import chalk from 'chalk' import { Options } from 'common' import { sequence } from 'utils' import ModuleContainer from './module' import Renderer from './renderer' import Debug from 'debug' import enableDestroy from 'server-destroy' import Module from 'module' import { isPlainObject } from 'lodash' import { join, resolve } from 'path' const debug = Debug('nuxt:') debug.color = 5 export default class Nuxt { constructor(options = {}) { this.options = Options.from(options) // Paths for resolving requires from `rootDir` this.nodeModulePaths = Module._nodeModulePaths(this.options.rootDir) if (this.options.nuxtDir.indexOf(this.options.rootDir) !== 0) { this.nodeModulePaths = [ ...this.nodeModulePaths, ...Module._nodeModulePaths(this.options.nuxtDir) ] } this.initialized = false this.errorHandler = this.errorHandler.bind(this) // Hooks this._hooks = {} this.hook = this.hook.bind(this) // Create instance of core components this.moduleContainer = new ModuleContainer(this) this.renderer = new Renderer(this) // Backward compatibility this.render = this.renderRoute = this.renderer.renderRoute.bind(this.renderer) this.renderAndGetWindow = this.renderer.renderAndGetWindow.bind(this.renderer) this._ready = this.ready().catch(this.errorHandler) } static get version() { return '__VERSION__' } async ready() { if (this._ready) { return this._ready } // Add hooks if (isPlainObject(this.options.hooks)) { this.addObjectHooks(this.options.hooks) } else if (typeof this.options.hooks === 'function') { this.options.hooks(this.hook) } // Add nuxt modules await this.moduleContainer.ready() await this.renderer.ready() this.initialized = true await this.callHook('ready', this) return this } plugin(name, fn) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error(`[warn] nuxt.plugin('${name}',..) is deprecated. Please use new hooks system.`) // A tiny backward compatibility util const hookMap = { 'ready': 'ready', 'close': 'close', 'listen': 'listen', 'built': 'build:done' } if (hookMap[name]) { this.hook(hookMap[name], fn) } // Always return nuxt class which has plugin() for two level hooks return this } hook(name, fn) { if (!name || typeof fn !== 'function') { return } this._hooks[name] = this._hooks[name] || [] this._hooks[name].push(fn) } async callHook(name, ...args) { if (!this._hooks[name]) { return } debug(`Call ${name} hooks (${this._hooks[name].length})`) try { await sequence(this._hooks[name], (fn) => fn(...args)) } catch (err) { console.error(`> Error on hook "${name}":`) // eslint-disable-line no-console console.error(err) // eslint-disable-line no-console } } addObjectHooks(hooksObj) { Object.keys(hooksObj).forEach((name) => { let hooks = hooksObj[name] hooks = (Array.isArray(hooks) ? hooks : [hooks]) hooks.forEach((hook) => { this.hook(name, hook) }) }) } listen(port = 3000, host = 'localhost') { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const server ={ port, host, exclusive: false }, (err) => { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (err) { return reject(err) } const _host = host === '' ? 'localhost' : host // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log('\n' +' OPEN ') +` http://${_host}:${port}\n`)) // Close server on nuxt close this.hook('close', () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Destroy server by forcing every connection to be closed server.destroy(err => { debug('server closed') /* istanbul ignore if */ if (err) { return reject(err) } resolve() }) })) this.callHook('listen', server, { port, host }).then(resolve) }) // Add server.destroy(cb) method enableDestroy(server) }) } errorHandler/* istanbul ignore next */() { // Apply plugins // eslint-disable-next-line no-console this.callHook('error', ...arguments).catch(console.error) // Silent if (this.options.errorHandler === false) { return } // Custom errorHandler if (typeof this.options.errorHandler === 'function') { return this.options.errorHandler.apply(this, arguments) } // Default handler // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error(...arguments) } resolvePath(path) { // Try to resolve using NPM resolve path first try { let resolvedPath = Module._resolveFilename(path, { paths: this.nodeModulePaths }) return resolvedPath } catch (e) { // Just continue } // Shorthand to resolve from project dirs if (path.indexOf('@@') === 0 || path.indexOf('~~') === 0) { return join(this.options.rootDir, path.substr(2)) } else if (path.indexOf('@') === 0 || path.indexOf('~') === 0) { return join(this.options.srcDir, path.substr(1)) } return resolve(this.options.srcDir, path) } async close(callback) { await this.callHook('close', this) /* istanbul ignore if */ if (typeof callback === 'function') { await callback() } } }