import Vue from 'vue' import Vuex from 'vuex' Vue.use(Vuex) const VUEX_PROPERTIES = ['state', 'getters', 'actions', 'mutations'] let store = {} let fileResolver void (function updateModules() { fileResolver = require.context('@/<%= %>', true, /^\.\/(?!<%= ignorePrefix %>)[^.]+\.(<%= extensions %>)$/) // Paths are sorted from low to high priority (for overwriting properties) const paths = fileResolver.keys().sort((p1, p2) => { let res = p1.split('/').length - p2.split('/').length if (res === 0 && p1.includes('/index.')) { res = -1 } else if (res === 0 && p2.includes('/index.')) { res = 1 } return res }) // Check if {}/index.js exists const indexPath = paths.find(path => path.includes('./index.')) if (indexPath) { store = requireModule(indexPath, { isRoot: true }) } // If store is an exported method = classic mode (deprecated) if (typeof store === 'function') { const log = (process.server ? require('consola') : console) return log.warn('Classic mode for store/ is deprecated and will be removed in Nuxt 3.') } // Enforce store modules store.modules = store.modules || {} for (const path of paths) { // Remove store path + extension (./foo/index.js -> foo/index) const namespace = path.replace(/^\.\//, '').replace(/\.(<%= extensions %>)$/, '') // Ignore indexFile, handled before if (namespace === 'index') { continue } const namespaces = namespace.split('/') let moduleName = namespaces[namespaces.length - 1] const moduleData = requireModule(path, { isState: moduleName === 'state' }) // If path is a known Vuex property if (VUEX_PROPERTIES.includes(moduleName)) { const property = moduleName const storeModule = getStoreModule(store, namespaces, { isProperty: true }) // Replace state since it's a function mergeProperty(storeModule, moduleData, property) continue } // If file is foo/index.js, it should be saved as foo const isIndexModule = (moduleName === 'index') if (isIndexModule) { namespaces.pop() moduleName = namespaces[namespaces.length - 1] } const storeModule = getStoreModule(store, namespaces) for (const property of VUEX_PROPERTIES) { mergeProperty(storeModule, moduleData[property], property) } } // If the environment supports hot reloading... <% if (isDev) { %> if (process.client && { // Whenever any Vuex module is updated..., () => { // Update `root.modules` with the latest definitions. updateModules() // Trigger a hot update in the store. window.<%= globals.nuxt %>.$store.hotUpdate(store) }) }<% } %> })() // createStore export const createStore = store instanceof Function ? store : () => { return new Vuex.Store(Object.assign({ strict: (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') }, store)) } // Dynamically require module function requireModule(path, { isRoot = false, isState = false } = {}) { const file = fileResolver(path) const moduleData = file.default || file if (isState && typeof moduleData !== 'function') { return () => moduleData } if (isRoot && moduleData.commit) { throw new Error('[nuxt] <%= %>/' + path.replace('./', '') + ' should export a method which returns a Vuex instance.') } if (isRoot && typeof moduleData !== 'function') { // Avoid TypeError: setting a property that has only a getter when overwriting top level keys const state = moduleData.state && typeof moduleData.state !== 'function' ? (() => state) : moduleData.state return Object.assign({}, moduleData, { state }) } return moduleData } function getStoreModule(storeModule, namespaces, { isProperty = false } = {}) { // If ./mutations.js if (!namespaces.length || (isProperty && namespaces.length === 1)) { return storeModule } const namespace = namespaces.shift() storeModule.modules[namespace] = storeModule.modules[namespace] || {} storeModule.modules[namespace].namespaced = true storeModule.modules[namespace].modules = storeModule.modules[namespace].modules || {} return getStoreModule(storeModule.modules[namespace], namespaces, { isProperty }) } function mergeProperty(storeModule, moduleData, property) { if (!moduleData) return if (property === 'state') { storeModule.state = moduleData || storeModule.state } else { storeModule[property] = Object.assign({}, storeModule[property], moduleData) } }