import { resolve } from 'path' import consola from 'consola' import spawn from 'cross-spawn' import { existsSync, readJSONSync, writeFile, copy, remove } from 'fs-extra' import _ from 'lodash' // eslint-disable-next-line import/named import { rollup, watch } from 'rollup' import _glob from 'glob' import pify from 'pify' import { sortPackageJson } from 'sort-package-json' import rollupConfig from './rollup.config' import { builtins } from './builtins' const DEFAULTS = { rootDir: process.cwd(), pkgPath: 'package.json', configPath: 'package.js', distDir: 'dist', build: false, suffix: process.env.PACKAGE_SUFFIX ? `-${process.env.PACKAGE_SUFFIX}` : '', hooks: {} } const glob = pify(_glob) const sortObjectKeys = obj => _(obj).toPairs().sortBy(0).fromPairs().value() export default class Package { constructor (options) { // Assign options this.options = Object.assign({}, DEFAULTS, options) // Basic logger this.logger = consola // Init (sync) this._init() } _init () { // Try to read package.json this.readPkg() // Use tagged logger this.logger = consola.withTag( // Try to load config this.loadConfig() } resolvePath (...args) { return resolve(this.options.rootDir, ...args) } readPkg () { this.pkg = readJSONSync(this.resolvePath(this.options.pkgPath)) } loadConfig () { const configPath = this.resolvePath(this.options.configPath) if (existsSync(configPath)) { let config = require(configPath) config = config.default || config Object.assign(this.options, config) } } async callHook (name, ...args) { let fns = this.options.hooks[name] if (!fns) { return } if (!Array.isArray(fns)) { fns = [fns] } for (const fn of fns) { await fn(this, ...args) } } load (relativePath, opts) { return new Package(Object.assign({ rootDir: this.resolvePath(relativePath) }, opts)) } async writePackage () { if (this.options.sortDependencies) { this.sortDependencies() } const pkgPath = this.resolvePath(this.options.pkgPath) this.logger.debug('Writing', pkgPath) await writeFile(pkgPath, JSON.stringify(this.pkg, null, 2) + '\n') } generateVersion () { const date = Math.round( / (1000 * 60)) const gitCommit = this.gitShortCommit() const baseVersion = this.pkg.version.split('-')[0] this.pkg.version = `${baseVersion}-${date}.${gitCommit}` } tryRequire (id) { try { return require(id) } catch (e) { } } suffixAndVersion () {`Adding suffix ${this.options.suffix}`) const oldPkgName = // Add suffix to the package name if (!oldPkgName.includes(this.options.suffix)) { += this.options.suffix } // Apply suffix to all linkedDependencies if (this.pkg.dependencies) { for (const oldName of (this.options.linkedDependencies || [])) { if (!this.pkg.dependencies[oldName]) { continue } const name = oldName + this.options.suffix const version = this.pkg.dependencies[oldName] || this.pkg.dependencies[name] delete this.pkg.dependencies[oldName] this.pkg.dependencies[name] = version } } if (typeof this.pkg.bin === 'string') { const { bin } = this.pkg this.pkg.bin = { [oldPkgName]: bin, []: bin } } this.generateVersion() } syncLinkedDependencies () { // Apply suffix to all linkedDependencies for (const _name of (this.options.linkedDependencies || [])) { const name = _name + (this.options.suffix || '') // Try to read pkg const pkg = this.tryRequire(`${name}/package.json`) || this.tryRequire(`${_name}/package.json`) // Skip if pkg or dependency not found if (!pkg || !this.pkg.dependencies || !this.pkg.dependencies[name]) { continue } // Current version const currentVersion = this.pkg.dependencies[name] const caret = currentVersion[0] === '^' // Sync version this.pkg.dependencies[name] = caret ? `^${pkg.version}` : pkg.version } } async getWorkspacePackages () { const packages = [] for (const workspace of this.pkg.workspaces || []) { const dirs = await glob(workspace) for (const dir of dirs) { if (existsSync(this.resolvePath(dir, 'package.json'))) { const pkg = new Package({ rootDir: this.resolvePath(dir) }) packages.push(pkg) } else { consola.warn('Invalid workspace package:', dir) } } } return packages } async build (_watch = false) { // Externals const externals = [ // Dependencies that will be installed alongise with the nuxt package ...Object.keys(this.pkg.dependencies || {}), // Builtin node modules ...builtins, // Custom externals ...