import { Nuxt, Builder, Utils } from '..' import { uniq } from 'lodash' import rp from 'request-promise-native' import { loadConfig } from './helpers/config' const port = 4008 let nuxt = null // Utils const range = n => [...Array(n).keys()] const FOOBAR_REGEX = /([\s\S]*)<\/foobar>/ const match = (regex, text) => (regex.exec(text) || [])[1] const url = route => 'http://localhost:' + port + route // const isWindows = /^win/.test(process.platform) describe('ssr', () => { // Init nuxt.js and create server listening on localhost:4000 beforeAll(async () => { const config = loadConfig('ssr') nuxt = new Nuxt(config) new Builder(nuxt).build() await nuxt.listen(port, 'localhost') }, 30000) // == Uniq Test == // The idea behind is pages using a shared nextId() which returns an incrementing id // So all responses should strictly be different and length of unique responses should equal to responses // We strictly compare {id} section // Because other response parts such as window.__NUXT may be different resulting false positive passes. const uniqueTest = async (t, url) => { let results = [] await Utils.parallel(range(5), async () => { let { html } = await nuxt.renderRoute(url) let foobar = match(FOOBAR_REGEX, html) results.push(parseInt(foobar)) }) let isUnique = uniq(results).length === results.length if (!isUnique) { /* eslint-disable no-console */ console.log(url + '\n' + results.join(', ') + '\n') } expect(isUnique).toBe(true) return results } test('unique responses with data()', async () => { await uniqueTest('/data') }) test('unique responses with component', async () => { await uniqueTest('/component') }) test('unique responses with async components', async () => { await uniqueTest('/asyncComponent') }) test('unique responses with asyncData()', async () => { await uniqueTest('/asyncData') }) test('unique responses with store initial state', async () => { await uniqueTest('/store') }) test('unique responses with nuxtServerInit', async () => { await uniqueTest('/store?onServerInit=1') }) test('unique responses with fetch', async () => { await uniqueTest('/fetch') }) // == Stress Test == // The idea of this test is to ensure there is no memory or data leak during SSR requests // Or pending promises/sockets and function calls. // Related issue: const stressTest = async (t, _url, concurrency = 2, steps = 4) => { let statusCodes = {} await Utils.sequence(range(steps), async () => { await Utils.parallel(range(concurrency), async () => { let response = await rp(url(_url), { resolveWithFullResponse: true }) // Status Code let code = response.statusCode if (!statusCodes[code]) { statusCodes[code] = 0 } statusCodes[code]++ }) }) expect(statusCodes[200]).toBe(concurrency * steps) } test('stress test with asyncData', async () => { await stressTest('/asyncData') }) // Close server and ask nuxt to stop listening to file changes test('Closing server and nuxt.js', async () => { await nuxt.close() }) })