import { statSync } from 'node:fs' import { relative, resolve } from 'pathe' import { defineNuxtModule, resolveAlias, addTemplate, addPluginTemplate, updateTemplates } from '@nuxt/kit' import { distDir } from '../dirs' import { clientFallbackAutoIdPlugin } from './client-fallback-auto-id' import { componentsPluginTemplate, componentsTemplate, componentsIslandsTemplate, componentsTypeTemplate } from './templates' import { scanComponents } from './scan' import { loaderPlugin } from './loader' import { TreeShakeTemplatePlugin } from './tree-shake' import type { Component, ComponentsDir, ComponentsOptions } from 'nuxt/schema' const isPureObjectOrString = (val: any) => (!Array.isArray(val) && typeof val === 'object') || typeof val === 'string' const isDirectory = (p: string) => { try { return statSync(p).isDirectory() } catch (_e) { return false } } function compareDirByPathLength ({ path: pathA }: { path: string }, { path: pathB }: { path: string }) { return pathB.split(/[\\/]/).filter(Boolean).length - pathA.split(/[\\/]/).filter(Boolean).length } const DEFAULT_COMPONENTS_DIRS_RE = /\/components(\/global|\/islands)?$/ type getComponentsT = (mode?: 'client' | 'server' | 'all') => Component[] export default defineNuxtModule({ meta: { name: 'components', configKey: 'components' }, defaults: { dirs: [] }, setup (componentOptions, nuxt) { let componentDirs: ComponentsDir[] = [] const context = { components: [] as Component[] } const getComponents: getComponentsT = (mode) => { return (mode && mode !== 'all') ? context.components.filter(c => c.mode === mode || c.mode === 'all') : context.components } const normalizeDirs = (dir: any, cwd: string): ComponentsDir[] => { if (Array.isArray(dir)) { return => normalizeDirs(dir, cwd)).flat().sort(compareDirByPathLength) } if (dir === true || dir === undefined) { return [ { path: resolve(cwd, 'components/islands'), island: true }, { path: resolve(cwd, 'components/global'), global: true }, { path: resolve(cwd, 'components') } ] } if (typeof dir === 'string') { return [ { path: resolve(cwd, resolveAlias(dir)) } ] } if (!dir) { return [] } const dirs: ComponentsDir[] = (dir.dirs || [dir]).map((dir: any): ComponentsDir => typeof dir === 'string' ? { path: dir } : dir).filter((_dir: ComponentsDir) => _dir.path) return => ({ ..._dir, path: resolve(cwd, resolveAlias(_dir.path)) })) } // Resolve dirs nuxt.hook('app:resolve', async () => { // components/ dirs from all layers const allDirs = nuxt.options._layers .map(layer => normalizeDirs(layer.config.components, layer.config.srcDir)) .flat() await nuxt.callHook('components:dirs', allDirs) componentDirs = allDirs.filter(isPureObjectOrString).map((dir) => { const dirOptions: ComponentsDir = typeof dir === 'object' ? dir : { path: dir } const dirPath = resolveAlias(dirOptions.path) const transpile = typeof dirOptions.transpile === 'boolean' ? dirOptions.transpile : 'auto' const extensions = (dirOptions.extensions || nuxt.options.extensions).map(e => e.replace(/^\./g, '')) const present = isDirectory(dirPath) if (!present && !DEFAULT_COMPONENTS_DIRS_RE.test(dirOptions.path)) { console.warn('Components directory not found: `' + dirPath + '`') } return { global:, ...dirOptions, // TODO: enabled: true, path: dirPath, extensions, pattern: dirOptions.pattern || `**/*.{${extensions.join(',')},}`, ignore: [ '**/*{M,.m,-m}ixin.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}', // ignore mixins '**/*.d.ts', // .d.ts files ...(dirOptions.ignore || []) ], transpile: (transpile === 'auto' ? dirPath.includes('node_modules') : transpile) } }).filter(d => d.enabled) componentDirs = [ ...componentDirs.filter(dir => !dir.path.includes('node_modules')), ...componentDirs.filter(dir => dir.path.includes('node_modules')) ]!.transpile!.push(...componentDirs.filter(dir => dir.transpile).map(dir => dir.path)) }) // components.d.ts addTemplate({ ...componentsTypeTemplate, options: { getComponents } }) // components.plugin.mjs addPluginTemplate({ ...componentsPluginTemplate, options: { getComponents } } as any) // components.server.mjs addTemplate({ ...componentsTemplate, filename: 'components.server.mjs', options: { getComponents, mode: 'server' } }) // components.client.mjs addTemplate({ ...componentsTemplate, filename: 'components.client.mjs', options: { getComponents, mode: 'client' } }) // components.islands.mjs if (nuxt.options.experimental.componentIslands) { addTemplate({ ...componentsIslandsTemplate, filename: 'components.islands.mjs', options: { getComponents } }) } else { addTemplate({ filename: 'components.islands.mjs', getContents: () => 'export default {}' }) } nuxt.hook('vite:extendConfig', (config, { isClient }) => { const mode = isClient ? 