// Add polyfill imports to the first file encountered. const { addSideEffect } = require('@babel/helper-module-imports') const modulePathMap = { 'regenerator-runtime': 'regenerator-runtime/runtime.js' } function getModulePath (mod) { return modulePathMap[mod] || 'core-js/modules/' + mod + '.js' } function createImport (path, mod) { return addSideEffect(path, getModulePath(mod)) } module.exports = ({ types }) => { let entryFile return { name: 'inject-polyfills', visitor: { Program (path, state) { if (!entryFile) { entryFile = state.filename } else if (state.filename !== entryFile) { return } const { polyfills } = state.opts // Imports are injected in reverse order polyfills.slice().reverse().forEach((p) => { createImport(path, p) }) } } } }