<script setup lang="ts">
const islandProps = ref({
  bool: true,
  number: 100,
  str: 'helo world',
  obj: { json: 'works' }

const showIslandSlot = ref(false)
const routeIslandVisible = ref(false)
const testCount = ref(0)
const count = ref(0)

    Pure island component:
    <div class="box">
      <NuxtIsland name="PureComponent" :props="islandProps" />
      <NuxtIsland name="PureComponent" :props="islandProps" />
    <button id="increase-pure-component" @click="islandProps.number++">
    Route island component:
    <div v-if="routeIslandVisible" class="box">
      <NuxtIsland name="RouteComponent" :context="{ url: '/test' }" />
    <button v-else id="show-route" @click="routeIslandVisible = true">

    <p>async .server component</p>
    <AsyncServerComponent :count="count">
      <div id="slot-in-server">
        Slot with in .server component
      Async component (1000ms):
        <NuxtIsland name="LongAsyncComponent" :props="{ count }">
          <div>Interactive testing slot</div>
          <div id="first-sugar-counter">
            <SugarCounter :multiplier="testCount" />
          <template #test="scoped">
            <div id="test-slot">
              Slot with name test - scoped data {{ scoped }}
          <template #hello="scoped">
            <div id="test-slot">
              Slot with name hello - scoped data {{ scoped }}
        <button id="update-server-components" @click="count++">
          add +1 to count
      <p>Island with props mounted client side</p>
      <button id="show-island" @click="showIslandSlot = true">
        Show Interactive island
      <div id="island-mounted-client-side">
        <NuxtIsland v-if="showIslandSlot" name="LongAsyncComponent" :props="{ count }">
          <div>Interactive testing slot post SSR</div>
          <SugarCounter :multiplier="testCount" />

<style scoped>
.box {
  border: 1px solid black;
  margin: 3px;
  display: flex;