// @ts-check import { declare } from '@babel/helper-plugin-utils' import { types as t } from '@babel/core' // inlined from https://github.com/danielroe/errx function captureStackTrace () { const IS_ABSOLUTE_RE = /^[/\\](?![/\\])|^[/\\]{2}(?!\.)|^[a-z]:[/\\]/i const LINE_RE = /^\s+at (?:(?[^)]+) \()?(?[^)]+)\)?$/u const SOURCE_RE = /^(?.+):(?\d+):(?\d+)$/u if (!Error.captureStackTrace) { return [] } // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/error-message const stack = new Error() Error.captureStackTrace(stack) const trace = [] for (const line of stack.stack?.split('\n') || []) { const parsed = LINE_RE.exec(line)?.groups if (!parsed) { continue } if (!parsed.source) { continue } const parsedSource = SOURCE_RE.exec(parsed.source)?.groups if (parsedSource) { Object.assign(parsed, parsedSource) } if (IS_ABSOLUTE_RE.test(parsed.source)) { parsed.source = `file://${parsed.source}` } if (parsed.source === import.meta.url) { continue } for (const key of ['line', 'column']) { if (parsed[key]) { // @ts-expect-error parsed[key] = Number(parsed[key]) } } trace.push(parsed) } return trace } export const leading = ` const ___captureStackTrace = ${captureStackTrace.toString()}; globalThis.___calls = {}; globalThis.___timings = {}; globalThis.___callers = {};` function onExit () { if (globalThis.___logged) { return } globalThis.___logged = true // worst by total time const timings = Object.entries(globalThis.___timings) const topFunctionsTotalTime = timings .sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]) .slice(0, 10) .map(([name, time]) => ({ name, time: Number(Number(time).toFixed(2)), calls: globalThis.___calls[name], callers: globalThis.___callers[name] && Object.entries(globalThis.___callers[name]).map(([name, count]) => `${name.trim()} (${count})`).join(', '), })) // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log('Top 10 functions by total time:') // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.table(topFunctionsTotalTime) // worst by average time (excluding single calls) const topFunctionsAverageTime = timings .filter(([name]) => (globalThis.___calls[name] || 0) > 1) .map(([name, time]) => [name, time / (globalThis.___calls[name] || 1)]) // @ts-expect-error .sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]) .slice(0, 10) .map(([name, time]) => ({ name, time: Number(Number(time).toFixed(2)), calls: name && globalThis.___calls[name], callers: name && globalThis.___callers[name] && Object.entries(globalThis.___callers[name]).sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]).map(([name, count]) => `${name.trim()} (${count})`).join(', '), })) // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log('Top 10 functions by average time:') // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.table(topFunctionsAverageTime) } export const trailing = `process.on("exit", ${onExit.toString()})` /** @param {string} functionName */ export function generateInitCode (functionName) { return ` ___calls.${functionName} = (___calls.${functionName} || 0) + 1; ___timings.${functionName} ||= 0; const ___now = Date.now();` } /** @param {string} functionName */ export function generateFinallyCode (functionName) { return ` ___timings.${functionName} += Date.now() - ___now; try { const ___callee = ___captureStackTrace()[1]?.function; if (___callee) { ___callers.${functionName} ||= {}; ___callers.${functionName}[' ' + ___callee] = (___callers.${functionName}[' ' + ___callee] || 0) + 1; } } catch {}` } export default declare((api) => { api.assertVersion(7) return { name: 'annotate-function-timings', visitor: { Program (path) { path.unshiftContainer('body', t.expressionStatement(t.identifier(leading))) path.pushContainer('body', t.expressionStatement(t.identifier(trailing))) }, FunctionDeclaration (path) { const functionName = path.node.id?.name const start = path.get('body').get('body')[0] const end = path.get('body').get('body').pop() if (!functionName || ['createJiti', '___captureStackTrace', '_interopRequireDefault'].includes(functionName) || !start || !end) { return } const initCode = generateInitCode(functionName) const finallyCode = generateFinallyCode(functionName) const originalCode = path.get('body').get('body').map(statement => statement.node) path.get('body').get('body').forEach(statement => statement.remove()) path.get('body').unshiftContainer('body', t.expressionStatement(t.identifier(initCode))) path.get('body').pushContainer('body', t.tryStatement( t.blockStatement(originalCode), t.catchClause(t.identifier('e'), t.blockStatement([])), t.blockStatement([t.expressionStatement(t.identifier(finallyCode))]), )) }, }, } })