS', async () => { const html: string = await $fetch<string>('/assets') const urls = Array.from(html.matchAll(/(href|src)="(.*?)"|url\(([^)]*)\)/g)).map(m => m[2] || m[3]) const cssURL = urls.find(u => /_nuxt\/assets.*\.css$/.test(u!)) expect(cssURL).toBeDefined() const css = await $fetch<string>(cssURL!) const imageUrls = new Set(Array.from(css.matchAll(/url\(([^)]*)\)/g)).map(m => m[1]!.replace(/[-.]\w{8}\./g, '.'))) expect([...imageUrls]).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` [ "./logo.svg", "../public.svg", ] `) }) it('should allow setting base URL and build assets directory', async () => { await startServer({ env: { NUXT_APP_BUILD_ASSETS_DIR: '/_other/', NUXT_APP_BASE_URL: '/foo/', }, }) const html = await $fetch<string>('/foo/assets') for (const match of html.matchAll(/(href|src)="(.*?)"|url\(([^)]*)\)/g)) { const url = match[2] || match[3]! expect(url.startsWith('/foo/_other/') || isPublicFile('/foo/', url)).toBeTruthy() } expect(await $fetch<string>('/foo/url')).toContain('path: /foo/url') }) it('should allow setting relative baseURL', async () => { await startServer({ env: { NUXT_APP_BASE_URL: './', }, }) const html = await $fetch<string>('/assets') for (const match of html.matchAll(/(href|src)="(.*?)"|url\(([^)]*)\)/g)) { const url = match[2] || match[3]! expect(url.startsWith('./_nuxt/') || isPublicFile('./', url)).toBeTruthy() expect(url.startsWith('./_nuxt/_nuxt')).toBeFalsy() } }) it('should use baseURL when redirecting', async () => { await startServer({ env: { NUXT_APP_BUILD_ASSETS_DIR: '/_other/', NUXT_APP_BASE_URL: '/foo/', }, }) const { headers } = await fetch('/foo/navigate-to/', { redirect: 'manual' }) expect(headers.get('location')).toEqual('/foo/') }) it('should allow setting CDN URL', async () => { await startServer({ env: { NUXT_APP_BASE_URL: '/foo/', NUXT_APP_CDN_URL: '', NUXT_APP_BUILD_ASSETS_DIR: '/_cdn/', }, }) const html = await $fetch<string>('/foo/assets') for (const match of html.matchAll(/(href|src)="(.*?)"|url\(([^)]*)\)/g)) { const url = match[2] || match[3]! expect(url.startsWith('') || isPublicFile('', url)).toBeTruthy() } }) it('restore server', async () => { await startServer() }) }) describe('app config', () => { it('should work', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/app-config') const expectedAppConfig: Record<string, any> = { fromNuxtConfig: true, nested: { val: 2, }, nuxt: {}, fromLayer: true, userConfig: 123, } expect.soft(html).toContain(JSON.stringify(expectedAppConfig)) const serverAppConfig = await $fetch<Record<string, any>>('/api/app-config') expect(serverAppConfig).toMatchObject({ appConfig: expectedAppConfig }) }) }) describe('component islands', () => { it('renders components with route', async () => { const result = await $fetch<NuxtIslandResponse>('/__nuxt_island/RouteComponent.json?url=/foo') result.html = result.html.replace(/ data-island-uid="[^"]*"/g, '') if (isDev()) { = => typeof l.href !== 'string' || (!l.href.includes('_nuxt/components/islands/RouteComponent') && !l.href.includes('PureComponent') && !l.href.includes('SharedComponent') /* TODO: fix dev bug triggered by previous fetch of /islands */)) } expect(result).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "head": { "link": [], "style": [], }, "html": "<pre data-island-uid> Route: /foo </pre>", } `) }) it('render async component', async () => { const result = await $fetch<NuxtIslandResponse>(withQuery('/__nuxt_island/LongAsyncComponent.json', { props: JSON.stringify({ count: 3, }), })) if (isDev()) { = => typeof l.href !== 'string' || (!l.href.includes('_nuxt/components/islands/LongAsyncComponent') && !l.href.includes('PureComponent') && !l.href.includes('SharedComponent') /* TODO: fix dev bug triggered by previous fetch of /islands */)) } result.html = result.html.replaceAll(/ (data-island-uid|data-island-component)="([^"]*)"/g, '') expect(result).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "head": { "link": [], "style": [], }, "html": "<div data-island-uid><div> count is above 2 </div><!--[--><div style="display: contents;" data-island-uid data-island-slot="default"><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--></div><!--]--> that was very long ... <div id="long-async-component-count">3</div> <!