import { isBuiltin } from 'node:module' import { logger } from '@nuxt/kit' import { join, normalize, relative } from 'pathe' import { withoutBase } from 'ufo' import { isCSSRequest } from 'vite' import type { ViteDevServer } from 'vite' // function fileToUrl (file: string, root: string) { const url = relative(root, file) // out of root, use /@fs/ prefix if (url[0] === '.') { return join('/@fs/', normalize(file)) } // file within root, create root-relative url return '/' + normalize(url) } function normaliseURL (url: string, base: string) { // remove any base url url = withoutBase(url, base) // unwrap record if (url.startsWith('/@id/')) { url = url.slice('/@id/'.length).replace('__x00__', '\0') } // strip query url = url.replace(/(\?|&)import=?(?:&|$)/, '').replace(/[?&]$/, '') return url } // TODO: use built-in warmup logic when we update to vite 5 export async function warmupViteServer ( server: ViteDevServer, entries: string[], isServer: boolean ) { const warmedUrls = new Set() const warmup = async (url: string) => { try { url = normaliseURL(url, server.config.base) if (warmedUrls.has(url) || isBuiltin(url)) { return } const m = await server.moduleGraph.getModuleByUrl(url, isServer) // a module that is already compiled (and can't be warmed up anyway) if (m?.transformResult?.code || m?.ssrTransformResult?.code) { return } warmedUrls.add(url) await server.transformRequest(url, { ssr: isServer }) } catch (e) { logger.debug('[nuxt] warmup for %s failed with: %s', url, e) } // Don't warmup CSS file dependencies as they have already all been loaded to produce result if (isCSSRequest(url)) { return } try { const mod = await server.moduleGraph.getModuleByUrl(url, isServer) const deps = mod?.ssrTransformResult?.deps /* server */ || Array.from(mod?.importedModules /* client */ || []).map(m => m.url) await Promise.all( => warmup(m))) } catch (e) { logger.debug('[warmup] tracking dependencies for %s failed with: %s', url, e) } } await Promise.all( => warmup(fileToUrl(entry, server.config.root)))) }