import consola from 'consola' import fs from 'fs-extra' import properlock from 'proper-lockfile' // eslint-disable-next-line import/namespace import { onExit } from 'signal-exit' import { lockPaths, defaultLockOptions, getLockOptions, createLockPath, getLockPath, lock } from '../src/locking' jest.mock('fs-extra') jest.mock('proper-lockfile') jest.mock('signal-exit') describe('util: locking', () => { const lockConfig = { id: 'id', dir: 'dist', root: '/project-root' } beforeEach(() => jest.resetAllMocks()) beforeEach(() => lockPaths.clear()) test('onCompromised lock warns on compromise by default', () => { defaultLockOptions.onCompromised() expect(consola.warn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) test('can override default options', () => { const options = getLockOptions({ onCompromised: err => consola.fatal(err) }) options.onCompromised() expect(consola.fatal).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) test('createLockPath creates the same lockPath for identical locks', () => { const path1 = createLockPath(lockConfig) const path2 = createLockPath(Object.assign({}, lockConfig)) expect(path1).toBe(path2) }) test('createLockPath creates unique lockPaths for different ids', () => { const path1 = createLockPath(lockConfig) const path2 = createLockPath(Object.assign({}, lockConfig, { id: 'id2' })) expect(path1).not.toBe(path2) }) test('createLockPath creates unique lockPaths for different dirs', () => { const path1 = createLockPath(lockConfig) const path2 = createLockPath(Object.assign({}, lockConfig, { dir: 'dir2' })) expect(path1).not.toBe(path2) }) test('createLockPath creates unique lockPaths for different roots', () => { const path1 = createLockPath(lockConfig) const path2 = createLockPath(Object.assign({}, lockConfig, { root: '/project-root2' })) expect(path1).not.toBe(path2) }) test('getLockPath creates lockPath when it doesnt exists', () => { getLockPath(lockConfig) expect(fs.ensureDir).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) test('lock creates a lock and returns a release fn', async () => { properlock.lock.mockReturnValue(true) const fn = await lock(lockConfig) expect(properlock.check).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(properlock.lock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(fs.ensureDir).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(fn).toEqual(expect.any(Function)) expect(consola.error).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(consola.fatal).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(consola.warn).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) test('lock throws error when lock already exists', async () => { properlock.check.mockReturnValue(true) await lock(lockConfig) expect(properlock.check).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(consola.fatal).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(consola.fatal).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`A lock with id '${}' already exists on ${lockConfig.dir}`) }) test('lock logs warning when it couldnt get a lock', async () => { properlock.lock.mockReturnValue(false) const fn = await lock(lockConfig) expect(fn).toBe(false) expect(properlock.lock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(consola.warn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(consola.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`Unable to get a lock with id '${}' on ${lockConfig.dir} (but will continue)`) }) test('lock logs warning when proper.lock threw error', async () => { properlock.lock.mockImplementation(() => { throw new Error('test error') }) await lock(lockConfig) expect(properlock.lock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(consola.warn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(consola.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`Unable to get a lock with id '${}' on ${lockConfig.dir} (but will continue)`) }) test('lock returns a release method for unlocking both lockfile as lockPath', async () => { const release = jest.fn() properlock.lock.mockImplementation(() => release) const fn = await lock(lockConfig) await fn() expect(release).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(fs.remove).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) test('lock release also cleanup onExit set', async () => { const release = jest.fn() properlock.lock.mockImplementation(() => release) const fn = await lock(lockConfig) expect(lockPaths.size).toBe(1) await fn() expect(lockPaths.size).toBe(0) }) test('lock release only logs error when error thrown', async () => { const release = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('test error') }) properlock.lock.mockImplementation(() => release) const fn = await lock(lockConfig) await expect(fn()).resolves.not.toThrow() expect(consola.debug).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) test('lock check only logs error when error thrown', async () => { const testError = new Error('check error') properlock.lock.mockImplementation(() => () => {}) properlock.check.mockImplementation(() => { throw testError }) const fn = await lock(lockConfig) expect(fn).toEqual(expect.any(Function)) expect(consola.debug).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(consola.debug).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`Check for an existing lock with id '${}' on ${lockConfig.dir} failed`, testError) }) test('lock release doesnt log error when error thrown because lock compromised', async () => { fs.exists.mockReturnValue(true) const testError = new Error('Lock is already released') const release = jest.fn(() => { throw testError }) properlock.lock.mockImplementation((path, options) => { options.onCompromised() return release }) const fn = await lock({ ...lockConfig, options: { // overwrite default compromised which calls consola.warn onCompromised () {} } }) await expect(fn()).resolves.not.toThrow() expect(consola.warn).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) test('lock sets exit listener once to remove lockPaths', async () => { properlock.lock.mockReturnValue(true) await lock(lockConfig) await lock(lockConfig) expect(onExit).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) test('exit listener removes all lockPaths when called', async () => { properlock.lock.mockReturnValue(true) let callback onExit.mockImplementation(cb => (callback = cb)) const lockConfig2 = Object.assign({}, lockConfig, { id: 'id2' }) const path1 = createLockPath(lockConfig) const path2 = createLockPath(lockConfig2) await lock(lockConfig) await lock(lockConfig2) expect(onExit).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(lockPaths.size).toBe(2) expect(callback).toBeDefined() callback() expect(fs.removeSync).toHaveBeenCalledWith(path1) expect(fs.removeSync).toHaveBeenCalledWith(path2) }) test('lock uses setLockOptions to set defaults', async () => { const spy = properlock.lock.mockReturnValue(true) await lock(lockConfig) expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.any(String), expect.any(Object)) const options = spy.mock.calls[0][1] expect(options.stale).toBeDefined() expect(options.onCompromised).toBeDefined() expect(() => options.onCompromised()).not.toThrow() expect(consola.fatal).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) })