--[--><div style="display: contents;" data-island-uid data-island-slot="test"><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--></div><!--]--><p>hello world !!!</p><!--[--><div style="display: contents;" data-island-uid data-island-slot="hello"><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--></div><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--><!--]--><!--[--><div style="display: contents;" data-island-uid data-island-slot="fallback"><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--></div><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--><!--]--></div>", "slots": { "default": { "props": [], }, "fallback": { "fallback": "<!--teleport start anchor--><!--[--><div style="display:contents;"><div>fall slot -- index: 0</div><div class="fallback-slot-content"> wonderful fallback </div></div><div style="display:contents;"><div>back slot -- index: 1</div><div class="fallback-slot-content"> wonderful fallback </div></div><!--]--><!--teleport anchor-->", "props": [ { "t": "fall", }, { "t": "back", }, ], }, "hello": { "fallback": "<!--teleport start anchor--><!--[--><div style="display:contents;"><div> fallback slot -- index: 0</div></div><div style="display:contents;"><div> fallback slot -- index: 1</div></div><div style="display:contents;"><div> fallback slot -- index: 2</div></div><!--]--><!--teleport anchor-->", "props": [ { "t": 0, }, { "t": 1, }, { "t": 2, }, ], }, "test": { "props": [ { "count": 3, }, ], }, }, } `) }) it('render .server async component', async () => { const result = await $fetch<NuxtIslandResponse>(withQuery('/__nuxt_island/AsyncServerComponent.json', { props: JSON.stringify({ count: 2, }), })) if (isDev()) { = => typeof l.href === 'string' && !l.href.includes('PureComponent') && !l.href.includes('SharedComponent') /* TODO: fix dev bug triggered by previous fetch of /islands */ && (!l.href.startsWith('_nuxt/components/islands/') || l.href.includes('AsyncServerComponent'))) } result.props = {} result.components = {} result.slots = {} result.html = result.html.replaceAll(/ (data-island-uid|data-island-component)="([^"]*)"/g, '') expect(result).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "components": {}, "head": { "link": [], "style": [], }, "html": "<div data-island-uid> This is a .server (20ms) async component that was very long ... <div id="async-server-component-count">2</div><div class="sugar-counter"> Sugar Counter 12 x 1 = 12 <button> Inc </button></div><!--[--><div style="display: contents;" data-island-uid data-island-slot="default"><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--></div><!--]--></div>", "props": {}, "slots": {}, } `) }) if (!isWebpack) { it('render server component with selective client hydration', async () => { const result = await $fetch<NuxtIslandResponse>('/__nuxt_island/ServerWithClient') if (isDev()) { = => typeof l.href !== 'string' || (!l.href.includes('_nuxt/components/islands/LongAsyncComponent') && !l.href.includes('PureComponent') && !l.href.includes('SharedComponent') /* TODO: fix dev bug triggered by previous fetch of /islands */)) if (! { delete } } const { components } = result result.components = {} result.slots = {} result.html = result.html.replace(/ data-island-component="([^"]*)"/g, (_, content) => ` data-island-component="${content.split('-')[0]}"`) const teleportsEntries = Object.entries(components || {}) expect(result).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "components": {}, "head": { "link": [], "style": [], }, "html": "<div data-island-uid> ServerWithClient.server.vue : <p>count: 0</p> This component should not be preloaded <div><!--[--><div>a</div><div>b</div><div>c</div><!--]--></div> This is not interactive <div class="sugar-counter"> Sugar Counter 12 x 1 = 12 <button> Inc </button></div><div class="interactive-component-wrapper" style="border:solid 1px red;"> The component below is not a slot but declared as interactive <!--[--><div style="display: contents;" data-island-uid data-island-component="Counter"></div><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--><!--]--></div></div>", "slots": {}, } `) expect(teleportsEntries).toHaveLength(1) expect(teleportsEntries[0]![0].startsWith('Counter-')).toBeTruthy() expect(teleportsEntries[0]![1].props).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "multiplier": 1, } `) expect(teleportsEntries[0]![1].html).