--- title: "" description: "Nuxt provides `` component to render a non-interactive component without any client JS" links: - label: Source icon: i-simple-icons-github to: https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/main/packages/nuxt/src/app/components/nuxt-island.ts size: xs --- When rendering an island component, the content of the island component is static, thus no JS is downloaded client-side. Changing the island component props triggers a refetch of the island component to re-render it again. ::read-more{to="/docs/guide/going-further/experimental-features#componentislands" icon="i-ph-star-duotone"} This component is experimental and in order to use it you must enable the `experimental.componentIslands` option in your `nuxt.config`. :: ::callout Global styles of your application are sent with the response. :: ::callout Server only components use `` under the hood :: ## Props - `name` : Name of the component to render. - **type**: `string` - **required** - `lazy`: Make the component non-blocking. - **type**: `boolean` - **default**: `false` - `props`: Props to send to the component to render. - **type**: `Record` - `source`: Remote source to call the island to render. - **type**: `string` - `useCache`: Use the cached payload if available - **type**: `boolean` - **default**: `true` - `setCache`: Cache the `NuxtIslandResponse` for reuse with `useCache` prop. Note that this is always cached in SSR. - **type**: `boolean` - **default**: `true` ::callout{color="blue" icon="i-ph-info-duotone"} Remote islands need `experimental.componentIslands` to be `'local+remote'` in your `nuxt.config`. :: ## Slots Slots can be passed to an island component if declared. Every slot is interactive since the parent component is the one providing it. Some slots are reserved to `NuxtIsland` for special cases. - `#fallback`: Specify the content to be rendered before the island loads (if the component is lazy) or if `NuxtIsland` fails to fetch the component.