const { each } = require('lodash') const webpack = require('webpack') // const VueSSRClientPlugin = require('vue-server-renderer/client-plugin') const VueSSRClientPlugin = require('./plugins/vue/client') const HTMLPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin') const FriendlyErrorsWebpackPlugin = require('@nuxtjs/friendly-errors-webpack-plugin') const StylishPlugin = require('webpack-stylish') const { BundleAnalyzerPlugin } = require('webpack-bundle-analyzer') const { resolve } = require('path') const Debug = require('debug') const base = require('./base.config.js') const ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin') const debug = Debug('nuxt:build') debug.color = 2 // Force green color /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Webpack Client Config |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ module.exports = function webpackClientConfig() { let config =, { name: 'client', isServer: false }) // Entry points config.entry = resolve(this.options.buildDir, 'client.js') // Env object defined in nuxt.config.js let env = {} each(this.options.env, (value, key) => { env['process.env.' + key] = ['boolean', 'number'].indexOf(typeof value) !== -1 ? value : JSON.stringify(value) }) // Generate output HTML for SPA config.plugins.push( new HTMLPlugin({ filename: '', template: this.options.appTemplatePath, inject: true, chunksSortMode: 'dependency' }) ) // Generate output HTML for SSR if ( { config.plugins.push( new HTMLPlugin({ filename: 'index.ssr.html', template: this.options.appTemplatePath, inject: false // Resources will be injected using bundleRenderer }) ) } // Generate vue-ssr-client-manifest config.plugins.push( new VueSSRClientPlugin({ filename: 'vue-ssr-client-manifest.json' }) ) // Define Env config.plugins.push( new webpack.DefinePlugin( Object.assign(env, { 'process.env.VUE_ENV': JSON.stringify('client'), 'process.mode': JSON.stringify(this.options.mode), 'process.browser': true, 'process.client': true, 'process.server': false, 'process.static': this.isStatic }) ) ) const shouldClearConsole = !== false && !== 'errors-only' // Add friendly error plugin config.plugins.push( new FriendlyErrorsWebpackPlugin({ clearConsole: shouldClearConsole }) ) // Optimization config.optimization.splitChunks = { chunks: 'all', // TODO: remove spa after solved name: || this.options.mode === 'spa', // Explicit cache groups cacheGroups: { // Vue.js core modules vue: { test: /node_modules\/(vue|vue-loader|vue-router|vuex|vue-meta)\//, chunks: 'initial', name: 'vue', priority: 10, enforce: true }, // Common modules which are usually included in projects common: { test: /node_modules\/(core-js|babel-runtime|lodash|es6-promise|moment|axios|webpack|setimediate|timers-browserify|process)\//, chunks: 'initial', name: 'common', priority: 9 }, // Generated templates main: { test: /\.nuxt\//, chunks: 'initial', name: 'main', priority: 8 }, // Other vendors inside node_modules vendor: { test: /node_modules\//, chunks: 'initial', name: 'vendor', priority: 8 } } } // Create additional runtime chunk for cache boosting // config.optimization.runtimeChunk = true // CSS extraction const extractCSS = // TODO: Temporary disabled in dev mode for fixing source maps // (We need `source-map` devtool for *.css modules) if (extractCSS && ! { config.plugins.push(new ExtractTextPlugin(Object.assign({ filename: this.getFileName('css') // When using optimization.splitChunks and there are // extracted chunks in the commons chunk, // allChunks *must* be set to true // TODO: For nuxt this makes duplicate css assets! // allChunks: true }, typeof extractCSS === 'object' ? extractCSS : {} ))) } // -------------------------------------- // Dev specific config // -------------------------------------- if ( { // Add HMR support config.entry = [ // `webpack-hot-middleware/client?name=client&reload=true&timeout=30000&path=${ this.options.router.base }/__webpack_hmr`.replace(/\/\//g, '/'), config.entry ] // HMR config.plugins.push(new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin()) } // -------------------------------------- // Production specific config // -------------------------------------- if (! { // Chunks size limit // if ( { config.plugins.push( new webpack.optimize.AggressiveSplittingPlugin({ minSize:, maxSize: }) ) } // if (! { config.plugins.push(new StylishPlugin()) } // Webpack Bundle Analyzer if ( { config.plugins.push( new BundleAnalyzerPlugin(Object.assign({}, ) } } // Extend config if (typeof === 'function') { const isDev = const extendedConfig =, config, { isDev, isClient: true }) // Only overwrite config when something is returned for backwards compatibility if (extendedConfig !== undefined) { config = extendedConfig } } return config }