--- title: 'useRouteAnnouncer' description: This composable observes the page title changes and updates the announcer message accordingly. navigation: badge: New links: - label: Source icon: i-simple-icons-github to: https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/main/packages/nuxt/src/app/composables/route-announcer.ts size: xs --- ::important This composable is available in Nuxt v3.12+. :: ## Description A composable which observes the page title changes and updates the announcer message accordingly. Used by [`<NuxtRouteAnnouncer>`](/docs/api/components/nuxt-route-announcer) and controllable. It hooks into Unhead's [`dom:rendered`](https://unhead.unjs.io/api/core/hooks#dom-hooks) to read the page's title and set it as the announcer message. ## Parameters - `politeness`: Sets the urgency for screen reader announcements: `off` (disable the announcement), `polite` (waits for silence), or `assertive` (interrupts immediately). (default `polite`). ## Properties ### `message` - **type**: `Ref<string>` - **description**: The message to announce ### `politeness` - **type**: `Ref<string>` - **description**: Screen reader announcement urgency level `off`, `polite`, or `assertive` ## Methods ### `set(message, politeness = "polite")` Sets the message to announce with its urgency level. ### `polite(message)` Sets the message with `politeness = "polite"` ### `assertive(message)` Sets the message with `politeness = "assertive"` ## Example ```vue [pages/index.vue] <script setup lang="ts"> const { message, politeness, set, polite, assertive } = useRouteAnnouncer({ politeness: 'assertive' }) </script> ```