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"<div class="sugar-counter"> Sugar Counter 12 x 1 = 12 <button> Inc </button></div><!--teleport anchor-->"`) }) } it('renders pure components', async () => { const result = await $fetch<NuxtIslandResponse>(withQuery('/__nuxt_island/PureComponent.json', { props: JSON.stringify({ bool: false, number: 3487, str: 'something', obj: { foo: 42, bar: false, me: 'hi' }, }), })) result.html = result.html.replace(/ data-island-uid="([^"]*)"/g, '') if (isDev()) { const fixtureDir = normalize(fileURLToPath(new URL('./fixtures/basic', import.meta.url))) for (const key in result.head) { if (key === 'link') { result.head[key] = result.head[key]?.map((h) => { if (h.href) { h.href = resolveUnrefHeadInput(h.href).replace(fixtureDir, '/<rootDir>').replaceAll('//', '/') } return h }) } } } // TODO: fix rendering of styles in webpack if (!isDev() && !isWebpack) { expect(normaliseIslandResult(result).head).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "link": [], "style": [ { "innerHTML": "pre[data-v-xxxxx]{color:blue}", }, ], } `) } else if (isDev() && !isWebpack) { // TODO: resolve dev bug triggered by earlier fetch of /vueuse-head page // = => typeof l.href !== 'string' || !l.href.includes('SharedComponent')) expect(result.head).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "link": [ { "crossorigin": "", "href": "/_nuxt/components/islands/PureComponent.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&scoped=c0c0cf89&lang.css", "rel": "stylesheet", }, ], "style": [], } `) } expect(result.html.replace(/data-v-\w+|"|<!--.*-->/g, '').replace(/data-island-uid="[^"]"/g, '')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "<div data-island-uid > Was router enabled: true <br > Props: <pre >{ number: 3487, str: something, obj: { foo: 42, bar: false, me: hi }, bool: false }</pre></div>" `) }) it('test client-side navigation', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/') await'#islands') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === '/islands') await page.locator('#increase-pure-component').click() await page.waitForResponse(response => response.url().includes('/__nuxt_island/') && response.status() === 200) await page.locator('#slot-in-server').getByText('Slot with in .server component').waitFor() await page.locator('#test-slot').getByText('Slot with name test').waitFor() // test islands update expect(await page.locator('.box').innerHTML()).toContain('"number": 101,') const islandRequests = [ page.waitForResponse(response => response.url().includes('/__nuxt_island/LongAsyncComponent') && response.status() === 200), page.waitForResponse(response => response.url().includes('/__nuxt_island/AsyncServerComponent') && response.status() === 200), ] await page.locator('#update-server-components').click() await Promise.all(islandRequests) await page.locator('#long-async-component-count').getByText('1').waitFor() // test islands slots interactivity await page.locator('#first-sugar-counter button').click() expect(await page.locator('#first-sugar-counter').innerHTML()).toContain('Sugar Counter 13') if (!isWebpack) { // test client component interactivity expect(await page.locator('.interactive-component-wrapper').innerHTML()).toContain('Sugar Counter 12') await page.locator('.interactive-component-wrapper button').click() expect(await page.locator('.interactive-component-wrapper').innerHTML()).toContain('Sugar Counter 13') } await page.close() }) it.skipIf(isDev())('should not render an error when having a baseURL', async () => { await startServer({ env: { NUXT_APP_BASE_URL: '/foo/', }, }) const result = await fetch('/foo/islands') expect(result.status).toBe(200) await startServer() }) it('render island page', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/') const islandPageRequest = page.waitForRequest((req) => { return req.url().includes('/__nuxt_island/page:server-page') }) await page.getByText('to server page').click() await islandPageRequest await page.locator('#server-page').waitFor() }) }) describe.runIf(isDev() && !isWebpack)('vite plugins', () => { it('does not override vite plugins', async () => { expect(await $fetch<string>('/vite-plugin-without-path')).toBe('vite-plugin without