export default function ({ isHMR, app, store, route, params, error, redirect }) { const defaultLocale = app.i18n.fallbackLocale // If middleware is called from hot module replacement, ignore it if (isHMR) return // Get locale from params const locale = params.lang || defaultLocale if (store.state.locales.indexOf(locale) === -1) { return error({ message: 'This page could not be found.', statusCode: 404 }) } // Set locale store.commit('SET_LANG', locale) app.i18n.locale = store.state.locale // If route is /<defaultLocale>/... -> redirect to /... if (locale === defaultLocale && route.fullPath.indexOf('/' + defaultLocale) === 0) { const toReplace = '^/' + defaultLocale + (route.fullPath.indexOf('/' + defaultLocale + '/') === 0 ? '/' : '') const re = new RegExp(toReplace) return redirect( route.fullPath.replace(re, '/') ) } }