import process from 'node:process' import destr from 'destr' import { snakeCase } from 'scule' import { klona } from 'klona' import defu from 'defu' import { useNuxt } from './context' import { useNitro } from './nitro' /** * Access 'resolved' Nuxt runtime configuration, with values updated from environment. * * This mirrors the runtime behavior of Nitro. */ export function useRuntimeConfig () { const nuxt = useNuxt() return applyEnv(klona(nuxt.options.nitro.runtimeConfig!), { prefix: 'NITRO_', altPrefix: 'NUXT_', envExpansion: nuxt.options.nitro.experimental?.envExpansion ?? !!process.env.NITRO_ENV_EXPANSION, }) } /** * Update Nuxt runtime configuration. */ export function updateRuntimeConfig (runtimeConfig: Record) { const nuxt = useNuxt() Object.assign(nuxt.options.nitro.runtimeConfig as Record, defu(runtimeConfig, nuxt.options.nitro.runtimeConfig)) try { return useNitro().updateConfig({ runtimeConfig }) } catch { // Nitro is not yet initialised - we can safely ignore this error } } /** * * * These utils will be replaced by util exposed from nitropack. See * for more context and future plans.) * * @internal */ type EnvOptions = { prefix?: string altPrefix?: string envExpansion?: boolean } function getEnv (key: string, opts: EnvOptions, env = process.env) { const envKey = snakeCase(key).toUpperCase() return destr( env[opts.prefix + envKey] ?? env[opts.altPrefix + envKey], ) } function _isObject (input: unknown) { return typeof input === 'object' && !Array.isArray(input) } function applyEnv ( obj: Record, opts: EnvOptions, parentKey = '', ) { for (const key in obj) { const subKey = parentKey ? `${parentKey}_${key}` : key const envValue = getEnv(subKey, opts) if (_isObject(obj[key])) { // Same as before if (_isObject(envValue)) { obj[key] = { ...(obj[key] as any), ...(envValue as any) } applyEnv(obj[key], opts, subKey) } else if (envValue === undefined) { // If envValue is undefined // Then proceed to nested properties applyEnv(obj[key], opts, subKey) } else { // If envValue is a primitive other than undefined // Then set objValue and ignore the nested properties obj[key] = envValue ?? obj[key] } } else { obj[key] = envValue ?? obj[key] } // Experimental env expansion if (opts.envExpansion && typeof obj[key] === 'string') { obj[key] = _expandFromEnv(obj[key]) } } return obj } const envExpandRx = /\{\{([^{}]*)\}\}/g function _expandFromEnv (value: string, env: Record = process.env) { return value.replace(envExpandRx, (match, key) => { return env[key] || match }) }