(this.options.externals || []) ] // Prepare rollup config const config = { rootDir: this.options.rootDir, alias: {}, replace: {}, externals, ...this.options.rollup } // Replace linkedDependencies with their suffixed version if (this.options.suffix && this.options.suffix.length) { for (const _name of (this.options.linkedDependencies || [])) { const name = _name + this.options.suffix config.replace[`'${_name}'`] = `'${name}'` config.alias[_name] = name } } // Allow extending config await this.callHook('build:extend', { config }) // Create rollup config const _rollupConfig = rollupConfig(config, this.pkg) // Allow extending rollup config await this.callHook('build:extendRollup', { rollupConfig: _rollupConfig }) if (_watch) { // Watch const watcher = watch(_rollupConfig) watcher.on('event', (event) => { switch (event.code) { // The watcher is (re)starting case 'START': return this.logger.debug('Watching for changes') // Building an individual bundle case 'BUNDLE_START': return this.logger.debug('Building bundle') // Finished building a bundle case 'BUNDLE_END': return // Finished building all bundles case 'END': return this.logger.success('Bundle built') // Encountered an error while bundling case 'ERROR': this.formatError(event.error) return this.logger.error(event.error) // Unknown event default: return } }) } else { // Build'Building bundle') try { const bundle = await rollup(_rollupConfig) await remove(_rollupConfig.output.dir) const result = await bundle.write(_rollupConfig.output) this.logger.success('Bundle built') await this.callHook('build:done', { bundle }) // Analyze bundle imports against pkg const dependencies = Object.keys(this.pkg.dependencies || {}) const imports = [].concat( => o.imports)) const missingDependencies = imports .filter(i => !i.endsWith('.js')) // dynamic imports .filter(i => !dependencies.includes(i) && !externals.find(e => i.startsWith(e))) if (missingDependencies.length) { throw new Error(`Missing dependencies in ${}: ` + missingDependencies.join(', ')) } const ignoreUnused = this.options.ignoreUnused || [] const stripEdge = s => s.replace(/-edge$/, '') const unusedDependencies = dependencies.filter(d => !imports.find(i => i.startsWith(d)) && !ignoreUnused.includes(stripEdge(d)) ) if (unusedDependencies.length) { throw new Error(`Unused dependencies in ${}: ` + unusedDependencies.join(', ')) } } catch (err) { this.formatError(err) throw err } } } formatError (error) { let loc = this.options.rootDir if (error.loc) { const { file, column, line } = error.loc loc = `${file}:${line}:${column}` } error.message = `[${error.code || ''}] ${error.message}\nat ${loc}` return error } watch () { return } publish (tag = 'latest') {`publishing ${}@${this.pkg.version} with tag ${tag}`) this.exec('npm', `publish --tag ${tag}`) } copyFieldsFrom (source, fields = []) { for (const field of fields) { this.pkg[field] = source.pkg[field] } } async copyFilesFrom (source, files) { for (const file of files || source.pkg.files || []) { const src = resolve(source.options.rootDir, file) const dst = resolve(this.options.rootDir, file) await copy(src, dst) } } autoFix () { this.pkg = sortPackageJson(this.pkg) this.sortDependencies() } sortDependencies () { if (this.pkg.dependencies) { this.pkg.dependencies = sortObjectKeys(this.pkg.dependencies) } if (this.pkg.devDependencies) { this.pkg.devDependencies = sortObjectKeys(this.pkg.devDependencies) } } exec (command, args, silent = false) { const r = spawn.sync(command, args.split(' '), { cwd: this.options.rootDir, env: process.env }) if (!silent) { const fullCommand = command + ' ' + args if (r.error) { this.logger.error(fullCommand, r.error) } else { this.logger.success(fullCommand, r.output) } } return { error: r.error, pid:, status: r.status, signal: r.signal, stdout: String(r.stdout).trim(), stderr: String(r.stderr).trim(), output: (r.output || []) .map(l => String(l).trim()) .filter(l => l.length) .join('\n') } } gitShortCommit () { const { stdout } = this.exec('git', 'rev-parse --short HEAD', true) return stdout.trim().substring(0, 7) // 7 to be consistent with github and nuxt3 } gitBranch () { const { stdout } = this.exec('git', 'rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD', true) return stdout } }