'client' : 'server' ; (config.resolve!.alias as any)['#components'] = resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, `components.${mode}.mjs`) }) nuxt.hook('webpack:config', (configs) => { for (const config of configs) { const mode = === 'server' ? 'server' : 'client' ; (config.resolve!.alias as any)['#components'] = resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, `components.${mode}.mjs`) } }) // Do not prefetch global components chunks nuxt.hook('build:manifest', (manifest) => { const sourceFiles = getComponents().filter(c => => relative(nuxt.options.srcDir, c.filePath)) for (const key in manifest) { if (manifest[key].isEntry) { manifest[key].dynamicImports = manifest[key].dynamicImports?.filter(i => !sourceFiles.includes(i)) } } }) // Scan components and add to plugin nuxt.hook('app:templates', async () => { const newComponents = await scanComponents(componentDirs, nuxt.options.srcDir!) await nuxt.callHook('components:extend', newComponents) // add server placeholder for .client components server side. issue: #7085 for (const component of newComponents) { if (component.mode === 'client' && !newComponents.some(c => c.pascalName === component.pascalName && c.mode === 'server')) { newComponents.push({ ...component, mode: 'server', filePath: resolve(distDir, 'app/components/server-placeholder'), chunkName: 'components/' + component.kebabName }) } } context.components = newComponents }) nuxt.hook('prepare:types', ({ references, tsConfig }) => { tsConfig.compilerOptions!.paths['#components'] = [relative(nuxt.options.rootDir, resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'components'))] references.push({ path: resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'components.d.ts') }) }) // Watch for changes nuxt.hook('builder:watch', async (event, path) => { if (!['add', 'unlink'].includes(event)) { return } const fPath = resolve(nuxt.options.srcDir, path) if (componentDirs.find(dir => fPath.startsWith(dir.path))) { await updateTemplates({ filter: template => [ 'components.plugin.mjs', 'components.d.ts', 'components.server.mjs', 'components.client.mjs' ].includes(template.filename) }) } }) nuxt.hook('vite:extendConfig', (config, { isClient, isServer }) => { const mode = isClient ? 'client' : 'server' config.plugins = config.plugins || [] if (nuxt.options.experimental.treeshakeClientOnly && isServer) { config.plugins.push(TreeShakeTemplatePlugin.vite({ sourcemap: nuxt.options.sourcemap[mode], getComponents })) } config.plugins.push(clientFallbackAutoIdPlugin.vite({ sourcemap: nuxt.options.sourcemap[mode], rootDir: nuxt.options.rootDir })) config.plugins.push(loaderPlugin.vite({ sourcemap: nuxt.options.sourcemap[mode], getComponents, mode, transform: typeof nuxt.options.components === 'object' && !Array.isArray(nuxt.options.components) ? nuxt.options.components.transform : undefined, experimentalComponentIslands: nuxt.options.experimental.componentIslands })) }) nuxt.hook('webpack:config', (configs) => { configs.forEach((config) => { const mode = === 'client' ? 'client' : 'server' config.plugins = config.plugins || [] if (nuxt.options.experimental.treeshakeClientOnly && mode === 'server') { config.plugins.push(TreeShakeTemplatePlugin.webpack({ sourcemap: nuxt.options.sourcemap[mode], getComponents })) } config.plugins.push(clientFallbackAutoIdPlugin.webpack({ sourcemap: nuxt.options.sourcemap[mode], rootDir: nuxt.options.rootDir })) config.plugins.push(loaderPlugin.webpack({ sourcemap: nuxt.options.sourcemap[mode], getComponents, mode, transform: typeof nuxt.options.components === 'object' && !Array.isArray(nuxt.options.components) ? nuxt.options.components.transform : undefined, experimentalComponentIslands: nuxt.options.experimental.componentIslands })) }) }) } })