path') expect(await $fetch<string>('/__nuxt-test')).toBe('vite-plugin with __nuxt prefix') }) it('does not allow direct access to nuxt source folder', async () => { expect(await fetch('/app.config').then(r => r.status)).toBe(404) }) }) describe.skipIf(isDev() || isWindows || !isRenderingJson)('payload rendering', () => { it('renders a payload', async () => { const payload = await $fetch<string>('/random/a/_payload.json', { responseType: 'text' }) const data = parsePayload(payload) expect(typeof data.prerenderedAt).toEqual('number') expect({ hey: { baz: 'qux', foo: 'bar', }, rand_a: expect.arrayContaining([expect.anything()]), }) }) it('does not fetch a prefetched payload', async () => { const { page, requests } = await renderPage() await gotoPath(page, '/random/a') // We are manually prefetching other payloads await page.waitForRequest(request => request.url().includes('/random/c/_payload.json')) // We are not triggering API requests in the payload expect(requests).not.toContainEqual(expect.stringContaining('/api/random')) expect(requests).not.toContainEqual(expect.stringContaining('/__nuxt_island')) // requests.length = 0 await'[href="/random/b"]') await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle') // We are not triggering API requests in the payload in client-side nav expect(requests).not.toContain('/api/random') expect(requests).not.toContainEqual(expect.stringContaining('/__nuxt_island')) // We are fetching a payload we did not prefetch expect(requests).toContainEqual(expect.stringContaining('/random/b/_payload.json')) // We are not refetching payloads we've already prefetched // expect(requests.filter(p => p.includes('_payload')).length).toBe(1) // requests.length = 0 await'[href="/random/c"]') await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle') // We are not triggering API requests in the payload in client-side nav expect(requests).not.toContain('/api/random') expect(requests).not.toContainEqual(expect.stringContaining('/__nuxt_island')) // We are not refetching payloads we've already prefetched // Note: we refetch on dev as urls differ between '' and '?import' // expect(requests.filter(p => p.includes('_payload')).length).toBe(isDev() ? 1 : 0) await page.close() }) it.skipIf(!isRenderingJson)('should not include server-component HTML in payload', async () => { const payload = await $fetch<string>('/prefetch/server-components/_payload.json', { responseType: 'text' }) const entries = Object.entries(parsePayload(payload)) const [key, serializedComponent] = entries.find(([key]) => key.startsWith('AsyncServerComponent')) || [] expect(serializedComponent).toEqual(key) }) }) describe.skipIf(process.env.TEST_CONTEXT !== 'async')('Async context', () => { it('should be available', async () => { expect(await $fetch<string>('/async-context')).toContain('"hasApp": true') }) }) describe.skipIf(process.env.TEST_CONTEXT === 'async')('Async context', () => { it('should be unavailable', async () => { expect(await $fetch<string>('/async-context')).toContain('"hasApp": false') }) }) describe.skipIf(isWindows)('useAsyncData', () => { it('works after useNuxtData call', async () => { const page = await createPage('/useAsyncData/nuxt-data') expect(await page.locator('body').getByText('resolved:true').textContent()).toContain('resolved:true') await page.close() }) it('single request resolves', async () => { await expectNoClientErrors('/useAsyncData/single') }) it('two requests resolve', async () => { await expectNoClientErrors('/useAsyncData/double') }) it('two requests resolve and sync', async () => { await $fetch<string>('/useAsyncData/refresh') }) it('requests can be cancelled/overridden', async () => { await expectNoClientErrors('/useAsyncData/override') }) it('two requests made at once resolve and sync', async () => { await expectNoClientErrors('/useAsyncData/promise-all') }) it('requests status can be used', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/useAsyncData/status') expect(html).toContain('true') expect(html).not.toContain('false') const page = await createPage('/useAsyncData/status') await page.locator('#status5-values').getByText('idle,pending,success').waitFor() await page.close() }) it('data is null after navigation when immediate false', async () => { const defaultValue = isV4 ? 