import { existsSync, readFileSync } from 'node:fs' import ignore from 'ignore' import { join, relative, resolve } from 'pathe' import { tryUseNuxt } from './context' /** * Return a filter function to filter an array of paths */ export function isIgnored (pathname: string): boolean { const nuxt = tryUseNuxt() // Happens with CLI reloads if (!nuxt) { return false } if (!nuxt._ignore) { nuxt._ignore = ignore(nuxt.options.ignoreOptions) nuxt._ignore.add(resolveIgnorePatterns()) } const cwds = nuxt.options._layers?.map(layer => layer.cwd).sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length) const layer = cwds?.find(cwd => pathname.startsWith(cwd)) const relativePath = relative(layer ?? nuxt.options.rootDir, pathname) if (relativePath[0] === '.' && relativePath[1] === '.') { return false } return !!(relativePath && nuxt._ignore.ignores(relativePath)) } const NEGATION_RE = /^(!?)(.*)$/ export function resolveIgnorePatterns (relativePath?: string): string[] { const nuxt = tryUseNuxt() // Happens with CLI reloads if (!nuxt) { return [] } if (!nuxt._ignorePatterns) { nuxt._ignorePatterns = nuxt.options.ignore.flatMap(s => resolveGroupSyntax(s)) const nuxtignoreFile = join(nuxt.options.rootDir, '.nuxtignore') if (existsSync(nuxtignoreFile)) { const contents = readFileSync(nuxtignoreFile, 'utf-8') nuxt._ignorePatterns.push(...contents.trim().split(/\r?\n/)) } } if (relativePath) { // Map ignore patterns based on if they start with * or !* return => { const [_, negation = '', pattern] = p.match(NEGATION_RE) || [] if (pattern[0] === '*') { return p } return negation + relative(relativePath, resolve(nuxt.options.rootDir, pattern || p)) }) } return nuxt._ignorePatterns } /** * This function turns string containing groups '**\/*.{spec,test}.{js,ts}' into an array of strings. * For example will '**\/*.{spec,test}.{js,ts}' be resolved to: * ['**\/*.spec.js', '**\/*.spec.ts', '**\/*.test.js', '**\/*.test.ts'] * @param group string containing the group syntax * @returns {string[]} array of strings without the group syntax */ export function resolveGroupSyntax (group: string): string[] { let groups = [group] while (groups.some(group => group.includes('{'))) { groups = groups.flatMap((group) => { const [head, ...tail] = group.split('{') if (tail.length) { const [body,] = tail.join('{').split('}') return body.split(',').map(part => `${head}${part}${rest.join('')}`) } return group }) } return groups }