import { relative, resolve, join } from 'pathe' import consola from 'consola' import * as rollup from 'rollup' import fse from 'fs-extra' import { printFSTree } from './utils/tree' import { getRollupConfig } from './rollup/config' import { hl, prettyPath, serializeTemplate, writeFile, isDirectory, replaceAll } from './utils' import { NitroContext } from './context' import { scanMiddleware } from './server/middleware' export async function prepare (nitroContext: NitroContext) {`Nitro preset is ${hl(nitroContext.preset)}`) await cleanupDir(nitroContext.output.dir) if (!nitroContext.output.publicDir.startsWith(nitroContext.output.dir)) { await cleanupDir(nitroContext.output.publicDir) } if (!nitroContext.output.serverDir.startsWith(nitroContext.output.dir)) { await cleanupDir(nitroContext.output.serverDir) } } async function cleanupDir (dir: string) {'Cleaning up', prettyPath(dir)) await fse.emptyDir(dir) } export async function generate (nitroContext: NitroContext) { consola.start('Generating public...') await nitroContext._internal.hooks.callHook('nitro:generate', nitroContext) const publicDir = nitroContext._nuxt.publicDir if (await isDirectory(publicDir)) { await fse.copy(publicDir, nitroContext.output.publicDir) } const clientDist = resolve(nitroContext._nuxt.buildDir, 'dist/client') if (await isDirectory(clientDist)) { const buildAssetsDir = join(nitroContext.output.publicDir, nitroContext._nuxt.buildAssetsDir) await fse.copy(clientDist, buildAssetsDir) } consola.success('Generated public ' + prettyPath(nitroContext.output.publicDir)) } export async function build (nitroContext: NitroContext) { // Compile html template const htmlSrc = resolve(nitroContext._nuxt.buildDir, `views/${{ 2: 'app', 3: 'document' }[2]}.template.html`) const htmlTemplate = { src: htmlSrc, contents: '', dst: '' } htmlTemplate.dst = htmlTemplate.src.replace(/.html$/, '.mjs').replace('app.template.mjs', 'document.template.mjs') htmlTemplate.contents = nitroContext.vfs[htmlTemplate.src] || await fse.readFile(htmlTemplate.src, 'utf-8') await nitroContext._internal.hooks.callHook('nitro:document', htmlTemplate) const compiled = 'export default ' + serializeTemplate(htmlTemplate.contents) await writeFile(htmlTemplate.dst, compiled) nitroContext.rollupConfig = getRollupConfig(nitroContext) await nitroContext._internal.hooks.callHook('nitro:rollup:before', nitroContext) return ? _watch(nitroContext) : _build(nitroContext) } export async function writeTypes (nitroContext: NitroContext) { const routeTypes: Record = {} const middleware = [ ...nitroContext.scannedMiddleware, ...nitroContext.middleware ] for (const mw of middleware) { if (typeof mw.handle !== 'string') { continue } const relativePath = relative(nitroContext._nuxt.buildDir, mw.handle).replace(/\.[a-z]+$/, '') routeTypes[mw.route] = routeTypes[mw.route] || [] routeTypes[mw.route].push(`Awaited>`) } const lines = [ '// Generated by nitro', 'declare module \'@nuxt/nitro\' {', ' type Awaited = T extends PromiseLike ? Awaited : T', ' interface InternalApi {', ...Object.entries(routeTypes).map(([path, types]) => ` '${path}': ${types.join(' | ')}`), ' }', '}', // Makes this a module for augmentation purposes 'export {}' ] await writeFile(join(nitroContext._nuxt.buildDir, 'nitro.d.ts'), lines.join('\n')) } async function _build (nitroContext: NitroContext) { nitroContext.scannedMiddleware = await scanMiddleware(nitroContext._nuxt.serverDir) await writeTypes(nitroContext) consola.start('Building server...') const build = await rollup.rollup(nitroContext.rollupConfig).catch((error) => { consola.error('Rollup error: ' + error.message) throw error }) consola.start('Writing server bundle...') await build.write(nitroContext.rollupConfig.output) const rewriteBuildPaths = (input: unknown, to: string) => typeof input === 'string' ? replaceAll(input, nitroContext.output.dir, to) : undefined // Write build info const nitroConfigPath = resolve(nitroContext.output.dir, 'nitro.json') const buildInfo = { date: new Date(), preset: nitroContext.preset, commands: { preview: rewriteBuildPaths(nitroContext.commands.preview, '.'), deploy: rewriteBuildPaths(nitroContext.commands.deploy, '.') } } await writeFile(nitroConfigPath, JSON.stringify(buildInfo, null, 2)) consola.success('Server built') await printFSTree(nitroContext.output.serverDir) await nitroContext._internal.hooks.callHook('nitro:compiled', nitroContext) // Show deploy and preview hints const rOutDir = relative(process.cwd(), nitroContext.output.dir) if (nitroContext.commands.preview) { //`You can preview this build using \`${rewriteBuildPaths(nitroContext.commands.preview, rOutDir)}\``)'You can preview this build using `nuxi preview`') } if (nitroContext.commands.deploy) {`You can deploy this build using \`${rewriteBuildPaths(nitroContext.commands.deploy, rOutDir)}\``) } return { entry: resolve(nitroContext.rollupConfig.output.dir, nitroContext.rollupConfig.output.entryFileNames as string) } } function startRollupWatcher (nitroContext: NitroContext) { const watcher = let start: number watcher.on('event', (event) => { switch (event.code) { // The watcher is (re)starting case 'START': return // Building an individual bundle case 'BUNDLE_START': start = return // Finished building all bundles case 'END': nitroContext._internal.hooks.callHook('nitro:compiled', nitroContext) consola.success('Nitro built', start ? `in ${ - start} ms` : '') return // Encountered an error while bundling case 'ERROR': consola.error('Rollup error: ' + event.error) // consola.error(event.error) } }) return watcher } async function _watch (nitroContext: NitroContext) { let watcher = startRollupWatcher(nitroContext) nitroContext.scannedMiddleware = await scanMiddleware(nitroContext._nuxt.serverDir, (middleware, event) => { nitroContext.scannedMiddleware = middleware if (['add', 'addDir'].includes(event)) { watcher.close() writeTypes(nitroContext).catch(console.error) watcher = startRollupWatcher(nitroContext) } } ) await writeTypes(nitroContext) }