'undefined' : 'null' const { page } = await renderPage('/useAsyncData/immediate-remove-unmounted') expect(await page.locator('#immediate-data').getByText(defaultValue).textContent()).toBe(defaultValue) await'#execute-btn') expect(await page.locator('#immediate-data').getByText(',').textContent()).not.toContain(defaultValue) await'#to-index') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === '/') await'#to-immediate-remove-unmounted') await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === '/useAsyncData/immediate-remove-unmounted') expect(await page.locator('#immediate-data').getByText(defaultValue).textContent()).toBe(defaultValue) await'#execute-btn') expect(await page.locator('#immediate-data').getByText(',').textContent()).not.toContain(defaultValue) await page.close() }) }) describe.runIf(isDev())('component testing', () => { it('should work', async () => { const comp1 = await $fetchComponent('components/Counter.vue', { multiplier: 2 }) expect(comp1).toContain('12 x 2 = 24') const comp2 = await $fetchComponent('components/Counter.vue', { multiplier: 4 }) expect(comp2).toContain('12 x 4 = 48') }) }) describe('keepalive', () => { it('should not keepalive by default', async () => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage('/keepalive') const pageName = 'not-keepalive' await`#${pageName}`) await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, `/keepalive/${pageName}`) expect( => l.text).filter(t => t.includes('keepalive'))).toEqual([`${pageName}: onMounted`]) await page.close() }) it('should not keepalive when included in app config but config in nuxt-page is not undefined', async () => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage('/keepalive') const pageName = 'keepalive-in-config' await`#${pageName}`) await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, `/keepalive/${pageName}`) expect( => l.text).filter(t => t.includes('keepalive'))).toEqual([`${pageName}: onMounted`]) await page.close() }) it('should not keepalive when included in app config but exclueded in nuxt-page', async () => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage('/keepalive') const pageName = 'not-keepalive-in-nuxtpage' await`#${pageName}`) await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, `/keepalive/${pageName}`) expect( => l.text).filter(t => t.includes('keepalive'))).toEqual([`${pageName}: onMounted`]) await page.close() }) it('should keepalive when included in nuxt-page', async () => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage('/keepalive') const pageName = 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage' await`#${pageName}`) await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, `/keepalive/${pageName}`) expect( => l.text).filter(t => t.includes('keepalive'))).toEqual([`${pageName}: onMounted`, `${pageName}: onActivated`]) await page.close() }) it('should preserve keepalive config when navigate routes in nuxt-page', async () => { const { page, consoleLogs } = await renderPage('/keepalive') const slugs = [ 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage', 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage-2', 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage', 'not-keepalive', 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage-2', ] for (const slug of slugs) { await`#${slug}`) await page.waitForFunction(path => window.useNuxtApp?.()._route.fullPath === path, `/keepalive/${slug}`) } expect( => l.text).filter(t => t.includes('keepalive'))).toEqual([ 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage: onMounted', 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage: onActivated', 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage: onDeactivated', 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage-2: onMounted', 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage-2: onActivated', 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage: onActivated', 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage-2: onDeactivated', 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage: onDeactivated', 'not-keepalive: onMounted', 'keepalive-in-nuxtpage-2: onActivated', 'not-keepalive: onUnmounted', ]) await page.close() }) }) describe('teleports', () => { it('should append teleports to body', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/teleport') // Teleport is prepended to body, before the __nuxt div expect(html).toContain('<div>Teleport</div><!