--- title: 'prerenderRoutes' description: prerenderRoutes hints to Nitro to prerender an additional route. links: - label: Source icon: i-simple-icons-github to: https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/main/packages/nuxt/src/app/composables/ssr.ts size: xs --- When prerendering, you can hint to Nitro to prerender additional paths, even if their URLs do not show up in the HTML of the generated page. ::important `prerenderRoutes` can only be called within the [Nuxt context](/docs/guide/going-further/nuxt-app#the-nuxt-context). :: ::note `prerenderRoutes` has to be executed during prerendering. If the `prerenderRoutes` is used in dynamic pages/routes which are not prerendered, then it will not be executed. :: ```js const route = useRoute() prerenderRoutes('/') prerenderRoutes(['/', '/about']) ``` ::note In the browser, or if called outside prerendering, `prerenderRoutes` will have no effect. :: You can even prerender API routes which is particularly useful for full statically generated sites (SSG) because you can then `$fetch` data as if you have an available server! ```js prerenderRoutes('/api/content/article/name-of-article') // Somewhere later in App const articleContent = await $fetch('/api/content/article/name-of-article', { responseType: 'json', }) ``` ::warning Prerendered API routes in production may not return the expected response headers, depending on the provider you deploy to. For example, a JSON response might be served with an `application/octet-stream` content type. Always manually set `responseType` when fetching prerendered API routes. ::