title: 'Deployment'
description: Learn how to deploy your Nuxt application to any hosting provider.
navigation.icon: i-ph-cloud
A Nuxt application can be deployed on a Node.js server, pre-rendered for static hosting, or deployed to serverless or edge (CDN) environments.
If you are looking for a list of cloud providers that support Nuxt 3, see the [Hosting providers](/deploy) section.
## Node.js Server
Discover the Node.js server preset with Nitro to deploy on any Node hosting.
- **Default output format** if none is specified or auto-detected
- Loads only the required chunks to render the request for optimal cold start timing
- Useful for deploying Nuxt apps to any Node.js hosting
### Entry Point
When running `nuxt build` with the Node server preset, the result will be an entry point that launches a ready-to-run Node server.
```bash [Terminal]
node .output/server/index.mjs
This will launch your production Nuxt server that listens on port 3000 by default.
It respects the following runtime environment variables:
- `NITRO_PORT` or `PORT` (defaults to `3000`)
- `NITRO_HOST` or `HOST` (defaults to `''`)
- `NITRO_SSL_CERT` and `NITRO_SSL_KEY` - if both are present, this will launch the server in HTTPS mode. In the vast majority of cases, this should not be used other than for testing, and the Nitro server should be run behind a reverse proxy like nginx or Cloudflare which terminates SSL.
### PM2
[PM2](https://pm2.keymetrics.io/) (Process Manager 2) is a fast and easy solution for hosting your Nuxt application on your server or VM.
To use `pm2`, use an `ecosystem.config.cjs`:
```ts [ecosystem.config.cjs]
module.exports = {
apps: [
name: 'NuxtAppName',
port: '3000',
exec_mode: 'cluster',
instances: 'max',
script: './.output/server/index.mjs'
### Cluster Mode
You can use `NITRO_PRESET=node_cluster` in order to leverage multi-process performance using Node.js [cluster](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/docs/api/cluster.html) module.
By default, the workload gets distributed to the workers with the round robin strategy.
### Learn More
:read-more{to="https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/node" title="the Nitro documentation for node-server preset"}
## Static Hosting
There are two ways to deploy a Nuxt application to any static hosting services:
- Static site generation (SSG) with `ssr: true` pre-renders routes of your application at build time. (This is the default behavior when running `nuxi generate`.) It will also generate `/200.html` and `/404.html` single-page app fallback pages, which can render dynamic routes or 404 errors on the client (though you may need to configure this on your static host).
- Alternatively, you can prerender your site with `ssr: false` (static single-page app). This will produce HTML pages with an empty `