--teleport anchor--><div id="__nuxt">') // Teleport start and end tag are rendered as expected expect(html).toContain('<div><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--><h1>Normal content</h1></div>') }) it('should render teleports to app teleports element', async () => { const html = await $fetch<string>('/nuxt-teleport') // Teleport is appended to body, after the __nuxt div expect(html).toContain('<div><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--><h1>Normal content</h1></div></div></div><span id="nuxt-teleport"><!--teleport start anchor--><div>Nuxt Teleport</div><!--teleport anchor--></span><script') }) }) describe('Node.js compatibility for client-side', () => { it('should work', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/experimental/node-compat') await page.locator('body').getByText('Nuxt is Awesome!').waitFor() expect(await page.innerHTML('body')).toContain('CWD: [available]') await page.close() }, 40_000) }) function normaliseIslandResult (result: NuxtIslandResponse) { if ( { for (const style of { if (typeof style !== 'string') { if (style.innerHTML) { style.innerHTML = (style.innerHTML as string).replace(/data-v-[a-z0-9]+/g, 'data-v-xxxxx') } if (style.key) { style.key = style.key.replace(/-[a-z0-9]+$/i, '') } } } } return result } describe('import components', () => { let html = '' it.sequential('fetch import-components page', async () => { html = await $fetch<string>('/import-components') }) it('load default component with mode all', () => { expect(html).toContain('default-comp-all') }) it('load default component with mode client', () => { expect(html).toContain('default-comp-client') }) it('load default component with mode server', () => { expect(html).toContain('default-comp-server') }) it('load named component with mode all', () => { expect(html).toContain('named-comp-all') }) it('load named component with mode client', () => { expect(html).toContain('named-comp-client') }) it('load named component with mode server', () => { expect(html).toContain('named-comp-server') }) }) describe('lazy import components', () => { let html = '' it.sequential('fetch lazy-import-components page', async () => { html = await $fetch<string>('/lazy-import-components') }) it('lazy load named component with mode all', () => { expect(html).toContain('lazy-named-comp-all') }) it('lazy load named component with mode client', () => { expect(html).toContain('lazy-named-comp-client') }) it('lazy load named component with mode server', () => { expect(html).toContain('lazy-named-comp-server') }) }) describe('defineNuxtComponent watch duplicate', () => { it('test after navigation duplicate', async () => { const { page } = await renderPage('/define-nuxt-component') await page.getByTestId('define-nuxt-component-bar').click() await page.getByTestId('define-nuxt-component-state').click() await page.getByTestId('define-nuxt-component-foo').click() expect(await page.getByTestId('define-nuxt-component-state').first().innerText()).toBe('2') }) }) describe('namespace access to useNuxtApp', () => { it('should return the nuxt instance when used with correct appId', async () => { const { page, pageErrors } = await renderPage('/namespace-nuxt-app') expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]) await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.() && !window.useNuxtApp?.().isHydrating) // Defaulting to appId await page.evaluate(() => window.useNuxtApp?.()) // Using correct configured appId // @ts-expect-error not public API yet await page.evaluate(() => window.useNuxtApp?.('nuxt-app-basic')) await page.close() }) it('should throw an error when used with wrong appId', async () => { const { page, pageErrors } = await renderPage('/namespace-nuxt-app') expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]) await page.waitForFunction(() => window.useNuxtApp?.() && !window.useNuxtApp?.().isHydrating) let error: unknown try { // Using wrong/unknown appId // @ts-expect-error not public API yet await page.evaluate(() => window.useNuxtApp?.('nuxt-app-unknown')) } catch (err) { error = err } expect(error).toBeTruthy() await page.close() }) })